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Happy Spooky time, loves!


YOU SHUDDERED BACK IN FEAR AS YOU SAW THE UPCOMING ATTRACTION. Fangs let out a small laugh as he continued to convince everyone how much fun it would be. Some were all on board others stared off aimlessly trying to avoid the topic all together.

"Fangs I don't know if this is a good idea anyways. I mean the name is literally Carnival of Horrors." You mumbled fiddling with the sleeves on your jacket. Looking around the table the only one who seemed to agree with you is Veronica. She gave you a small smile, but nonetheless she agreed since Archie seemed very intrigued. "You guys can go, but I'd rather stay home."

"No you're going it'll be fun! How about we make a deal." Cheryl suggested as she pulled out her phone. Quickly tapping on the screen she pulled up all the events the carnival was putting on.
House of mirrors, Twisty The Clown, Blackout Maze, Haunted House.

"I know it's supposed to have a clown, but god just thinking about it is making me wanna throw up." You stammered out as you continued to stare at the list. "I'll go, but if I'm left alone I'm leaving straight away. I'm not trying to sound needy or petty it's just I don't know if I can handle something like this alone."

"Besides I wanted to go with my best friend to this anyways." Fangs smiled lacing your hands together and going back to his conversation. Best friends, that send an actual pang in chest for some reason and you absolutely despised it. Soon enough everyone had agreed to spend Halloween at that damn carnival. Quickly gathering your things you started off to the last class of the day.

"Are you that eager to get to class?" Fangs questioned coming up behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You simply nodded your head and continued with your fast walking. All you wanted was for the day to be over with. "Do you wanna come over and ride together? I still have some of your clothes that you could change into."

"Yeah that's fine just let me call and make sure it's okay with my parents." You smiled as you stopped outside your classroom. Fangs gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before speeding off to his current class. You let out a small huff and took your seat at the back of the class.

"Why don't you just ask him out already!" Cheryl exclaimed as she turned around in her seat to give you a judgmental look. Toni gave her girlfriend a quick nudge in order to tell her 'be nice.'

"Because he probably doesn't like me! Have you seen him he can get anyone he wants!" You retorted as you moved the stray hairs from your face. Think quickly face palmed and huffed at your ignorance.

"Remember went I kept complaining to you that Cheryl would never like me? Well look at us now!" Toni gleamed as she talked about her girlfriend. "And besides you two already act like a couple anyways."

"Well talk after class okay, or when we meet up later." You dismissed them and tried to focus on the problems ahead. They held their hands up in surrender and turned around in their seats. You bit your nail as you tried to refrain from thinking about him, but untimely failing.

"Have a good weekend everyone!" Was the last thing you heard before booking it out of the classroom, but you didn't get far before a hand clasped around your forearm. Toni gave you a sympathetic look while Cheryl held more of a determined demeanor. They linked they arms through yours as they walked to the car.

"I'm not saying come right out and say it, but give the boy some hints." Cheryl shrugged as she went to speak again only to be cut off mid word.

"Give who what?" Fangs questioned as he appeared in front of you guys with an eyebrow quirked up. You quickly laughed it off before untangling yourself and walking with him. Giving a quick look back to see them giving a thumbs up.

The ride was mostly silent no matter how much you wanted to speak you found yourself to sacred you'll slip up.

"Okay what's up usually you're belting out lyrics to your favorite songs like staring out the window." Fangs spoke up as he pulled into his driveway. You ruffled your hair a bit before giving a small shrug and getting out.

"Ehh just thinking about the carnival and such." You smiled quickly before open the door and going to the kitchen. Fangs sighed before dropping it.

"I could always call everyone and tell them you're not up for this." Fangs asked as he wrapped his arm around waist bring you into him more. You gave a tight lipped smile before removing his hands and sitting at the bar. "I mean I only suggested that so I'd be able to play the tough guy act to impress you."

You let out a small laugh think he was only joking, but his face never wavered from his serious expression.

"Why would you wanna impress me off all people!" You laughed as you looked up at him. Within a second his lips were on yours in a short, sweet kiss. Fangs quickly pulled away only for you to pull him into a more intense kiss. His hands found your waist and lifted you onto the counter. His lips soon found their way to your neck.

"Are you sure you don't mind staying here and watching classic horror movies?"

"As long as I'm with you I don't care what we do."

Tonight's episode has me quaking OML!
Have you guys seen it? If so what did you think!
By herronszach

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