Chapter 33

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Tilleypaw's pov

A half-moon had passed when Brackenpaw and her patrol had come back from hunting. They hadn't said much, all they said their was a fox and it attacked them but it left soon after. Tilleypaw couldn't figure it out, but she had realised that it'd been different scars on their pelts. They weren't fox scars they were cat scars. She was going ask Brackenpaw what was wrong but her thinking about her warriors assessment was stopping her. They were going to have their warriors assessment in a few sunrises and Tilleypaw was scared but happy at the same time. She wasn't sure if she'd get her name or not. Ackleyfire had been staying with Tilleypaw the whole time, as well as Cedarpaw and Cinderpaw would sometimes too. Cinderpaw was getting her full medicine cat name at sun-high and she was getting the herbs in order to please her mentor. Jackdawbright was organising patrols with Moringabelly and Cypressfoot,- Tilleypaw's father - and Tilleypaw had been assigned to on with Halcyonpelt, Conffetibranch, Novaspike, Yinpaw, Elkpaw and Fireflyreed. It was an abnormally large patrol but she didn't mind. She stayed quiet until the reached their destination. It was near the river, the river she'd almost fallen in when Ackleyfire and herself were still apprentices. It was getting closer and closer to sun-high as they went out on patrol. Billyshiver said he'd wanted to come and see his apprentice but Halcyonpelt said he couldn't let him because he was still grieving over Coralmask and Glamourlight. Even though that was a while ago, he'd stayed in camp. When they reached the river, they looked around. The rushing water was flowing, showing its crystal-like colour.

"C'mon, otherwise we'll miss Cinderpaw's naming ceremony." Elkpaw rushed away, his fluffy red-fur disappearing for a few heartbeats. Tilleypaw followed Yinpaw and Halcyonpelt as they weaved around the trees and came to a halt as they saw Elkpaw. He was sneaking up on a rabbit that almost looked his size. Tilleypaw could see it's fluffy white ears and it's little white bob-of-a-tail. He pounced onto the rabbit and bit it's neck, the sound echoing through the trees. Tilleypaw and Conffetibranch congratulated him and they moved on. Yinpaw caught a thrush and Fireflyreed was just about to catch a mouse when a silver apprentice-sized cat ran past. A tortoiseshell followed screeching playfully at them.

"Slow down!" The tortoiseshell screamed and disappeared from sight. Fireflyreed stumbled backwards but regained her balance. The mouse had disappeared and Tilleypaw could no longer smell it.

"Who in AuroraClan was that!" Novaspike hissed.

"I don't know, they could be loners, they could be from The Assassins, i don't know at this point." Halcyonpelt said calmly.

"Yeah, well they did a good job on scaring me!" Fireflyreed, who was still shaking, got up and shook her pelt. "And i would've got that mouse!" She sulked slightly.

Halcyonpelt turned his back and padded off for them to follow. They didn't get more time to hunt as it was sun-high. Tilleypaw was frustrated that she didn't catch anything but she didn't really mind, she was happy for Cinderpaw.

Yay! Can't wait! We are coming back right now. Tilleypaw said happily as they padded slowly through the trees.

Yay! I saw Honeypaw and Grasspaw at the entrance of camp, they're waiting for you. Cinderpaw mewed inside of Tilleypaw's head.

I can hear you....

Won't we still need to tell Dolphinstar or Duskystar know...... Wolfpaw spoke for sometime in a while.

Yeah maybe. Responded Ackleyfire.

We are almost back at camp. Tilleypaw raced ahead of the group but Halcyonpelt growled at her to stop. She slowed into a trek, not looking back and hiding her embarrassment from them. They finally got into camp and Tilleypaw looked around the clearing. No one looked right. Everyone seemed....on edge. She tried to shrug it off and keep going with other things. Maybe i'm just seeing things....

"All cats old enough to fight battles join under the Slanted High-Ledge!" Duskystar's call rung through the camp. Cats came rushing from the dens and Lindsaystream came to sit just outside the nursery.

"Today we gather for Cinderpaw's naming ceremony!" Dolphinstar announced, her white pelt blowing majestically. "Cinderpaw come forward, Cycloneheart do you think she has learnt the medicine code and the warrior code?"

"Yes, she has." Cycloneheart mewed steadily.

"Then with no further objections, i name Cinderpaw, Cindermist!" Dolphinstar yowled.

"Cindermist! Cindermist!" Everyone cheered. Tilleypaw cheered as loud as she could, feeling a big knot of happiness for Cindermist. She had definitely worked hard enough to get her name.

"Well done!" Cats were cheering her as they walked by. Tilleypaw trotted over to Cindermist.


"I can't believe i'm finally a full medicine cat!" She mrrowed. Slightly chuckling, Cindermist padded back inside of her den. Tilleypaw followed. "I know this is weird but do you mind if you sleep here tonight, i kinda" Tilleypaw nodded, although she was uncomfortable with it but she didn't want to disappoint her. "I have a feeling that tonight and tomorrow won't be so good....."

Tilleypaw settled down in her temporary nest for the night. Straight away she fell asleep.


A paw prodded her awake. Blinking her eyes open, she looked up to be face to face with Cindermist.

"What!" She hissed quietly. "It's so early in the morning!"

"C'mon! Lindsaystream is kitting! Well she's almost done, but come!" Getting up faster, she skidded through the camp and came to a halt in front of the nursery. Some cats were already awake. Cindermist weaved around the cats, leading Tilleypaw into the nursery.

She got inside and found herself facing three cute kits. Eyes not open, they moved around, nudging at Lindsaystream's belly.

"Mother they're so cute! What're their names?" Tilleypaw could barely dare breathe as the sight of the tiny kits made her heart flutter.

"This one is called Bravekit—" Lindsaystream pointed to a dusty red and brown tom-cat. "this is Smilekit and i haven't got a name for her yet...." Lindsaystream trailed off, resting her tail on the last kits head. The she-kits' light grey pelt rippled as she tried to open her eyes. The little kit stumbled around, trying to stand up, making feathers fly everywhere. "You really are the tricky one aren't you." Lindsaystream chuckled. The she-kit sneezed and dust flew around the room. "You really are a tricky kit, Trickykit...."

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