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So we know David has disappeared into smoke, leaving our Addison well, she's a shell of a person. Lucy makes a desperate attempt, dessert? Anyway now there's some strange man loudly singing AC/DC and magically putting a laser light show on in Lucy's living room. That's it.

On with the show!!

I looked between my best friend dancing and the floor guy. The pieces to this puzzle, won't go together no matter how hard I mash them, together.

Pieces I have in my possession:

Lucy. She made a cake.
Random/floor/ACDC guy. Shows up abruptly.

Does not compute.

My brain couldn't even find one link between these two.

"What the hell is going on?!" I lost it. I grabbed Lucy to stop her dancing. Shaking her slightly. My face is crazy-looking, I know but I don't care, right now.

"I think, I can answer that." Floor guy was no longer on the floor he was standing behind me and kind of close. I pushed Lucy into the kitchen, putting more space between us and, who I am now calling ACDC guy.

He was tall and much larger than both of us, but not a very large man.  He was wearing jeans and a black shirt. He looked like a normal dude. His black T-shirt had a band logo on it. Overall, he looked a little rough.

Judas Priest? Who's that? That doesn't even matter right now.

Focus Addison!

I dared to take my eyes off of him, to stare at Lucy.

"Who is -" The cake on the dark tan counter. First thing, that caught my eye was that the icing was blood-red, oozing down onto the plate under the cake. Next, there were strange black writing all over the cake. It wasn't a pretty cake, not at all.

"I have too many questions now, someone please explain what's going on or I'm calling the cops!" The volume In which I was speaking in grew into hysterical levels.

That's probably what I should've done when he first showed.

"You know, normally when women summon me, they generally are more humble, and they don't scream at me." He paused for a moment and assessed us each in turn. "Sometimes they are naked." He wagged his eyebrows at our fish out of water faces.  

Did he just say summon?

"Yes, I did." Holy shit! Can he hear what I'm thinking?!

"Yes, I can...but you are speaking out loud." He couldn't contain his laughter any longer. He was doubled over and I thought he was going to hack a lung.

Lucy even joined in.

I need new friends.

"You just might, she did summon Satan, with a cake, I might add." He looked at Lucy and offered her his fist.

"Also, I'm going to ignore you not knowing who Judas Priest is." He gave me a sad shrug.

"In all my years as Satan, no one has ever brought cake." He eyed it lustfully. I got a little uncomfortable.

"It's Devil's food chocolate!" The excitement in her voice slowly died as "Satan's" face changed to horror, before going to sadness then landed smoothly into anger.

"Why did it have to be chocolate?!?!" He roared. He gestured to the cake, flailing his arms wildly.

Things were spiraling out of control.

"Hold on!" I interjected.

"One, you don't like chocolate? What kind of sicko doesn't like chocolate cake? Two, you don't look very "Satany" I so used air quotes to add insult.

That may have been the wrong thing to say, his face grew dark. He straightened his spine and squared his shoulders.

"Oh, really?" I did not like the menacing way he sounded.

Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers. There was a flash of red, which I'm sure was just for effect.

He reappeared in front of us, dressed to the nine. His jeans and band tee long gone replaced by one of the finest suits I've ever seen.

"Is this better? My solid jet black, crisp line, double-breasted suit? Are my red gems and matching silk shirt, Satany, enough for you Addison Leigh Rochester who lives on 2394 Main street with her parents and younger brother?"

Oh, fuck. I pissed off the devil.

"I'm not the devil" he spat out. "That guy is a dick." He quickly recovered to his face to look bored.

"I'm Satan, King of Hell, Dealer in Souls. Not that fallen angel, morning star ass wipe." Alright, I'm sensing some hostility there.

He gave a slight nod.

"Now, will someone please tell me, why I was invited to this slumber party?" he asked looking at his nails.

Lucy stepped out from behind me, she had to break out of my grip first. I hadn't realized I had been holding onto her for dear life.

"It's all my fault." She sniffled.

"I wanted to help her get back at her ex-boyfriend," She shuffled from one foot to the other. "So, I figured there was no better way then summoning you to make his life miserable." She said in one breath. His head snapped up and eyes blazing.

"You're telling me, I'm here to deal with a teenage girl's ex-boyfriend?!" He boomed. His rage triggered warning bells in my head.

Aw, damn.

What the hell was Lucy thinking?

"I have to agree with you there Addie."

He said my name too sweetly. I glared at him, forgetting for just a moment he was an all-powerful being who was capable of unknown horrors.

"Why are you only reading my thoughts?" His eyes tore from Lucy to me, his smile turning cruel.

"I'm not, yours are just funnier." I don't know why but that stung a little. He chuckled at my dismay.

"At first, I planned on being a nice guy, I mean there was cake, but you've mocked me enough. So I ask this, what do you two have to offer me?"

We both stared at Satan, unsure of what to say or so. Our stares were meet back with utter and complete seriousness. Our confusion must have been apparent.

"If I take care of this....what's his name?" His serious face abruptly turned thoughtful.

"David." I supplied.

It's too late, to back out now. The devil's already here. Uh, I mean Satan's already here.

"Please just call me Cole."

Cole?? Really?

"Yup, anyway." God, that's annoying!

He chuckled but got right down to business. He was all brass tax this guy. 

"As I was saying, if I take care of this David, what do I get? He almost purred the question.

He had lost the slight ADHD stoner dude appearance. We're now face to face with the King of Hell.

I was terrified. My heart raced, my palms were sweating. Lucy was once beside me, now cuddled to me. Her excitement now all but out the window, in its place fear.

"We have nothing to offer, we're not even 18, yet." His smile slowly became wicked.

"Ah, you see I know you, Addison will be 18 in just 2 weeks. So, you will have something to offer me." 

What? "What? Lucy asked.

"I'm glad you asked." He clapped his hands. Throwing his hands in the air, confetti flying out of, I assume, his sleeves.

"Your soul." He said in his best game show host voice.

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