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Rage boiled to life and rolled in my body, filling in all the nooks and crannies.

How did this HAPPEN?!?! What's in store for me now?

The rage became frosty, chilling my veins as it went. Fear clung to my heart, plunging her icy fingers in.

Hyperventilating, I leaned my elbows onto my knees. I stared at the floor and tried my best to calm myself.

Something to my left caught my attention.

Taking one last deep breath, I slowly turn my head.

Oh god...

Lucy was just sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes were glazed over, she was just staring straight ahead of her.

My eyes follow her line of sight, I have to make sure there weren't any other surprises.

Nope, nothing.


I waved my hand in front of Lucy's face, she didn't react at all.


Not knowing what else to do, I got up and started cleaning. It didn't take long to straighten up the living room.

When I went into the kitchen, I finally saw how much of a disaster it was.

"Why Lucy, just why?"

There were baking ingredients spilled all over the counters. Bowls and pans galore piled in the sink. She even left the oven on.


After turning the oven off, I saw the cake was no longer on the counter. I was so astounded at the mess, I totally spaced.

There was a note in its place.

Do I really want to know?

No, I wanted to clean.

I knew my way around her kitchen as well as I knew my own. I started on the stove top.

How does one person make such a mess?

Thirty minutes later.

The dark tan counters were almost sparkling, all the dishes were cleaned and drying. I l grabbed the note and went back to Lucy's room.

Thankfully, her mom wasn't here, or she'd make me wait till the dishes dried and put them away. You can't towel dry them either. I felt like she'd know if I didn't at least attempt to clean up the mess.

Shaking my head at her mother's interesting ways, I went into Lucy's room. I stopped short when I saw Lucy had changed and was crawled up in a ball on the bed.

I stripped down to my tank top and sweatpants, I grabbed the note and scanned it quickly.

Don't be mad at me, I'll make sure you are more than happy with your side of the bargain.

P.s. Thanks for the cake, the demons will love it. It would be nice if next time it was red velvet.


He has got to be kidding?

Letting go of the note and the anger it caused, I crawled into bed with Lucy. Laying on my side, so that my back was to her. It didn't take long before I felt her wiggle around a little beside me.

After a few beats, a soft sniffle broke the silence of the room.

Oh no, Luce.

I immediately rolled over and wrapped my arms around my best friend. Her back was to me and I could feel it rise and fall with silent sobs.

"Why are you crying?"

After a few beats and sobs later.

"Cause" Her voice filled with emotions, tears, and snot.

"Cause isn't an answer, and you know it." I sternly coaxed her.

"It's all my fault, you have no soul now!" She wailed into the dark room. As if she forgot I was holding her.

"Okay, yes, you did summon Satan. Which tomorrow we need to have a long talk about all that, but this isn't your fault." I squeezed her to emphasize my point.

"It's Satan, he tricked me. Or, it's my fault." She spun around so fast in my arms, our heads collided.

Bursting spots of color filled my vision.

My hand touched my forehead where her big head hit mine.

"Luce, you have to got to watch that huge forehead you got."

"Or maybe you should watch your forehead." Even in the dark, I could tell she was glaring daggers at me.

I just hope she knew I was glaring back.

"How is any of this your fault?" I pressed, not in the mood to argue.

"Hello??? I summoned him and I did it without telling you. I was just trying to help but I made it worse." She had a hard edge in her voice.

Taking a few seconds to collect myself, because she was right in a way. At the same time though, I didn't want her to blame herself for my problems. 

"Lucy, you were just trying to help me. I still love you, don't worry, we will figure it out." I used a soft but firm tone, one that has worked in the past.

As much as she likes to pretend otherwise, but she is a big softy.

She nodded and our heads collided one more time.

"I swear to God!" I shouted.

"Would you back up??!" Luce roared at the same time.

This is why we are best friends.

We got comfortable it didn't take long before we were out.

A nagging thought worked it's way to the front of my brain. Banishing away all traces of sleep.


No, not today. I wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, but before I could Lucy stirred.

Just great. I looked at the dragon-shaped clock, the display was on the rock the dragon was standing on.

It was 6:30. Shiiittttt.

I hopped up, throwing the blankets clean off the bed. Dashing around the room with no real purpose.

"Lucy get up, we're late," I yelled loud enough, she couldn't ignore me.

"Can't we just skip?" I stopped in my tracks. I had started going through Lucy's closet. We did not have time to go get me some clothes from my house.

"Wasn't it just yesterday you said you wanted me to start making an effort?" Glancing over my shoulder I saw she was still in bed.

"Now, you want me to skip?!" I said in mock disbelief. I heard her groan and the bed squeak sightly. Her feet thudded loudly against the carpet.

A few seconds later she was brushing past me storming out of the room.

I turned my attention back to the closet. Nothing was jumping out at me.

Today, I didn't see the appeal to my jeans and hoodie combo. I wanted something different.

Maybe not Lucy different though.

Wait...what's that in the back?

I dug all the way to the back wall of her crammed full closet.

What I found there was stunning. A perfectly pale pink shirt. I couldn't tell you what it was made of or it's cut. I just wear clothes, I don't study them.

This, this is what we need to wear today.

It must have been an attempt of Lucy's mom to girlie her up. We see how well that worked.

I throw on my jeans from yesterday.

Don't judge me.

I put on the tulip top -it reminds of the shade you see tulips in- it was amazing. It clung in all the right places. Sadly the jeans didn't work well with the top, but I loved the top so much.

Giving up the jeans, I started to hunt through the closet again.

That's how Lucy found me, with no pants on.

I didn't care.

Why didn't I care? Eh, whatever.

I found a pair of black leggings. That seemed like they belonged with this shirt, they had little pink gems on the side of the legs.

Who knows, maybe she has the whole outfit?

Could I be that lucky?

After some digging around, I found out I was.

Right!!! She even had a pair of strappy booties and a cute jacket. I left behind the jacket. Getting dressed as I found items. I was almost ready we might just make it on time.

Turning to see how Lucy was doing, and check out a mirror. She was just standing there staring at me. I didn't have time to just gawk back I went to the mirror on the wall.

"What?" I grumbled at her after a few moments of silence. I shook my rich brown hair out.

Did my hair get prettier?


"Where did you even find that?" She sounded beyond dumbfounded.

"There's a portal in the closet." I may have said that in too serious of a tone because Lucy went to the closet.

Good lord.

"I found it in the back." I sighed, hoping to convey that she was being gullible.

"Come on, you need to get dressed." Giving myself one last look, I grabbed my bag and booties and went into the living room.

Twenty minutes later we were racing to school. There was no way we were going to be on time.

After about fifteen minutes at the office signing us both in and getting a late slip.

As a rule, a phone call would be made to our parents.

I hate this school.

I walked into Miss Conner's class, everyone's head turned to see who came in.

Cool, that's normal. What is not normal is most people's jaw hit the floor and they didn't stop staring.

Even as I made my way to my seat.

How weird.

I got all my stuff out and ready as quickly and quietly as I could. I didn't wanna disrupt the class.

That's when I noticed I didn't hear Miss Conner talking. I looked up everyone was still staring at me.

"What?" I mumbled.

Was there something on my face?

Oh my God, did I not put pants on?

I really am having too much fun writing this, I hope you like the changing Addison, what she turns into we will just have to wait and see. I hope you enjoyed if you didn't or have a fun idea I would love to hear it.

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