December 23, 2015

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Cedric has recently come down with some sort of unknown illness, and today, symptoms went from bad to worse. He started coughing profusely, and not even time in Beta's maw did anything. Alpha quickly took me aside to discuss what to do, and, we finally decided to see if Xatu knew anything. He packed up a few Apples and other miscellaneous items, and we left, amidst the commotion.
We got to the top of the Hill of the Ancients in a few hours, and, there, Xatu told us that, although he didn't know the disease, itself, that a panacea existed that could cure him. Since Cedric was, technically, a plant, he could absorb the oils from a specific type of herb through his skin. Xatu also told us the location of this herb- the Sacred Ruins. As we hurriedly left, he said that we would need to make a problematic choice in the near future, before turning back to look at the sun again.
Back at the Guild, the situation had gone from bad to worse- Cedric's coughing fits only grow worse, and I think that I hear a rib snap from the intensity of it all. I couldn't help but take pity on his condition.
Poor thing... Don't worry, we'll be back for you with what you need! Count on us!
After entrusting Cedric into the care of the Guild, I round up the rest of the Crusaders, point to a spot on my map that Xatu had marked, and we set out for the Sacred Ruins.
When we get there, the sun is just beginning to set, and I notice that there are tons and tons of Unown carvings written along the walls of the entrance to the ruins. A large stone door stands on top of two vertical hinges- it looks like some sort of mechanism could pull it upwards for entry, but it would require a massive amount of effort to budge it.
Then, I notice a few large buttons on either side of the door. They look heavy enough that it would take someone's entire body weight to keep one pressed. I count the number and realize the problem instantly- there are just enough so that only one of the Crusaders can enter.
My knees buckle- I just know that I'll have to go in there alone at some point. Nevertheless, I hold my smile just long enough for me to command everyone to stand on a switch.
"But what about you?" Photon asks me, his tail twitching curiously.
In response, I point to the writings on the ruins walls and begin to read. Some of the writings are eroded, but I do my best.
"This is the Sacred Ruins. Only the strong may enter- only the strong will leave. The Pokemon here are not like ordinary Pokemon ... exude an aura that absorbs power ... ... ... One final requirement: Only one may enter at a time. These ruins are alive, and those who attempt to break its seal will forfeit their very lives."
A wave of controlled panic echoes through the entire group. Eyes dart back and forth, a few nervous gulps herald the death knell that will send someone in there.
Photon turns to me, and I know he's thinking the same thing.
"You can do this," he says, and I slowly move into position in front of the large door. Before he can push the final switch, though, Beta leaps off of hers.
"Hold on a moment!" The Mawile crosses her arms.
"We're sending Risk into a place that we've never been in... Alone?!"
"Beta..." I shake my head.
"Someone has to do this. If someone needs to go in there and face the hell inside there, let me do it. I don't want you getting hurt by whatever's in there."
She looks at me with concern for a few moments then, finally lowers her head.
"I... You... No...!"
She shakes her head, and a smile crosses her face.
"You can do this, Risk! I believe in you!" she says, planting her whole body weight on her switch.
"Good luck, Risk. You can do this!"
I turn to the looming open cavern in front of me and step inside. The rock wall behind me slams shut, sealing me inside. Darkness quickly covers the entire area, and a few odd cries from the blackness attempt to unnerve me.
Wherever this takes me, I have to see it through. Cedric is counting on me, and so is everyone else!
I take a deep breath and begin to walk into the void around me.

(Wish me luck- I feel like I am going to need it. And, even if this place kills me, just know that I'm not going down without a fight!)

