Chapter 17

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(M/N) and I found our way to a building that fit in rather well with the rest of New York City. It was more like an abandoned warehouse, crowded by skyscrapers and other massive buildings. It blended in well with the remainder of the enormous city.

She led us into the building. We were both silent. It was as if she was treating me like an object rather than a human, let alone her daughter. I tried to remember anything from my time having my mind gone, but I couldn't remember a single thing. I just remember watching my eyes turn white and hearing so much yelling.

I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. I wasn't sure I wanted to remember. So I continued to think about Peter Parker. As cliche as it sounds, thinking of him kept me calm. Imagining the two of us growing as people together, the possibility of us having a future with one another. I knew it was impossible, but it was nice to fantasize 

I remained in character to the best of my ability. I tried to keep my wandering and curious mind to a minimum, knowing I was unable to glance around. She wanted my brain to go stagnant, only obeying what she ordered me to do. Therefore, I had to follow that expectation.

"Here you are, Darling," (M/N) spoke, finally turning her attention towards me. She pushed open a door that contained a twin sized bed with white bedding. The blankets were grey, however. The whole room was lit up with fluorescent light bulbs. No windows. It was like a cell. But I knew it was my room.

"Thank you, Mother," I spoke in a monotone voice before walking into the room. She closed the door behind me. I heard her lock it behind me.

I laid down on the bed, my brain knowing that they were watching me. They wanted to be sure I changed. But I knew (M/N) was sure. She thinks I wouldn't have attacked Peter if I was still in my right mind.

  I smiled weakly as I thought about Peter. Eyes resembling pools of honey in the sunlight and a smile so bright. Everything about him was pure and sweet. His heart beat for the right purpose. He was a great Avenger. He may feel that isn't true, but he's comparing himself to billionaires and literal gods. In the end, he was a teenage boy who cared so greatly for others that he would risk his life for them. And I admired him.

  My eyes traced the ceiling tiles as I roamed every crevice of my mind. Next, I pondered what would happen between my mother and I if she ever found out about me and Peter. Deep down, I believed she would never allow it. She would want me to be older and not hold a relationship with a superhero.

  After that, I thought about the argument Tony and I had. He didn't deserve me yelling at him and being a complete brat. Because, in the end, he was the closest I was going to get to a father figure. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was glad he was. It was just the fact that Tony was arrogant and I was stubborn, so we tend to argue almost constantly.

Finally, I began to think about what I was going to do to kill (M/N). Because I was going to have to act fast and soon. I could easily betray her, but how was I to kill her? I needed to form a plan. As I began conceiving my plan, the door opened up.

"Hey, Darling. Your father and I want to take you to fight the Avengers. Do you want to come?" She asked as I smirked. I could work with this.

"Of course," I responded softly as she smiled, waving for me to follow her.

"Then let's go," She decided. And the three of us began heading out. (M/N) led the way, meanwhile I walked next to (F/N), who was eyeing me wearily. Mistrust shined in his eyes. But I didn't care. I was going to kill her and he wasn't going to stop me.

• • • Peter's POV • • •

"—and I know she's still her and I'm really worried," I finished, taking an extremely deep breath afterwards. I had been explaining to the Avengers what had happened when (M/N) showed up.

We sat down in the kitchen, everyone crowded around me. I was holding back tears. I wasn't lying about how worried I was. She's back in there. But she's herself. And I feel that's more dangerous. We didn't know what they would do to her, or whether or not they would even be taking care of her.

"Calm down, Peter. It's alright. We're going to find her," Steve Rogers spoke as I forced myself to nod. Tony placed his hand on my back and gave me a weak smile.

"We'll get her back, Kid," Tony assured me as Natasha went through her cell phone with a stern glare. She was looking rather closely at something.

"I think that (Y/N) thinks she's the only one who can kill her, and—"

"And she's right. She is the only one," Bruce Banner spoke up as we all looked over at him. Even Natasha looked up to hear what he had to say.

"We can't even find her. She can keep herself away from us. (Y/N) is smart. She knows what she has to do. She had to play the part and get close enough to (M/N). She is the only one who can kill her," Bruce stated as Natasha took a quick glance as her phone and nodded slowly.

"As much as I want to kill that bitch, Banner's right," Natasha spoke softly. She placed her phone on the counter and scooted it towards us. There was an email on the screen as we all stared at it.

"There's a meeting location. And that's where we're going," Natasha stated, certainty in her voice. She wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. We were going. None of us had objections, anyways.

