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• • • Tony's POV • • •

"Has everything returned to normal?" Natasha asked me, the two of us sitting in my lab, looking up at one of the large screens, which was comparing (Y/N)'s bloodwork from before and after being taken by (M/N).

"Yeah. Everything returned to normal. However, when Vision and Wanda went in to the tower to find (F/N), Vision stole something for me. A blood test of her's from while she was under their influence," I explained to Nat, watching her stare at me with a curious expression.

"And?" She pressed, looking at me with anticipation. Natasha Romanoff was a lot of things, but patient was not one of them. Especially when it came to her daughter.

  I wasn't too sure how to phrase this. I also wasn't too sure how she was going to react to this news.

"And it was the same. Everything was the same," I breathed out to her, watching her sharp eyes lock on the screen once more. Her mind was working hard, attempting to find an explanation for this. And I had one.

"I inspected her DNA strands a bit closer, wanting to see how they had been constructed. And that was the issue," I continued, watching her look from the screen to me. Her eyes were ablaze with uncertainty.

  Carefully, she crossed one of her legs, leaning back in her chair. Her eyes remained locked on mine.

"Explain," She demanded from me. I nodded, zooming in on one of the images of (Y/N)'s DNA strands.

"The genetic mutations have always been there. (M/N) and (F/N) didn't do a damn thing to change her. If anything, all they did was place her under a trance so she would mindlessly obey them," I mumbled, watching Natasha's eyes examine the DNA mutations.

"So..." She started, but stopped herself. And I understood why. It felt unreal. Untrue. And it was almost as if speaking it would make it more true than it already was.

"Yeah," I muttered, sitting down in a chair of my own, my eyes meeting Natasha's. She seemed far beyond stressed out about this.

"She's had these powers her whole life?" Nat mumbled. I just nodded.

"Yes. She just doesn't know how to harness and utilize them—"

"And you're going to show her how, right?" A voice spoke from the doorway, making the two of us turn, staring at the individual who stood there.

  Peter Parker stood there, leaning against the doorframe and staring at the two of us with narrowed eyes. And I couldn't blame him. We've lied to both him and (Y/N) for so long now, and he was overhearing us talking about her. It was true, she deserved to know. But not yet.

"That's none of your business, Parker," Natasha explained as Peter shook his head.

"She's my girlfriend. This is my business," Peter grumbled lowly.

  Peter and (Y/N) have been dating for about two weeks now. And they were practically inseparable. But that wasn't a bad thing. The two of them were happier than I've ever recalled them being. Especially (Y/N). She seemed to have been filled with purpose again. And her and Peter really did have a sweet relationship.

"I know. But you can't tell her. Not yet, anyways," I explained as Peter arched an eyebrow.

"Why not?" He pressed, looking between the two of us.

"Because we don't want to tell her anything until we understand this a bit better. Until we can help her harness this," Natasha explained as Peter looked unamused.

"And how long will that take? Months? Years?" Peter grumbled, seeming not pleased with our answer.

"She deserves to know," He hissed as Natasha shook her head.

"No. Not yet. Because she's going to want to ask questions that we don't yet know the answers to. We'll wait about a month before we tell her," Natasha explained to Peter. He looked between us before sighing.

"One month. If you don't tell her by then, I will," He explained as we nodded, thinking that sounded fair enough.

  He left, slamming the door behind him. Natasha and I looked between one another, not quite sure what to do or where to start.

  But we started right away, because Peter was right. She deserved to know. Out of everyone at the facility, she's the only one who doesn't know that she used powers when taken over by (M/N). But it's different now that we have the knowledge that they're still there. Now, there's the possibility of her becoming an Avenger.

  We got to work right away.

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