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requested by varchje


You tap your pencil aimlessly on the paper in front of you, your eyes drifting from the paper to the clock on the wall.

The bell rings signaling the end of the class period. You grab your books and walk out of the classroom, trying your best to avoid the crowded halls.

You finally make it your locker, punching in your combination and put away the books you don't need. Before you can close your locker door you catch a glimpse of Betty rushing to you, a smile evident on her lips.

"Y/N you need to come with me right now!" a excited Betty says, giving you no time to reply as she grabs your hand.

You raise a eyebrow turning to Betty "Um Betty, what's going on?"

"You'll see" the energetic blonde says as you two approach a crowd.

A smile makes it's way onto your face as you make out your boyfriend Archie's voice as he plays his guitar.

Betty stands in front of you as she makes her way through the crowd, you following shortly behind.

A blush inhabits your face as you make it to the front of the crowd, standing in front of Archie as he sings your favorite song.

Once Archie finishes the song he grabs a bouquet of roses Veronica gives him.

Archie walks up to you, a bright smile on his lips as he hands you the roses.

Archie grabs your hand, "Y/N, I love you so much. Will you be my date to prom?" the red head asks, a hopeful smile on his lips.

You nod your head, Archie immediately pulling you into a hug as the crowd cheers.

"Of course I'll go with you Archiekins" you say, pulling away from the hug to place a short kiss on Archie's lips.

Written by SelenaQuintanillas

I know it's no longer prom season but I really liked this request and hope you enjoyed the imagine!

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