December 15, 2017

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Well, since I've done all the battling that I'm going to be doing in the recent Johto x Alola competition (I went 5-0, technically 5-1 because my internet disconnected me out of a win xD), I figured it's high time to show everyone just what kind of shenanigans I pulled.

I wanted to build another Trick Room team, since that's my favorite way to play doubles, and I would say I'm not half bad at it. But this was a test for me, since I had roughly less than a week to prepare while studying for finals, too. But without further ado, I proudly present President Trump's Meme Dream Team.

First of all, what's a Trump-themed team without the good old chap, himself? He's big, he's bad, he's built a wall of fainted Pokemon, and he's making you pay for it! Introducing:

EV's: 4 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Special Defense @ Brave Nature

Why the Assault Vest, you ask? Well, the purpose of this guy is to aid setting up Trick Room. And Mega Charizard Y has a field day nuking both of my setters. This guy packs Fake Out to incapacitate things that aren't a flying dragon of death for a turn, while his partner gets up Trick Room.

I originally next had Trump's Wall (a Stakataka) as his personal setter, until I discovered a grave weakness in the team. I had no grass coverage! So, to fix that, I've created a nice little joke set known as the Tree of Memes- continually Harvesting Sitrus Berries and memes until the end of time.

Evs: 252 HP, 4 Special Attack, 52 Defense, 196 Special Defense @ Sassy Nature.

This guy, where can I start? He's EV'd to take Moonblast from Tapu Lele (or psychic under it's terrain), set up Trick Room, and then do almost 3/4 of it's health with Wood Hammer. It also has the bonus of destroying every Kartana and Celesteela ever with flamethrower + chip damage (in Cele's case).

Next, we have our President's favorite lovable meme dog of much bork, Gabe.

Evs: 150 HP, 196 Attack, 164 Special Defense @ Adamant Nature.

Gabe's function on this team is simple. Nuke the everliving crap out of Mega Metagross, a HUGE threat to this team with Tapu Lele right next to it. It can live the Zen Headbutt in spades and respond by erasing it with Firium Z. This EV spread was sort of experimental for me, as I was trying to give him bulk to tank special hits, while also having enough attack to do damage in return, notably OHKOing physically defensive Alolan Muk after a tiny bit of chip, as well.

With those three locked in, I next wanted to find a defensive water type to complete my FWG core, while also combatting and counterleading Tapu Koko and Lele. Enter Tapu Fini herself.

EV's: 244 HP, 148 Defense, 68 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense, 44 Speed @ Calm Nature

Now, you may be asking yourself, what is Tapu Fini doing on a Trump-themed team? And I would direct you no further than the Pokedex entries for it. "Although it's a guardian deity, terrible calamaties sometimes befall those who recklessly approach Tapu Fini." Now, we can only hope this happens to the other team and not our Meme Dream Team, because her presence here will probably confuse everyone. The EV's are pretty standard for VGC Fini, but if you're curious what it does and doesn't live, there's a fantastic article on CM Tapu Fini online. The only thing I did was change the item because she now lives three solar beams from Mega Charizard and can use it as setup fodder, live three Zen Headbutts from Mega Metagross, and live two Leaf Blades from Kartana after a bit of chip.

Now, we come to our second Trick Room setter, the ever-infamous Business Gal. You know, the one that bosses everyone around, Instructing them all day to do whatever Trump says to do? Yea, that one. She's cold, ruthless, and doesn't mind taking a beating before Instructing your doom.

EV's: 252 HP, 140 Defense, 20 Special Attack, 92 Special Defense @ Sassy Nature.
EV's are, once again, quite standard VGC practice- enough to laugh at Tapu Lele and Koko before setting up Trick Room in their faces, enough to take on tough hits like Mega Charizard's Flare Blitz, Mega Metagross's (and Lucario's) Meteor Mash, and Garchomp's Tectonic Rage Earthquake.

Finally, we have our last member of the team, and the one that I'm actually really happy that I found a substantial niche on the team for- the Mawile that everyone knows and loves- Beta. Here, though, yet job is anything but being friendly- after all, she's got an entire administration and a zany President to keep in check all by herself. But at least she's got a second horn-jaw to help get the job done.

EVs: 252 HP, 200 Attack, 56 Special Defense @ Brave Nature.

(And yes, I know. Beta's Nature is actually supposed to be Careful, but I needed her to be slower than the Business Gal for Instruct to work. Her moveset is also different, adopting a more offensive approach to her usual defense of Metal Burst.)

But that's the entire team. The first few iterations of it got horribly mutilated on the Battle Spot. But I played around with it, and I'm rather happy with the result.

(Also, before anyone has an aneurysm about political affiliations, please note that this team's theme is actually supposed to be a joke. I don't actually think Trump is a Hariyama xD)

Until next time,


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