Chapter 5

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Brackenkit's pov

Wolfkit blacked out and woke up, she was fiddling around saying some weird stuff like Freedompaw and Yangsilence. Brackenkit waited until someone asked her what was wrong.

"I-i think it was about our kin!" Wolfkit exclaimed, getting to her paws.

"Wait. We don't even know what happened can you explain anything to us?" Honeykit said, her little light coloured fur shining like the sun in the night light.

Wolfkit's breath slowed. Okay. "So i saw these tw—no i was one of the cats, my name was Freedompaw and the other cat was Giraffepaw. They went into the nursery to see the kits and funnily enough, they were our mothers, Valleycloud, Dragonflower, Acaciaseed, Duskfeather and Lindsaystream."

"Wait but what about Coralmask then?" Cinderkit realised before anyone else.

"Yeah." Brackenkit regretted saying that.

"I don't know......" Wolfkit clawed the earth with her unsheathed claws.

"Well....maybe. Maybe none of her kits have the special talent." Ackleypaw sat down.

"B-but none of Acaciaseed's kits can hear us...." Cedarkit spoke up, walking around the circle to Honeykit before sitting down next to her. She smiled and made room for her.

"Maybe one of them can but have any of them made signs of being able to hear." Tilleykit looked at the nursery. Brackenkit looked over at the nursery too. Nothing but blackness from the night. Brackenkit turned around to become face to face with Lunarkit.

"Ahhhhhh...." she squealed quietly and almost fell off her paws.

"Hahahahahaha. Too quiet, we can't even tell your just kidding." Lunarkit chuckled.

"We should probably get some sleep." Cedarkit stood up and padded around the group.

"Yeah! Our naming ceremony is tomorrow! Can't wait!" Cinderkit jumped up and down. So did the rest of the kits and Ackleypaw showed a smile on his face.

"Oh! And it's also Orchidpaw, Sunflowerpaw, Cloverpaw and Fleurpaw's warrior ceremonies tomorrow." Ackleypaw stated. He said and turned around and padded slowly towards the apprentices den.

Bye, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, when you're apprentices too!! Ackleypaw's excited voice sounded inside Brackenkit's head.

Hurry up and sleep otherwise we might not become apprentices. Cinderkit chuckled and trotted into the nursery.

Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow. Wolfkit surprisingly sounded confident in what she was saying. The moon-light was just enough for Brackenkit to find her way into the nursery and to her mothers nest, Valleycloud. She jumped up and stumbled but the feathers and Valleycloud's medium length fur cushioned her for support as she wobbled and then lay down. Her eyelids became quite heavy and she finally fell asleep.

*dream time again!*

Brackenkit padded through the ferns into the open space. Lots of cats were in little groups of about three or four. But then she turned and saw a group of more than that, this one was nine cats, all sitting in a perfect circle. One of them was a sleek brown and white she cat, one of them was white, one was orange furred, one was——wait. I know these cats, th-that's me! She ran over to the group. They were talking, but her image was still. Then why?

"Welcome Brackenkit." Brackenkit looked around startled, her eyes widened a little at the sight of this ice-white tom. Brackenkit's mouth dropped as she tried putting words into sentences.

"Wh-how—yes—huh—help." She stuttered and stepped back.

The tom laughed. "Don't worry. I'm Freedomstar, the founder and namer of MysteryClan. You need to join them." He gestured to the circle of cats. "They're you and your friends, go talk to them, remember everything you say, they can hear in real life." Freedomstar padded away softly, leaving Brackenkit stranded with the cats who seemed to be her friends. She looked over to her silhouette. It wasn't moving, talking or doing anything.

"Sit down in the exact spot that your silhouette is in." A mysterious voice came from somewhere in the dark space. Brackenkit's brows furrowed but she padded over there anyways. She sat down in the exact spot as her silhouette and everything came to her.

"Don't worry, i was confused as well, we can all now talk here without having to sneak away from the nursery and apprentices den." The exact voice of Lunarkit was coming from the cat who looked exactly like her.

Finally, Brackenkit got the courage to speak up. "A-are you and i r-really h-here?" She spoke out, and all eyes turned to her.

"When did you get here?" Tilleykit asked her, her blue and green eyes sparkling like stars.

"J-just now." Brackenkit swallowed.

"Well of course we're all here and have you noticed something else?" Cinderkit smiled at her.

"Uhhh." Brackenkit looks around. "N-no." She said and dipped her head slightly.

"Me by any chance?" An unfamiliar voice came from a mostly white cat with black dots and a black mark on her forehead. But the she-cat looked familiar.

"Y-yeah, d-don't i know you?" The name was just on the tip of Brackenkit's tongue but she couldn't pin-point it.

"O-oh, it's B-Briarkit re-remember." Briarkit's name finally rung in her head.

"Ohhhhh." Brackenkit sighed. "Wait—what why're you—"

"She apparently can now communicate with us." Cedarkit flicked her tail over the ground and swished up dust, getting it on Cinderkit. Cinderkit sneezed and then hissed playfully.

"Focus." Ackleypaw hissed and that got the attention of all the kits. "Look. We need to go to the Aurora Pond. We need to talk to Freedomstar and Hazestar and the cats from the past. When you become apprentices, we....and i know this sounds bad, but we need to sneak out of camp sometime and go to the Aurora Pond, to talk to them properly." Ackleypaw explained, shifting his paws.

"M-maybe we can tell them were going on a journey." Tilleykit thought out loud.

"Y-yeah it's gonna be hard. I think we'd be able to do it." Brackenkit agreed with them.

"And we can get away from the clan." Wolfkit looked down at her paws as she said that, waiting to get a tail over her head or something.

"So whenever we're having the same dream, always sit down in your spot." Honeykit spoke, her paws moving on the ground.

"We should go to sleep, then we can become apprentices!" Briarkit jumped to her paws.

"Yes, see you later, tomorrow." Honeykit chuckled and padded away into the darkness. The rest of them padded into the darkness in different directions, leaving Brackenkit to ponder alone....

*dream ends*

Helloooooo. How're you enjoying this story, this is definitely my most successful story. I realllllly enjoy using these characters. Let me know if ANY suggestions any ships ect and I'll see ya in the next chapter!!

word count: around 990 words

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