Chapter 1

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Robinheart woke up to a warm leaf-fall morning - a rare experience - and crawled out of the warriors den, to see her kits playing in the clearing - half-clan kits, just apprentices - when Stoneheart, the clan bully, came up to them

"how are you?" he asked

"fine, thanks!" that was Sunpaw, the youngest of Robinheart's kits.

Stoneheart laughed. "i was joking! i don't actually care, half-clan kits"

"step away from them, Stoneheart, they're not your playthings!" Robinheart hissed.

"or what?" Teased Stoneheart "you'll rip me into shreds?" he laughed.

"oh, i could..." Robinheart warned, tensing her muscles for a fight

"stop!" that was the clan leader, Silverstar. "Stoneheart, you're a great warrior, i expect better from you. Robinheart, i get you were protecting your kits, but we don't need a fight. i expect better from both of you." then Silverstar grabbed a starling from the fresh-kill pile, and padded back to her den to eat.

Stoneheart hissed and stalked away.

"Rainpaw?" the medicine cat, Blacktail called her, because Rainpaw was a medicine cat apprentice. 

"Coming!" she mewed and rushed off.

"Now, the rest of you go find your mentors, and go off to training. It's about time." Robinheart mewed, then watched her kits scamper off with their mentors, Starwing and Rabbitfoot.

Robinheart waited a few moments, then snuck off to see her mate, Badgerfur, in WindClan.


Badgerfur was waiting for Robinheart in his favourite part of the moor; the longhills. this wasn't an ordinary place, this was the spot he had met Robinheart, and the most long-stretching hills on WindClan territory. 

then he saw her, Her dark-gray fur showing her strong muscles underneath, and her orange stripes glowing like fire in the sunlight.

"Badgerfur?" she called

"Robinheart!" he cried, launching himself forward, and landing on top of her.

She hissed playfully, and the two began rolling together on the ground.

Then Robinheart joyfully meowed "our kits are becoming warriors soon!"

Badgerfur was too proud to speak. His kits! He rubbed his head against Robinheart's cheek, and they climbed up the hill together.



He sounds like a 3rd  grader trying to be a mean little delinquent but his mommy doesn't approve so he's never insulted anyone in his life.

And near the end there, we almost had a bit of a non-PG moment uh oh 😳😳

keep in mind that I had my mom read this story aloud to my dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt, cousin, and uncle at the same time.

Also, I just want to mention that I've been putting this story into almost-paragraphs. I want to keep as many original mistakes as i can, but it was almost unreadable before i separated it a bit. Basically, the entire story is crinkled pages of a handwritten run-on sentence.

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