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Tall, blonde, and gorgeous. Exactly how I remember him. I expected my heart to either shatter completely, or jump around in my chest.

It was doing nothing, how unusual.

My brain, on the other hand, was running a mile a minute. My thoughts doing nothing but fueling a wave of growing anger.

Lucy slammed into me as I had stopped dead she caught me, thankfully, before I fell. She quickly had to hold on to me as I began to yell.

"Oh, you're just going to show up after months of nothing? Of dead silence? That's bull." No matter how hard I struggled against Lucy she would not let me go. She did, however, start talking smack, too. Which only hyped me up more.

"I really should let her go!" Lucy was screaming in my ear. I didn't really care, out of the corner of my eye. I saw my parents run off.

I guess they didn't want to face another one of my "boyfriends".

I couldn't help but giggle, earning me a worried look from David.

Oh, screw him.

"Please don't do that, love." An unmistakable voice cut through all the noise, commanding all attention. I saw David stand up straighter, he temporarily lost his happy vibe.

Well, what was left of it, after he realized he wasn't getting a warm welcome.

Lucy relaxed her grip on me, probably due to the shock of seeing Cole.

That was all I needed.

I was storming across the foyer fist balled up at my side. All of David's focus was on Cole who I gathered was behind me.

Thoughts of decking him in the jaw ran through my mind. They stopped me short, once I had a moment to actually think.

By then, I was very close to David. I inched back and ran into a wall of muscle. Said muscle then wrapped their arms around me.

Not in a way of groping me, more like to say "You've lost, buddy" to David.

At this moment, that is exactly the message I wanted to send.

David's eyes finally came back to my face they were full of angry.

Like he has the right!

"Easy, tiger." Cole purred in my ear. I calmed a little.

"Who is this guy, Adds?" Using his nickname for me was a low blow. It's lost its effect. Instead of my heart melting, for the first time since I saw his face my heart stung. Which just pissed me off more.

I felt Cole's arms tighten around just a little.

"Me? Oh" Cole took one arm off of me to gesture to himself with a flare. His voice completely dripping with condescension with a hint of amusement. "I'm the guy, who's helping her get over you. Well, I am assuming you're David." His predator smile made an appearance for just a second.

"She didn't tell me how much of a douchebag you looked like though." Cole spun me around to face him. Not before I caught the look of absolute disbelief on David's face. I think I will always remember that look.

"Seriously, how did you go from him to me?" He booped my nose.

Satan just booped me...... How does one cope with this?

A real smile spread across Cole's face.

"Girl, don't you know good things come to those who wait." With that, he pushed me off to Lucy and gave her a look. He slapped my butt as I walked away.

Oh...my...god...He just slapped my ass. I gingerly rubbed my butt, trying to convince myself that he was just selling us as a couple.

She dragged me up the stairs. Little did Cole know we could eavesdrop without him seeing us.

That's exactly what we did. We missed the beginning of Cole's speech.

"..I don't know exactly what you did and I don't need to. All I need to know is the damage you caused so I can fix it. Let me tell you, there was" He gave a dark chuckle "I mean, is, a lot of it. So whatever reasons you have, you can shove up your ass." I had to work extremely hard not to lose it.

Cole's voice got lower, an edge entered his tone.

"If I ever catch you anywhere near her again" He laughed, it was not a nice sounding, happy laugh. "I will make sure you feel what she did." I heard a few footsteps as if Cole started to walk away.

That's the threat he gives? Come on, now Satan.

"Actually." he boomed, I don't think he meant to, he sounded a bit emotional. I wish I could read his face.

"I don't ever want to see you; look at her, breathe in her direction. Don't even think about her. Just go back to not being a part of her life and let her be happy." He said everything in a rush his tone becoming colder as he spoke.

"With me." He added in a cocky tone, before his footsteps started again. I knew he was done this time.

I rushed to my room, pretending to be peeking out the window. Lucy blew our cover, by just standing in the middle of the room, staring at the door.

"You know," Cole started as he walked into my room, voice full of nothing but amusement. "I can't help but laugh at you, Adds." I flipped him the bird for using that name. I watched David get in his car and peel off.

"You use my mind reading to talk to me, but forget that, that means I know you are eavesdropping." He could barely contain his laughter as he spoke. As soon as he finished, he filled my room with roaring laughs.

