February 27, 2018

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I know I haven't been on Wattpad all that much as of late- that's just because of school >-<

But I've been working on something in the little bit of off-time that I'd had. Now presenting the greatest brainchild of mine since President Trump's Meme Dream Team:

Camels in HD

Why the name? Well, it's a Trick Room team, featuring none other than Mega Camerupt. And let me tell you, I underestimated this beast greatly. There's something just satisfying about swapping into a Celesteela and blowing it to kingdom come with a Fire Blast.

The point of the team is rather simple: set up one of our HD screens, and immediately get the camel on stage to start blowing through people. If it doesn't work the first, rinse and repeat until it works- two of my setters have really good longevity.

Anyway, onto the team (and I will not be showing off the EV spreads thus time, though. Most of them are quasi-standard, but I'd rather not have someone steal it, even though any competitive battler worth their salt will figure out my EVs pretty quickly xD)

My lead usually consists of one of two things- my Space Duck or Aeris.

Ah, what can I say? Since I have a chronic obsession with Trick Room, Porygon-2 shows up a lot in teams that I build. It's just really good at what it does, and that defend, coupled with Eviolite, doesn't lie. Just don't get knocked off and you're fine.

For those of you that have been keeping up with my shiny hunting, I spent about four weeks going for this Pokemon. And, my goodness, she's  the hidden gem of the team. Nobody, and I mean nobody, expects Trick Room to come from a Celebi. And it sure throws them for a loop when it now has a slow U-turn- right into one of my breakers of the team:

Mega Camerupt, quite honestly one of the most underrated Megas I've ever seen. Sporting a blistering (for TR) 20 base speed, absolutely nothing is slower than this monster that can actually hit it hard. Although you do need to be careful to conserve its health, if you get it in and can predict what your opponent will throw at it, it almost always gets a kill. Toxic is simply for annoying things like Latias, who wall me otherwise.
(HP is Ice for Landorus and Gliscor and Mence btw)

And my other member of the pain train is... The Little Mermaid?
Actually, it's Primarina; and following in the same underrated potential of Mega Camerupt, I was definitely not expecting the hilarious damage output of the wannabe Ariel.

She's a master of coverage, and the Life Orb, over Choice Specs, is meant to capitalize on this- since almost nothing can take a resisted hit + the coverage move that bops it.

At this point, I realized I had an issue with hazards. Since I was pivoting around so much, I really needed them off the field to maximize the success of my strategy- as my attackers have no recovery.
Enter Scizor, who really pulls his weight as a Defogger. Originally, I was going to use a more offensive SD build, but I really like this hybrid defense Defog set. Sure, it doesn't hit as hard as most, but it compressed the role of much-needed priority with keeping hazards off the field, two integral parts of the team.

Finally, rounding off the offensive core of this  team is the one-man-band Trick Room attacker, Stakataka. Some of you may know that I found this like three months back, and I never got to put it to use until now. (And yes, I know I haven't fixed the attack IV yet- I need a bottle cap lol).
This guy is rather hilarious if he gets a kill, because if something dies, his attack goes up.
And that just makes Gyro Ball hit harder.
Think you're safe because you're slow? That's where Rockium Z Stone Edge comes in, eliminating or severely crippling even the most bulky of Pokemon.

But that's the entirety of Camels in HD. Tell me what you think, and if you've actually fought me using it yet, did you find any weaknesses you could capitalize on?

EDIT: After some thought, Aeris is now a Uxie, and Scizor was replaced with Magearna. I swear, I'll find another use for my Celebi xD

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