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ONE MISSED DATE, SIMPLE PRACTICE WENT LONGER THEN EXPECTED, BUT FIVE NOW YOU'RE GETTING WORRIED. Your worries occupied your mind every time the two of you made less and less contact. You knew he loved you, it's just he was very busy with his music and football that it took up a lot of his time. Yeah, that was it practice, I mean it seemed as if he wanted or needed to practice more than ever now.

You played with the food in your plate as you anxiously bounced your knee. The longer the wait the more apprehensive thoughts entered your mind.

"Hey don't worry I heard coach is riding their asses since the big homecoming game is soon." Betty spoke as her soft, sad smile seemed to give her away. Give her away for what? She continued to look out the window as well as you, waiting for your date to arrive.

"Yeah, I mean he's told me how much this game means." Your sorrowful tone ticking off Betty and Jughead that you weren't believing the story you've been told. Letting out a small huff and rubbing your face you were deciding wether or not to leave. Betty's hands clasped over yours the moment it gripped the corner of the table to help you slide out of the booth.

"Do you want me to come over, spend the night?" Betty questioned as she raised her eyebrows at you. The concerned look on her face, made you want to say yes because you knew at this moment things weren't going to end well. You gave Betty's hand a small squeeze and shook your head.

"I'll be fine and besides it's a school day." You smiled as you stood up and grabbed your purse. It took every ounce of your strength to not let those tears fall past your waterline. You looked at and made eye contact with Pop's a worrisome expression immediately took over his face. His made a b-like towards you hoping he could help you.

"I'm fine Pops just having a bad night." You sadly smiled at the man as his eyes filled with even more worry than before. You started towards the door before you heard him say.

"If you ever need a late night talk or a late night burger I'm here." Pop smiled making a small laugh pass through your lips. You nodded you head and opened the door hearing the small bell chime. Walking towards you car you put your stuff in the passenger seat and closed the door. Before starting the car you heard the familiar ding of your phone. Reggie's contact name had popped up. He may not be everyone's favorite, but the boy has always been one of your best and closest friends so receiving texts from him this late wasn't unusual.

Hey since when did you and Archie breakup?

You read over the message again hoping it said something different. You and Archie hadn't broken up, at least to your knowledge you haven't because Archie even said before he parted for practice. I'll meet you tonight, I love you.

We're still together

You sent the reply and almost instantaneously a picture message popped up.

Then why the hell is this fuckboy making out with Veronica under the bleachers?

Your eyes began to sting with fresh tears the longer you stared at the photo. He was in his football uniform and Veronica in her rivervixen's uniform. So he did have practice, but this boy wasn't just practicing new tricks on the field, but he was also practicing new tricks on someone who wasn't you. Your hands gripped at the wheel as your sobs echoed throughout the small vehicle. You felt like a fool when all the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fall into place at that point.

His kisses were no longer long and passionate, more like short and rushed. The fact that whenever you noticed him  missing a certain raven hair girl was missing as well. Or the fact he was so open with you about everything, but now the boy wouldn't even let you touch his phone.

"Damn it!" You bellowed as you held your face in your hands as the cascading flow of tears never stopped. After some time of letting your bottled up feelings out you started on your drive home. Seeing a different car parked in your drive way, suddenly you mind was racing with possibilities of who it could be. Stepping out you noticed Reggie sitting on your front porch.

"Oh, shit." Reggie spoke quickly as he  made a mad dash towards you. You were engulfed in his strong hold as you let the sobs escape your body once more.

"I'm so stupid, Reg." You weeped into his shirt as he guided you into the house. You and him sat on the couch as he done his best to comfort you.

"If anyone is fucking stupid it's him, for cheating on someone as amazing and beautiful as you." Reggie objected as he moved the fallen hair out of your face. "Don't you ever degrade yourself just because some asshat doesn't know a good thing when he's got it."

"Could you stay with me tonight I don't wanna be alone." You admitted as you gripped his hand tighter. Everything coming back in sudden shots at you.

"Of course."


Reggie stayed the night and proceed to get you ready for the next day at school. Your eyes were still puffy and you all around felt extremely drained. Last nights events were all you could think about.

"If you want I can just take you back to my place and tell my parents you weren't feeling well." Reggie suggested as he pulled off onto the side of the road ready to take you back in an instance.

"I have to face the music sometime I'd rather get it over with now." You mumbles playing with the hem of Reggie sweatshirt he let you wear. He nodded his head as he turned the car back onto the road and started towards school. His arm was draped over your shoulders as you two walk to your locker.

"I'd appreciate it if you got your hands off of my girlfriend." Archie's voice seemed to be laced with venom as he spoke. The two of your turned around to see him eyeing the arm around you.

"Andrews I suggest you leave her the fuck alone." Reggie stepped up towards him as Archie got closer. Your hands immediately tugged Reggie back not wanting him to make a scene.

"Last time I checked she's my girlfriend not yours." Archie spoke as he still eyed the arm around you. With every passing second you could feel the extreme tension in the air between the two.

"Was." You mumbled as you tugged Reggie to first period. Archie's arm shot out and slightly tugged you back only to have Reggie jerk his hand away from you.

"What do you mean was, what did I do?" Archie spoke his face going from angry to perplexed within a second. You bit you lip biting back tears as you pulled up you the photo that explains why you had spoke that one word.

"This is why we're over, this is why I'm now a wreck." You spat with disgust clear in your voice. Archie's eyes widen as he stared at the photo.

"Y/n, baby I can-"

"No! You don't get to call me baby you lost that privilege the moment you decide to kiss another who wasn't me, you lost the privilege to be able to explain anything to me when you decided it was okay to get handsy with one of my friends while I'm alone thinking you're at practice. Don't ever come near or talk to me again Archie because I want absolutely nothing to do with. I hope this fucking hookup was worth losing someone who loved you more than anything in this world. Have a good life Archie."

By herronszach
Kinda wanna make a part 2? Did you guys enjoy it?

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