Chapter 01

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The day started as normally as it could've gone. I woke up in my bedroom, which had lead grey walls and dark stained hardwood floors. The wall opposite of the door was made completely out of glass, creating enough natural light in the daytime. My bed was a black metal frame with light grey sheets and dark grey pillows and blankets. Majority of my furniture was black and white.

I proceeded to stand up and walk into my bathroom, which was the door to the right of my bed, placed right next to the glass wall. I wandered my way inside, pushing my hair back and out of my face, then mentally deciding that my pajamas were good enough to wear the whole day. It was a red sweatshirt and black leggings, so it looked alright.

A hesitant knock came from my bedroom door.

I whipped my head around and began to make my way to the door. I curled my fingers around the handle and pulled the dark wooden door open, only to see my mother's boyfriend, Bruce Banner, standing on the opposite side.

"Bruce?" I asked in a bit of confusion, tilting my head a small bit to the right.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Would you mind if we talked?" He asked as I shook my head and motioned for him to come inside.

"No. Of course not. Come on in," I spoke up, watching him place himself in the swivel chair that went to my desk; meanwhile I sat on my bed and looked over at him with an inquisitive expression.

"So, what's this all about?" I asked while arching an eyebrow. He nodded, seeming to remember what he was about to bring up.

"Your mother is off on a mission with Steve, Wanda, and Clint. I was curious if you wanted to go do something today. You know, so we can hang out and get to know one another better," He suggested as I sat in thought for a moment.

It wasn't abnormal that my adoptive mother, Natasha Romanoff, was off on some quest. But, Bruce trying to get to know me a bit better? That one came out of the dark. But it was rather obvious that he wanted to marry my mom. No doubt about that. So, this was his first act to me as becoming his daughter.

And I appreciated that.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?" I asked with a sweet smile. He grinned back widely.

"I was thinking we could go play laser tag. Or go bowling. Or anything along those lines," He spoke up as I managed to grin even wider.

"Laser tag sounds pretty cool. You'll just have to take all of this up with Tony and my mother, of course," I spoke with a slight smirk. I knew they'd never let me leave.

My mother was sterile. Therefore, she adopted me at a rather young age. She kept me a secret. And, due to her career path as a spy, she did a pretty good job. Finally, she admitted it to the group, told them I was in great danger where I was located. That people were hunting me. She moved me here, where I met all of her co-workers, which was a bit more thrilling than you may think.

And Tony Stark takes my safety as a challenge. It's true that many people dressed in all black have attempted to get in and steal me. They need dirt on my mom. They needed dirt on the Avengers, who all acted like my family. So it would work. Tony doesn't want me leaving. He knew something terrible might happen.

"Yeah... About that. Um..." Bruce trailed off as I looked at him and slowly nodded.

"Yes?" I asked again.

"They don't need to know. You're going to play laser tag with the Incredible Hulk. I think I'm as good of a bodyguard as it gets," He pointed out as I rolled my eyes.

"So, we're sneaking out behind everyone's back?" I asked as Bruce slowly nodded. My smiled widened.

"Then let's go!" I beamed, standing up and pulling my pair of Converse on, which were basically brand new. Once again, I don't get out very much.

Bruce chuckled and exited my room after telling me he'd meet me downstairs. I found myself messing with my hair for a bit, doing anything in my power to make it look a bit nicer than it currently did. After a little while of messing with it, it looked a tiny bit better.

I quickly headed down the steps, being quiet while passing Stark's lab.

I found Bruce, the two of us exiting the facility. I giggled a small bit, but my smile fell when I looked up and noticed the Son of Odin standing in front of us.

"And where would the two of you be sneaking off to while Natasha is out?" Thor asked, tilting his head and looking at the two of us.

"To town," Bruce explained rather quickly. Just those two words seemed to stun Thor a bit.

"You know she's not supposed to leave," Thor lectured. But Bruce wasn't hearing any of it.

"I'm escorting her," Bruce replied as Thor rolled his eyes.

"Yes, that's very reassuring," Thor growled in a sarcastic manner as Bruce shook his head.

"Just let the poor girl go have fun for once," Bruce spoke up as Thor shook his head and sighed.

"Fine. But if Miss Romanoff asks, I tried to stop you, Banner," Thor spoke before walking past us and into the building.

The two of us headed off to get to the laser tag arena. In the meantime, we asked one another questions and just took some time to get to know one another.

"How old are you?" Bruce asked as I smiled.

"Fifteen. And I was five when Natasha adopted me," I spoke up gently. Bruce nodded and smiled.

"Just know that your mother loves nothing more on this planet than she loves you," He spoke as I felt a smile creep onto my lips.

"Look at that. We're here," Bruce spoke up, making me jolt back to reality and look over at the building.

This was going to be so much fun. That was, until someone threw a flashbang, startling the two of us.

And bringing out the Incredible Hulk.

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