Chapter 14

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Autumnfrost bounded over to Rainfeather after the clan went back to their dens to warm up, because it was leaf-bare, after all.
"I'm so happy!" Autumnfrost almost squealed like a kit "now I'm a ThunderClan cat like you!"
Rainfeather's pelt felt hot with embarrassment. "Y- yeah..." Rainfeather stammered "do you want to go out hunting with me?"
Autumnfrost looked at her excitedly "would you teach me?"
"Sure!" Rainfeather meowed "but we'll have to ask Moonfall first, because she's your mentor."
And they padded off to see the white pelted warrior with blue-gray stripes.
Autumnfrost padded softly through the forest with Rainfeather at his side, and Moonfall and Birchleaf slightly behind.
"First I'll show you the hunter's crouch" Rainfeather was mewing "you'll want to have soft pawsteps on the ground, so the prey doesn't feel the vibrations or hear the crunching." She scented the air "smell that? That's vole, and mouse. When you are creeping up on it, you'll wNt to be downwind, so it doesn't smell you." She flicked her tail, beckoning for Autumnfrost to go follow it, and he crept in pursuit of the small creature. The mouse was snuffling among the leaves at the bottom of an apple tree. Autumnfrost made sure he was downwind, and he crawled forward. He was about a tail-length away from the mouse, when he accidentally stepped on a fallen twig, and the mouse dashed off, into it's burrow.
"You almost caught it! That was good for your first try." Rainfeather called, bounding up to him.
Autumnfrost grunted, stood up, and shook himself.
"I saw where your problem was" Rainfeather mewed "you stepped on the twig, so maybe you should try sliding your paws along the ground. That way, if you did it before, the twig would be pushed out of the way instead of stepped on."
Autumnfrost thought for a minute- it made sense... "ok, I'll try that" so he scented the air,and found a trace of the vole Rainfeather had mentioned earlier.
Sliding his paws on the ground, he crept up to it. He felt the wind blowing on his face, so he was downwind. He wiggled his haunches, getting ready to launch, and sprang onto the unsuspecting prey. He killed it with a swift bite to the neck.
"You did it!" Rainfeather congratulated him as she padded toward him from the holly bush she was hiding behind "that's a great first catch!" She brushed her tail along his side "now, I'll catch something, we'll meet up with Birchleaf and Moonfall again, and head back to camp."
Birchleaf was enjoying hunting with Moonfall. So far, he had caught a robin. Moonfall leaped in the air, just kidding a blackbird "mouse dung!" She cursed.
The sun was low on the horizon, and the sky was a pink colour. The hunting party had caught a piece of prey each, which was a lot for leaf-bare. Birchleaf carried his robin, with Moonfall beside him. She had caught a squirrel. Rainfeather had a starling dangling from her jaws. Autumnfrost held his head and tail high. He had a vole in his mouth,
"Nice first catch" Moonfall mumbled around her squirrel.
Once back in camp, they dropped their prey on the fresh-kill pile, and grabbed a piece for themselves.
Settling down beside Moonfall, he ate the squirrel she had caught. After they finished their prey, Birchleaf started grooming Moonfall's neck fur, and she groomed an unkempt tuft of fur behind his ear.
After sharing tongues, they padded back to the warriors' den with their fur brushing. Birchleaf realized then that he had affection towards the white she-cat.

He had affection?? He had affection. why-
Anyway, idk what to say ab this chapter. It was just mid

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