*Five hours after the meeting of Rotom- 2:30 AM, December 24th*

"*bzzt* Look, over there. I think this is the end of the ruins..."
When the Pokemon doesn't get a response, it begins to panic.
"Risk? Risk, where'd you go?!"
In response, I tap on the interior of the washing machine, of which I an currently  inside, and the Rotom calms down.
"Oh... Right," the Pokemon mumbles.
"You're in there... Anyway, you should probably see this."
The Pokemon opens the washing machine's seal, and I slowly crawl out, soaking wet. Blood drips from a few slash marks in my chest, and I struggle to stand up. I had been badly torn up by a group of hungry Pyroar, an incredibly territorial lion-like Pokemon, earlier. The only reason I survived was because of this Rotom's firepower (waterpower?), which had been enough to drive off the Fire-type lions.
"It looks like we've made it to the bottom," Rotom says. I walk around the room slowly, both to flush the water out of my eyes and find the herb that I came here to find. Then, my eyes settle in a small sprout growing out of the back wall. A single purple leaf protrudes from a sleek green stem.
This must be it! There's nothing else that this "panacea" can be!
As quickly as my wounds will allow, I run over to the plant and yank it from the wall. Surprisingly, all it takes is a single strong pull to dislodge the plant, and, in the next second, I am clutching three feet of plant and four feet of roots for dear life.
I turn around to Rotom and ask,
"Well, are you ready to..."
"Hold it right there!" a sly voice echoes from the darkness. I cringe, wondering what could possibly be after me this time.
I don't have to wait long for an answer. Three figures step out of the darkness. The first, easily recognizable as a female red-plumed  Weavile; Second, a Drapion, an enormous black and purple scorpion with massive pincers; and finally, an Arbok, a large purple snake with a grin on its face. None of them seem particularly happy about us being here.
"These are our ruins! Who gave you the right to trespass here?" The Weavile surveys my wounds and smirks.
"But, since you've done so well to get here, I'll make your death as pretty as possible!"
She brandishes a claw and begins to walk towards me. I adopt a fighting stance, but, before I can throw a punch, my legs buckle, and I crash to the ground.
The Weavile looks over me, malice in her eyes.
"Aww, poor thing, did I scare you too hard?"
"Pathetic..." the Drapion roars.
"Or maybe it was the Rotom. Was your little washing machine buddy your life support for all of this? Gahahah!" the Arbok taunts, but, as soon as the Pokemon shuts its mouth, a loud cry of,
"Enough!" pierces the air.
Rotom takes aim at the Weavile with its hose and fires, sending the Weavile a few hundred feet backwards down the corridor. The Drapion and Arbok rush to the Weavile's side, trying to be the first to help her up.
"Lady Weavile?" Drapion asks.
Rotom turns to me.
"Now," it says.
"This is going to be a bit rough for me, and for you, but I need you to hop back inside once more. I have an idea that just might work. I just need you to not drown when I try it. OK?"
The Rotom tries to sound innocent as it beckons to the open door of the washing machine once again. I nod, knowing that the Pokemon's crazy idea is probably my best chance at escape, and painstakingly pull my body over the lip and info the washing machine, making sure that the plant is stored safely in my lack, which I then double-knotted to my arm.
"Now, I need you to hold on tightly. A large amount of water is going to go through there, and your job is to make sure that you don't get overwhelmed."
Before I can ask why, a small hook slides out of the wall. I grab onto it, just as Rotom says,
"I'm getting us out of here!" and points its hose towards the ground, firing a torrent of water that pushes us, washing machine and all, at the roof of the corridor.
Not surprisingly, the rock is not strong enough to handle this amount of trauma, and we are soon carving a hole towards the surface with a washing machine. Rotom, on occasion, makes a few clicking noises that sound like pain to me, but my mind is more focused on the large gushes of water as it flies through the inside of the washing machine to supply our ascent. I am slammed against wall after wall, repeatedly, but my paw never slips off of the hook. I know that I can't let go,not even if my life depended on it.
Rotom continues to carve its way to the surface, and, after about half an hour, I see light bathe in through the glass dome of the washer.
My transport lands with a loud thud against the ground, followed by an electrified gasp from Rotom. I push on the door to the washing machine, and it opens with a creak. Outside, I quickly breathe in a large amount of fresh air, while trying to force the water from my lungs.
The first voice I hear is Beta's.
"Risk!" the Mawile practically squeals with joy, running up to me and hugging me, for the first time in a while, with her arms and not her horn-jaw.
"Risk! You're alive!" she calls, which signals Alpha and Photon to leave their switches and run to me. I think, in the back of my mind, how lucky I am to have comrades that care enough about me to stay here, exposed in the dangerous night, for over five straight hours.
Alpha opens his mouth to ask something, but I cut him off by pulling the plant out of my inundated pack. Luckily, the contents had not been destroyed- only the outside had been soaked with water. However, before anyone can begin cheering, I turn to the group of Crusaders.
"Quickly, we need to take this back to Cedric. I have a feeling that he will know what to do with it. Start on ahead I have something to do here, first."
Begrudgingly, the three Pokemon nod and soon disappear into the darkness. I turn back to the Rotom, still crackling on the ground.
"I... I owe you my life. Thanks," I tell the Pokemon, slowly. I can feel its Aura fading quickly, a fact I did not reveal to the others while they were here.
The Rotom relinquishes its control from the washing machine, and I swear that I can see a smile on its plasmatic face.
"My... My life is complete now. Don't worry about me- I did what I was created to do- what I wanted to do. To... To help is my foremost protocol. Why, you ask? Because I am not the first Rotom- I am a thoroughly-bred copy, bred with the purpose to help others. Thus, I did what I needed to do. That stunt back there..."
I slowly peer over the large chasm the Rotom's washing machine had left in the ground.
"Took too much energy out of me. I have none left to support biologi... fu..ion any lon... Please, take care, Risk the Riolu. And make sure that your friend lives... for *crackle* sake... Goodbye..."
The Pokemon closes its eyes, and tears well up in my eyes.
That Pokemon. It... It gave its life so Cedric could have his. That is the mark of a leader, someone who is worthy of that title.
I pull a few Seeds that I had found in the ruins and place them around the fallen Pokemon, as a sort of burial shroud for it.
"Goodbye," I whisper, pause for a moment, and run, as fast as I could, back to the Guild.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

By the time I set foot in the Guild again, Cedric was already up and about, as happy as he ever was. When he sees me, he topples me over in a gracious hug, and the experience reminds me of the time he did the very same thing, when we first met each other in the Dreary Depths.

We've come a long way as a team together...

Unconsciously, I yawn aloud, and Cedric shifts another paw on top of me in a comical gesture. However, to his playful chagrin, I am already out cold, fast asleep due to my own exhaustion and the warm body heat of the Leafeon.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Nobody can, but, at least I can say that I know what I need to do- be a leader for my team and for myself. Goodnight, Crusaders...

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