Chapter 3

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Ackleypaw's pov

Ackleypaw didn't understand why all these cats could understand each other. Then why am i the only apprentice? He asked them in his mind. They just shook their heads.

We don't know.... Lunarkit said and looked around. Is Brackenkit here? She looked around. Her shoulders slumped. But then a little orange furred figure poked their head out of the nursery.

"There she is!" Ackleypaw meowed as Brackenkit padded over.

"H-hi. I-i could h-here you talking so i came out." Brackenkit mewed shyly.

"Let's sit down and talk about it." Ackleypaw mewed and sat down looking at the white pelt of Wolfkit and the brown and white pelt of Tilleykit.

"Well....lets firstly explain what's going on. So Brackenkit you obviously don't understand properly. We weren't talking verbally." Lunarkit explained.

"But—" Brackenkit stopped her.

"We are talking with our minds. See we'll show you." Cinderkit explained.

You can hear me can't you. Honeykit, Lunarkit, Ackleypaw, Wolfkit, Cedarkit, Tilleykit, you and i can understand each other when we are talking in our minds. Right?

"Uhh.....yeah....but..that'" The little shy orange furred she cat shivered at the dusk air.

"Wait....try communicating through your mind." Honeykit asked her.

"Ummm.................." Brackenkit trailed off.

"Don't can do it!" Lunarkit nudged her friendly. Brackenkit nodded.

Am-am i doing it? Brackenkit's voice sounded inside Ackleypaw's head

Yes! Great job! Lunarkit bounced up and down a few times.

"I'm confused, this could help us, but get in our way, wouldn't it?" Cedarkit asked, her sleek black pelt moving around the cats.

"Yes its a benefit in a way." Cinderkit said slowly.

"I think that it could reach us no matter how far away we are. I think that Winterfall said that her friend Viperkick could once communicate with her....and they could communicate from the opposite sides of camp....when they were on different patrols on the opposite sides of the territories." Ackleypaw said when the group was quiet.

"Oh and the story that the elders told Cinderkit and i, Sagethroat Freedomstar had a special connection w-with Duskystar and Dolphinstar, would that mean anything?" Tilleykit added.

"Yes! A special connection, that means that they must of been able to communicate together." They were finally getting something out of this.

"What are you talking about?" Ackleypaw jumped at the sound. His tan coloured pelt ruffled as he looked at the cats. The cream and brown tabby, Lilacmist was standing over them with Jackdawbright and Oceanreed standing next to her.

Say we are just talking about apprenticeship. Lunarkit's voice was inside my head, telling me what to do.


"We were j-just talking about the kits apprenticeships." Ackleypaw lied badly.

"Ummm okay." Jackdawbright's forest green eyes showed a little bit of anger.

"Okay. Whatever you say then." Oceanreed closed his sky-blue eyes and turned around and padded away towards the warriors den. Lilacmist and Jackdawbright followed him, looking over their shoulders one last time before going into the warriors den, probably to go to sleep.

"Phew! They almost found out, if they had of been the second early—" Lunarkit un-tensed.

"Okay. We need to stay as one. I know that we are all mischievous. We can meet up in the middle of the night tonight. How about that. Can you do that?" Ackleypaw questioned them. They all nodded eagerly. Some of them bounded up and down happily.

"Okay. At moon-high. See you then." Honeykit nodded and all the kits flowed back into their den. Ackleypaw made his way to the apprentices den, but Sunflowerpaw and Fleurpaw stopped him with sly smiles.

"What." Ackleypaw asked annoyedly. Smirks planted on their faces. Orchidpaw, Novapaw and Basilpaw came out of the apprentices den as well. Novapaw smirked as well.

"What were you doing." Fleurpaw asked half-heartedly.

What was i doing, Tilleykit what was i doing? Ackleypaw hoped Tilleykit would answer.

Apprenticeship remember? Tilleykit's sweet voice came from his mind.

"I was talking to the kits about being an apprentice and what we do as apprentices." Ackleypaw yet again lied. This time it felt harder to lie. Because he was lying to his friends.

"Okay......" Ackleypaw could tell that Fleurpaw, Sunflowerpaw and Novapaw weren't buying it. Thymepaw and Saffronspeck emerged from the den as well.

"Stop ranting would you, the clans trying to sleep. Back off Fleurpaw and Sunflowerpaw, you too Novapaw." Thymepaw just saved Ackleypaw's life. Ackleypaw felt as if Novapaw' since green eyes were turning red. He felt anger pulsing out of Sunflowerpaw's light light orange eyes and Fleurpaw's light pink.

"Yeah....kit lover." Novapaw spat. That didn't mean anything to Ackleypaw.

"So what. I like hanging out with kits. They're gonna be apprentices soon." Ackleypaw hissed back.

"You'll become a kit yourself if you don't shut up." Saffronspeck stepped in, the medicine cat apprentice standing up for Ackleypaw.

"We should all like the kits, they will grow up and prove you wrong." Orchidpaw defended Ackleypaw against his two sisters. Orchidpaw and Thymepaw flicked Sunflowerpaw and Fleurpaw over their heads. They hissed and backed up before retreating to the den. Basilpaw flicked his tail over his brother, Novapaw's head. His dark dove-grey eyes glinted with a hint of satisfaction as Novapaw unsheathed and sheathed his claws before heading into the apprentices den.

"Uhhh......thanks." Ackleypaw nodded to the four apprentices. They blinked gratefully and headed into the den.

Did you die? Tilleykit asked, a hint of laughter in her voice.

If it hadn't of been for Saffronspeck, Basilpaw, Thymepaw and Orchidpaw, i probably would of been dead. Ackleypaw laughed. Tilleykit laughed.

See you soon then. Bye.


please read the description of the book =3

hope you're enjoying it so far!!

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