Chapter 03

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  I woke up once again, sitting up and pushing my back against the headboard. Only, it wasn't daylight yet. It was roughly three in the morning.

I forced myself to stand, my feet landing against the cold hardwood floor. Without knowing why, I found myself walking towards my bedroom door. Carefully, I exited the room. Upon entering the usually silent and empty hallway, I began to hear voices conversing with one another.

"What do you think caused that, Mr. Stark?" An unfamiliar voice spoke as my senses heightened, wracking through my brain to match a face with the voice. But I couldn't.

"I don't know..." The voice belonged to Tony Stark. No doubt about that one.

I began stepping out of my doorway, creeping down the hall and attempting to keep my footsteps silent. Little did I know, the two individual were standing right around the corner. The young boy and I both jumped at the same time, however, Tony was unfazed due to his back facing me.

Tony turned around to see me, one of his eyebrows creeping upwards. The look on his face was far beyond disapproving, almost as if he knew I had heard something I wasn't supposed to.

"Miss Romanoff? What are you doing up at this hour?" He asked, making me sink back in my skin.

This isn't the first time Tony has caught me sneaking around the HQ. On occasion, I go exploring or get up to eat a snack. And I seem to forget that Tony Stark is an insomniac.

"Um... I couldn't sleep," I whispered, my eyes trailing back to the new human. He had light brown hair that was a sweaty mess, along with these large brown puppy eyes, that were filled to the brim with curiosity. Or, perhaps it was something else. But it was difficult to tell. I quickly looked away, knowing I'd get caught staring if I didn't.

"Right," Tony mumbled under his breath. His hair was also a disaster, making it rather obvious to me that he was under a lot of stress.

All of the Avengers seemed extremely stressed out, now that I ponder it. Everyone was on edge. And, now, I couldn't help myself from wondering why. Was it something to do with me? Or something to do with the fact that we now have a new superhero wandering around? I couldn't really tell. But it was something big.

"You go get your midnight snack and we'll be on our way," Tony spoke up as I arched an eyebrow.

"No no. Who's this? I thought strangers weren't allowed into the Avenger's HQ," I muttered, motioning to the boy that was standing back behind Tony. Tony rubbed his temples in frustration with my stubbornness, meanwhile the new boy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

"Right. (Y/N), this is my newest intern, Peter Parker. Peter, this is Black Widow's daughter, (Y/N) Romanoff," Tony spoke before looking back at Peter.

"She's off limits," Tony snarled. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh? Since when were you in charge of any aspect of my life?" I asked as Tony hummed in thought, yet it was in a sarcastic way.

"Since your mother told me to be," He concluded as the faintest bit of blush rose up to Peter's cheeks. But it was quickly gone again.

"You and my mother are impossible," I muttered softly. My eyes moved to Tony, who shrugged slightly. He seemed to have already been knowledgeable of this statement, however.

"Anyways, I'm going to the kitchen. See you around, Peter," I spoke with a friendly wave and a smile. He flashed me an awkward white smile, waving at me as well.

"See you, (Y/N)," He mumbled, his cheeks a soft shade of pink and his eyes locked on the hardwood floors.

I began making my way towards the kitchen.

• • • Peter's POV • • •

Mr. Stark had invited me over to discuss what we were up against. He had to extensively explain that he was unsure who would've wanted to startle Bruce, forcing him to become the Hulk. He also told me that Steve believed it might be Hydra, but he doubted that was the case. More and more theories kept escaping his mind, which just managed to confuse me more and more.

The two of us paced that halls of the HQ, talking of who would've been dumb enough to startle the Hulk. But, in the end, he had deduced that it was just to risk Natasha's daughter's life.

Now, I don't know who Natasha's daughter is, exactly, but apparently she and I have met. She was the girl I had saved from the raging Incredible Hulk in the alleyway. And it was rather clear that her safety was worrying Tony Stark.

That's how you know you're a big shot, I guess; Tony Stark will worry about you.

"What do you think, Peter?" Tony asked as I hummed in thought, attempting to process what I truly believed could be the reasoning for all of this.

"Well, didn't you mention that her and Miss Natasha were both being hunted? Maybe it could have something to do with those people. Maybe they found out she's living here," I muttered gently, which only created worry lines to take over Tony's expression.

"Shit..." He mumbled quietly.

He was thinking of something. Something specific.

"What do you think caused that, Mr. Stark?" I inquired next, wanting to know which theory he had decided on believing.

"I don't know..." Tony whispered. My eyes were suddenly focused on the shadow that was moving back behind Mr. Stark. I jumped, watching the figure do the same. Mr. Stark turned around, looking at the person standing there.

The female stepped into clearer view, making all my insides twist up. She had pretty (H/L) (H/C) hair, which shined in the moonlight that was entering the hall from the window right next her. She had (E/C) eyes, which were currently being used to glare at Mr. Stark in annoyance.

And she looked around my age. I was sixteen.

"Right, (Y/N), this is my newest intern, Peter Parker. Peter, this is Black Widow's daughter, (Y/N) Romanoff," Tony spoke, snapping me back to reality.

The conversation went on from there, but I found myself recognizing her now. Perhaps I didn't immediately put the pieces together, because both times I've met her, I was worried about something else. The first time being her safety and this time being my theories as to why someone would want to hurt her.

She walked out to the kitchen, but not before saying goodbye to me. I reciprocated. After she left, my eyes went back to Mr. Stark, who waved me to follow him.

"If Natasha finds out I introduced the two of you, I might be dead," He whispered under his breath as I arched an eyebrow.

"Um, why? It's not like she knows that I'm—" I stared, but got cut off by Mr. Stark.

"Shh!" He demanded as I rolled my eyes and nodded.

After scolding me about almost shouting that I'm Spider-Man, Mr. Stark and I began, once again, discussing our theories on who would intentionally bring out the Hulk.

"I think it's, like you said, those people who were hunting her and Nat. I've never quite thought too much of them, other than the fact that they're just a pesky pain in the ass. But I think Natasha said something about knowing the leader. I'll have to ask her about that..." Tony mindlessly rambled to himself. That only created more questions to roam through my brain.

That was one downside of talking with Tony Stark that people don't get. He gives you more questions than he does answers for them.

"Do you have any clue who these people are...?" I asked softly, hoping (Y/N) wouldn't overhear us. Yet, at the same time, I was desperate for an answer.

"Go wake Banner. The three of us have some lab work to do," Tony insisted as I slowly nodded.

"But, Mr. Stark—"

"I believe they're an affiliation who call themselves The Awaken. It's supposed to symbolize making their dreams into a reality, or some bullshit like that... Now, go wake Banner, Kid, and meet me in the lab," Tony grumbled as I nodded, feeling a bit more content with that answer.

"Just know I have school tomorrow, Mr. Stark. Ned will kill me if I don't show up. We're working on a group project in Chemistry," I explained before I left. Mr. Stark only rolled his eyes.

"No you don't. You're too sick to go to school tomorrow," He spoke as I smiled and shook my head at him.

I ran off to find Bruce Banner.

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