Chapter 1-2

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Two days of hard, unrewarding work later, and Andy's where he always is, at the bench in his work, cutting up logs with his chainsaw, his earmuffs protecting his ears. The other men around him copy his movements, cutting up the long logs into smaller slabs and then those smaller slabs into planks. His clothes are covered in sawdust and some of the dust blows into his collar and tickles painfully at his skin.

That morning, a small troupe of perhaps 50 warriors had made their way into the Capital. They had worn long pants and light coloured shirts, not like the one that Andy wore, but of much better quality. They had worn chainmail shirts and coats over the chainmail, emblazoned with a crossed sword and bow, the symbol of an army that was in charge of the land on the other side of the Nicene River. Their General, a man with strong cheekbones and short brown hair, standing slightly taller than average, had walked in the middle of them as they marched to the castle, presumably to meet with the squids. Andy and his team had been moving out of the Capital and into the forest to fell another tree. There was always a need for trees.

Andy kills the chainsaw as he successfully cuts through the log. He bends down, picking up the round and heavy log and makes his way to the other side of the workshop, where all the other logs are stacked. A loud whistle sounds out over the din of the chainsaws and all noise instantly stops and every eye turns to the boss, standing in the doorway. There was a man behind him, wearing the chainmail and coat that identifies him as belonging to the group of warriors who had marched in that morning.

"Men!" the boss calls, his accent polished like he was a nobleman and not the boss of a lowly lumber mill owned by the squids. "Listen to the warrior."

The boss steps back and the warrior steps forward. He eyes the chainsaws still held in the men's hands, obviously uncomfortable with the presence of the roaring machines. "I am to take the one called Andy to General Mitchell," he says clearly.

Instantly, every eye turns to Andy, who is still holding the log in his arms. Andy shrugs and puts the log down in its place, then walks over to the warrior.

"Be quick," the boss orders to the warrior. "I need him to keep working."

The warrior nods and escorts Andy out of the shop and through the city. The warrior walks stiffly, either unhappy with his errand or uncomfortable with the presence of the man beside him. Andy, for his part, walks loosely, not bothering to attempt to wipe some of the dust and wood chips from his clothes. If this General wanted to see him during his working hours, he would have to deal with Andy not looking his best. Not that the best he looked was much different from how he looks now.

As they walk, Andy tries to recall the name of the army whose General he was seeing. The name General Mitchell was vaguely familiar. What is the army called? Something beginning with B, he thinks. Banjos? Banja? No, Benjas, that was it. General Mitchell of the Benjas. He had seen him before, but he had never left the territory of the Squids.

The warrior turns suddenly, leading Andy off the main street. Confused, Andy follows him, wondering where they were going. He keeps his expression blank of course. He has had a lot of practice doing that. They came to a small building only a little off the main street with half a dozen warriors standing out the front, watching. The two standing either side of the door nod to the warrior as he passes, but completely ignore Andy. Andy follows the warrior inside the building. The warrior holds up his hand, signalling for Andy to stop.

"Wait here," he says stiffy before continuing down a hallway. Andy hears a knock on a door and a few low words, then the warrior comes back.

"General Mitchell will see you now."

Once more, Andy follows him, down the hallway and then through a door to a small study-like room. In the room is a desk with the General of the Benjas sitting behind it. There are no other chairs in the room. The warrior leaves and the door is shut behind him. The General says nothing for a moment, leaving Andy standing halfway between the desk and the door. Andy isn't sure what the General wants with a lowly lumberman like him.

"Hello Andy," the General finally says. "I'm General Mitchell of the Benjas."

"Sir," Andy says simply.

The General shifts some papers on his desk. "How long have you lived here in the Capital Andy?" he asks.

"Almos' 11 yers sir," Andy answers.

"And the squids have been in charge for that whole time, correct?"

"Tha's righ' sir."

"Do you remember who was in charge before the squids Andy?"

Andy frowns slightly. "Wha' do yer mean sir?"

The General waves his hand like it's no big deal. "Just wondering. Curiosity is a cruel master. I'm interested in the hierarchy of armies in different parts of the land. Were the squids always in charge here?"

"I don' think so sir," Andy says slowly.

"Who was?"

"Can't exactly remember sir. Twas a long time ago."

General Mitchell leans forward, putting his elbows on the table and leaning his chin on his fists. "I've been asking a few people and they've told me that there was an army called the Sky Army who were in charge before the squids. Does that name jog your memory?"

Andy scratches his head a little. "It migh' sir, now that yer mention it."

"What can you tell me about them?"

Andy shrugs. "Not much. They were agains' th' squids, they were tryin' to keep th' squids away and keep us trapped. We certainly weren' fed and paid like we are now. And lo's of people are happier."

"Is that what you believe Andy?" General Mitchell asks, staring directly at Andy.

"It's wha' we're told. I see no need to question it."

The General nods and goes silent for a little. "Do you have family Andy?" he asks suddenly.

"No, sir. Neva found a woman."

"No relatives?"

Andy shrugs. "Meybe. Neva looked."

The General nods some more. He shuffles some more papers then glances up at Andy. "Thank you, Andy. You may go back to your work."

"Thank yer, sir."

Andy turns and opens the door. The warrior from before is standing to the side, but he doesn't offer to escort Andy back to his work. So Andy walks back alone. He doesn't think about his surprise meeting with General Mitchell, or about the questions he was asked. He just walks until he is back in the lumber mill, and then he picks up his chainsaw, getting back to work. The man beside him stops his chainsaw and yells at Andy to be heard over the din of the engines.

"Wha' did th' General ask yer?" he yells.

"Random stuff," Andy yells back. "I didn' understand wha' 'e was sayin'." He started the engine on his chainsaw and got back to work, cutting up logs like he did every day.

Merry Christmas guys! Or Merry Christmas Eve, if you live on the other side of the world!

Luke 2: 16-20
"So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."

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