After he was done his fit and wiped the imaginary tears from his eyes.

"Where the fuck did you come from?" Lucy was kind enough not to scream profanities, knowing full well my parents would flip. She did scream every other word, though. Which meant one of my parents would be at my door in a moment.

"Uh, I am a supernatural being, with powers." He said all this as if she should have already known.

He's not wrong, she should of.

"Luce, it's okay. He had our backs this time." She looked at me like I should be wearing a helmet for defending him.

"Thank you, for showing up and for pretending to be my new boyfriend." He just nodded.

"But if you touch my ass again we are going to have a problem." All the tension was broken by one simple statement. We all dissolved into giggle fits. Which started us on a smack talking contest.

Of course, Cole won. Being Satan has its perks. One of them being having the most awful collection of insults. He had to explain a few: like Duke of Limbs -its another way of calling him awkward looking. Fop-doodle which means a man who's a pretender. My favorite was Milksop, basically calling him a girlie man.

A knock on my door interrupted all our fun. My mom poked her head in, a pleasant smile on her face.

"Guys dinner is done, and there's enough for everyone." She gave Cole an odd look.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Rochester, but I really should be getting home. Gotta do my homework still, and study for the big math test." He gave Lucy and me meaningful looks before he walked out behind my mother.

Dinner was uneventful. We had to tell my parents that Cole came in behind Lucy, she barely agreed to the lie.

After dinner we studied, it was boring for the most part. Poor Lucy had to explain a lot to me.

My phone chirped, confused I dug around my nightstand drawer to find it. The only person I text is sitting beside me. It was a message through my Facebook.

O-kay, that's strange.

"How's studyin goin?" - C

Of course, he would be the type to not finish a word. How hard is one more letter?

"Going fine, how did you get my number?"

"Do you really need to ask?" His responses were almost instant. Earning me a look from Lucy, whatever. I'm going to keep her in the dark on this. She can barely handle Cole being Satan and she's the one who summoned him!!

"Obviously" I sent a gif of Snape. I quickly learned that just because he lived in Hell doesn't mean, he didn't know all about emojis, and gifs, and stickers. Lucy left after she realized there wasn't going to be anymore studying.

At some point, I got too comfortable.

"Who was the family in the painting that's in your office?"

I waited for a response and waited. Feeling nervous, and slightly beating myself up. I started to get ready for bed, I noticed it was dark.

Of course, I was still wide awake. I gathered my pajamas, placed them on the counter in my bathroom. Dug a clean towel out of the cupboard.

I wander back to my phone still no reply. I have been left on read, for ten minutes.

Why do I care?

I grabbed my phone, turned on my music and let it blare as I took a scalding shower. Which felt amazing on my skin.

After taking extreme measures in the pampering and washing department. I stepped out of my shower smelling and feeling like a Goddess.

Something nagged at the back of my mind, though. Slowly eating it's way to the forefront.

Check your phone! Wrapping my towel around my hair, I shook and shook until it was mostly dry. I was stalling and I knew it but did I stop.

Nope. I moved like a sloth getting dressed and going back into my room. Once I was laying in my bed, did I finally check my phone.

"Don't ask." Was all he said twenty minutes ago. He still left me on read for like ten minutes.

"Ok." Was all I could think of to say.

"Maybe another day, just not now :)"

"Fair enough, sorry." From that, it went back to the lighthearted conversation it was earlier. The awkwardness soon was forgotten.

I don't know how late, we were up talking, to, I just know I fell asleep with my phone in hand.

I took the most amazing nap, sadly it was at 9 pm and now I'm awake in the middle of the night with the desire to write. So that's what I did and now we have an entire surprise chapter 😂 I have never written a whole chapter in one sitting but here we are.. with that said please point out any mistakes so I can fix them. I know I had to have missed some but I will be sure to reread this in the morning(afternoon?) when I wake up and have better eyes. I hope you guys enjoy this!!!!

Also, I'd like to take a moment and say thank you to all of you who read my crazy idea of a story. Doesn't matter if you've been here since the beginning or just found it today. Thank you thank you thank you.

PS. I really did look up old-timey insults and those are their exact meanings 😂😂

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