Chapter 08

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  Clint came in and checked on me every fifteen minutes. I just sat calmly on my bed and read through a book Wanda had purchased for me. But I wasn't actually understanding the words. There was no way that I could.

  My mind was wrapped up in Peter Parker. I had a crush on him. And apparently it was rather obvious. But I had absolutely no chance. He had MJ, who I'm still certain that he likes even though he said he didn't. But he could've been lying to me. Either way, I had a hopeless crush on a boy. That wasn't allowed. Even if it was a female, it still wasn't allowed. I wasn't allowed to have any sort of romantic interest in anyone.

A soft tap on my window forced me to look up from the words that my brain was struggling to comprehend. I turned my attention over to my window, seeing Spider-Man hanging upside-down outside the glass and looking in at me. My eyes popped wide open, just blinking for a few seconds as I attempted to process what was happening.

I closed my book and rose to my feet, walking towards my window. I slid one of the panels open like a sliding glass door. Tony had installed it back when this was supposed to be his office, giving him quick access to the outside. He would be disappointed to find out I was using it to sneak superheroes in.

Spider-Man quickly swung into the room, rising up to his feet and observing me. I watched him, not really sure what to say. He looked to my bedroom door, seeming worried about whether or not someone will come in.

"Grounded?" He asked as I shrugged, working on closing the window. He assisted me, the two of us shutting it rather quickly.

"More like house arrest," I mumbled quietly as we both heard footsteps walking towards the door. Shortly after, there was a soft knock. Spider-Man quickly jumped up on the ceiling, sticking against it, and crawled to the spot directly above the door and remained still. I hopped back on the bed and began acting like I was still reading.

"Come in," I called once Spider-Man was in place. Clint pushed the door open, his eyes focusing on me and not even noticing the person hanging over his head. But my heart was pounding against my ribs with the awful thought of Clint looking up.

"Everything alright?" He asked as I looked up at him and nodded.

"Yeah. It's as good as it can get," I spoke with a forced smile. He nodded carefully and began closing the door with him on the opposite side.

"Okay. Just holler if you need something, alright?" He said as I quickly nodded once more.

And he left. Then Spider-Man fell from the ceiling and landed in a very superhero-like pose.

"House arrest? Well, I hope it's treating you well," He sarcastically muttered as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Yeah. Just about as great as it sounds," I breathed out, placing my book back on my bed and shifting my attention back over to him.

He stood up and sat on the end of my bed. He tilted his head at me, as if attempting to analyze me. Like I was some form of an equation. Something he couldn't quite wrap his mind around.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked softly, arching an eyebrow at him. He jumped and seemed to snap back to reality. As if he had been daydreaming.

"My friend... They said something to me once. Something about love and risks being linked. What's your opinion on that?" He asked as I felt curiosity claw at my chest.

  I said that. I said that to MJ, Peter, and Ned. Gears were beginning to turn in my head as I took in the appearance of the hero. I needed him to talk again. But... Could this possibly be Peter? 

  But I trust Peter. He would've told me. I know every other Avengers' identity, so why should his be any different? If he was an Avenger, he would've told me. That is, if he trusted me.

"I think that if you're willing to love someone, you have to be willing to risk things for them. If it's time or a trip or anything, it should be risked. I mean, it is love you're talking about," I breathed out with a weak smile. My eyes bore into the hero intently.

  He seemed to take my words into deep consideration. He carefully placed his chin on his palm, seeming to think even harder about what he wanted to say next.

"Okay. So, let's say there's someone that I want to love. And I want them to love me back. How much am I allowed to risk?" He asked as I grinned.

"You broke into my room for relationship advice?" I asked with an amused tone of voice.

"Shut up. And you let me in," He stated as I laughed. He was weakly laughing, too.

"Right. I should've just left the knocking superhero outside," I stated as he shook his head at me.

"You're impossible to reason with," He grumbled as I laughed.

"Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff raised me. Of course I'm impossible to reason with," I spoke. Even he got a kick out of that.

  Small talk continued from there. He was a rather funny person and he definitely made house arrest seem a bit more fun. We talked about how risks and love coincide and everything else. But he explained that he had something to deal with at the moment. Something about a threat in the city.

  He said goodbye before heading out the window, me closing it behind him. And then he was gone.

  A couple of hours passed and I'd gone back to thinking and reading. Clint and Steve must've fallen asleep, because they never came back in, which I did find a bit odd. I'm sure Tony was spying on me through a camera or some shit.

  I believed they were finally coming back when I heard footsteps come near my door again. When it swung open, Peter Parker was the one standing on the opposite side.

  Curiosity bloomed in my mind as I looked at him. I had a theory. But I couldn't prove it. Their voices were similar and they both heard my take on risks. But that didn't necessarily prove anything. Ned or MJ could've told someone else and they could've been Spider-Man. Who knows?

"Hey, (Y/N). Um, how about we go on a walk?" Peter gently asked as I felt my stomach twist. But I shook my head.

"No. No, I can't do that. One wrong move, Peter, and Tony will take your internship away. I can't do that to you," I explained carefully to him. He only walked over to my bed and sat down.

"(Y/N), this is my internship. I understand the risk, but you don't deserve to be punished like this. They're suffocating you and it's not right. If I lose my internship, then it's my own fault, not yours," He explained to me, but I stubbornly shook my head.

"Peter, no. You heard what Tony said. We're both responsible for your internship now. I can't... I can't imagine losing the one friend I have here..." I breathed out, knowing that was extremely selfish of me to say. But it was true. Peter was one of the few friends I had, and I wasn't about to lose him.

  A sigh escaped his lips as he looked over at me with saddened eyes. I knew he had good intentions, but it just wasn't worth it.

"An hour. Let's leave and go walk for an hour. Then we'll come back. No one will even know we were missing. And, we can even stay on the property, just to be safe," Peter carefully suggested. Perhaps I was crazy, but that didn't sound too bad.

"Really?" I asked as he nodded with sincerity.

"Really," He clarified, grabbing my hand and helping me stand up. I exhaled a sigh, the two of us preparing to sneak out.

  I glanced over at the clock, seeing it was around one in the morning. No one was going to notice we were gone. Maybe. So long as Tony was distracted. Besides, nothing bad would happen, anyways. Not here.

  It was going to be fine.

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