"To find (M/N)?" Wanda asked as Natasha nodded sternly.

"We can't kill her. But, if something goes wrong, we need to defend (Y/N). And we can give (M/N) a good distraction," Natasha decided as I stared at the location that was written in the email.

Time Square.

We all split up to change into our suits. Tony and I dashed up the steps, sticking close to one another. He stopped me at the top of the stairwell, turning to me with a serious expression on his face.

"I know you're worried about her, but just know that she'll be alright," Tony stated confidently, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I met his eyes, which were intent and serious.

"I trust you..." I mumbled to him. He carefully pulled me into a hug. I clung onto him so tightly, feeling him grip onto me as well. A silent tear rolled down my face as I listened to Mr. Stark inhale a shaky breath.

"I know that you're worried about her, too..." I mumbled, feeling his hold on me tighten.

"Of course I am. You have no idea how much anxiety you and (Y/N) bring into my life," He replied with a weak laugh. I smiled softly, feeling another tear roll down my cheek.

  He carefully released the embrace, weakly smiling down at me. I returned the kind smile. Then the two of us headed towards his lab, which is where our suits resided. We were quick to change into them, pulling on our masks and heading back out to the main lobby. The remainder of the Avengers stood there, ready to head out.

"Nat, you and Wilson take a helicopter. Barton can go with you as well. The rest of us take the trucks," Captain Rogers decided as we all nodded and obeyed his orders.

I climbed into one of the trucks, taking a seat in between Tony and Bucky. We drove for a while, which seemed like a lifetime, before we finally got to our destination. Sure enough, the three of them stood there.

This time, we got a good look at the father. He seemed less confident than the woman. He wore a lab coat, showing that he was dragged along. Occasionally, he took glances over at (Y/N).

"He doesn't seem convinced..." Tony's voice muttered through our ear pieces. And he wasn't wrong. (F/N) looked very suspicious of (Y/N).

However, I kept my eyes on (Y/N). She was keeping herself composed. She looked between each and every one of us before cracking a smile. I smiled as well. Then I was very glad that I was wearing a mask. Her smile was quick to fade whenever (F/N) took another brief glance over at her.

"Couldn't stay away?" (M/N) spoke as Steve shrugged.

"Didn't really have much of a choice," Steve responded as (M/N) gave him a crooked smile.

"Oh really? And why is that?" (M/N) asked as Tony shrugged.

"The angry woman who lost her daughter forced us to come out. Now, give her back," Tony demanded as (M/N) let out a small laugh.

"Where is Nat, anyways?" (M/N) asked.

"Parker, as soon as she goes in for the kill I need you to tie up the mad scientist," Tony spoke over the ear-com system.

"Got it," I responded softly, grasping an understand of the plan.

(M/N) began stepping towards us with narrow eyes, passing (Y/N) on the way over. (Y/N) smirked and pulled a (F/C) throwing knife out from her pocket.

"Where is she?!" (M/N) demanded in a much louder tone.

"I know he's old, but he heard you just fine the first time," Tony snapped as (M/N) whipped her head around and looked at him. She rolled her eyes.

"Stark," She grumbled as he shrugged.

"That would be me," He mumbled as she looked back to Steve Rogers.

"Where is—" She stopped in the middle of her sentence to look back. (Y/N) stood there with angered eyes and a knife missing from her grip. It was stuck in (M/N)'s back.

"You think this is over...?" (M/N) whispered while beginning to cough up blood.

"Yeah. I do," (Y/N) replied as I extended my arm and tied up the father, who was attempting to run away.

(M/N) pulled the knife out and dropped it on the concrete. Blood leaked down her back at a really fast rate.

"Murdering your own mother..." She mumbled softly as I watched (Y/N)'s fake white eyes trail over to me for a second. Then she looked back to (M/N).

"You're not my mother. You may have given birth to me, but you never mothered me," (Y/N) sneered in a low voice. With shaking fingers, (Y/N) grabbed onto the handle of the throwing knife and removed it from (M/N)'s back. A gasp of pain escaped her birth mother's lips.

  (Y/N) looked back up at all of us, seeming to wonder what to do next. Tony gave her a simple nod, causing her to look back down at the dying woman on the ground before her. Quickly, (Y/N) shoved the knife into (M/N)'s chest, impaling her through the heart.

(M/N) took her last breath, struggling as she did so. Then she was gone.

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