Chapter 7

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Tilleypaw's pov

Tilleypaw padded out of camp after Billyshiver, Skylarspark, Mountainfrost and Dolphinstar. Where're we going.

We're going to the Circular Waterfall. Ackleypaw said, although that made no sense to Tilleypaw. Lunarpaw's face said it all.

Haha. Someone's excited. Ackleypaw nudged Lunarpaw. She bounded across the damp earth only to be stopped by her mentor Skylarspark.

"So....we are going to learn prey-hunting today." Billyshiver stopped and turned around to look them all in the eye. His pelt rippled and his grey paws seem to almost lose balance as he walks.

"This is where we spend most of our time in battle training, because, there is a big group of—of rogues and kittypets on the loose here. They attacked us once and we don't want them attacking again." Dolphinstar looked around cautiously before padding into an open space with very few trees, but the very few trees were very tall. "So....Ackleypaw. Would you care to demonstrate a hunting crouch." His mentor told him and he obeyed, getting low into a crouch with his tail just above the dirt. "Good. Now we'll do them with our mentors, so Ackleypaw and i will just be over here." Dolphinstar walked away about five fox lengths.

"Come on Tilleypaw. Stop daydreaming." Billyshiver's mew woke Tilleypaw up and she shook her brown and white pelt and turned to Billyshiver. " sure that Cypressfoot taught you something about the hunting crouch when you were younger ehh?" Billyshiver asked her. She nodded slightly. "Ahh, well then it should be a little easier if you've already tried it before, basically just copy me." Billyshiver presses himself against the earth.

Tilleypaw then proceeded to try and do the same thing.

"You have your paw a little twisted, turn them so they're all facing the same way and keep your tail above the ground." Billyshiver instructed, Tilleypaw obeying every little detail.

"Wirepaw has done it!" Mountainfrost reported, Tilleypaw could just notice the limp in Mountainfrosts paw.

"So has Lunarpaw." Skylarspark said, trying to keep the wriggling and eager apprentice from doing anything.

Don't worry don't panic, you're fine. But you don't know what your doing. You do, focus on the feet, tail, paws.

Chill. You know we can still hear you even if we are on the opposite sides of camp. Strangely enough Tilleypaw could hear Cedarpaw's voice.

Haha. It's funny how we can communicate from the opposite sides of camp. Wolfpaw who was supposedly with Cedarpaw was saying.

Yeah i think we can all hear it. Cinderpaws voice was also in Tilleypaw's head.

Okay. We're trying to do hunting so let's now be quiet, Tilleypaw focus on stuff in your own mind, try get to your own mind, the little dot at the centre of your mind, not the bigger dot. Ackleypaw was obviously trying to help.

I can try..... Tilleypaw half hissed half said playfully.

She closed her eyes and focused her mind. Almost everything immediately stopped. The buzzing sensation in her head stopped, even now she couldn't hear her heartbeat. She opened one eye cautiously, then the other before looking around.


She looked down at the ground, it wasn't brown like the dust, it was white. She looked around for some sign or answer. She frantically ran random ways hoping to find a way out of this, only to bump into a tree and fall onto the ground with a 'poof'. Half dazed half annoyed, she stood up, feeling a little bump forming on her forehead. She turned around multiple times, making herself dizzy before falling off her paws. A dark pelt caught her scruff and kept her on her paws. The dark figure let go and Tilleypaw could now see that it was a cat.


"Shhh. Stop don't say anything." The dark she cat with green eyes put her tail over her mouth.

Tilleypaw's mouth just dropped and did nothing.

"You know, ive always wanted to speak to someone from the future, and you my friend are the person i am speaking to." The she cat explained, padding around her with her black tail on Tilleypaw's back. "Well. Let me think. Tilleypaw is that right?"

"Umm yes?"

"Oh." The cat didn't at all look nervous or happy. No emotion was on her face. "Welcome to the in-between." The black looked at what Tilleypaw thought was the sky. It was white.

"Why are you l-looking...." Tilleypaw didn't want to finish the sentence.

"Because. Look now." The green eyes looked up. Tilleypaw looked up.

"Three, two, one." The black cat immediately blended into the black. Tilleypaw took a step back.

"Wh-why-huh?" Tilleypaw looked at the once white, now black sky.

"Duh. It's the in-between." The black cats green eyes looked around. "Do you understand?"


"Well.....let me start. I'm from ThunderClan. You don't need to know my name just yet but i must tell you something, understand?" Tilleypaw nods. 'Understanding is good, not the best, and only for the good, Flutter, high, overcome fear and be yourself, don't act like someone you're not, do you understand?'" The night black cats eyes pierced her skin. Tilleypaw doesn't answer. She barely heared the she cat speak twice more. But she felt a sharp pain in her cheek.

"Oww!" Tilleypaw feels a little drop of blood fall down her cheek. She watched it fall onto the black floor, staining the floor. It begins to spread.

"Do you understand now!" The black cat growled. Tilleypaw nodded as she watched the whole place turn to red. "Now that you've got that scar, you will face danger, you need to meet with me again with all your friends. They're called the 'assassins' they're a pack of feisty cats. Go. Tell your clan you feather-brain." The black cat starts to pad away.

"Wait! What's your name so i can call out for you." Tilleypaw asked the cat, her cheek stinging a little.

"My name? My name, hmmm? My name is.....................,...,,,, know." The black she cat disappears. Tilleypaw is now stranded in thoughts. She sees her mentor Billyshiver and finally clicked back into hunting mode. What is your name?

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