Chapter fifteen

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"Let all cats old enough to swim join here for a clan meeting!" Lilystar yowled one dawn.

Riverpaw groaned.

One more moon had passed.

Was today the day?

The day the fox-heart and the know it all kit got to be apprentices?

Ugh. I am not looking forward to Loonkit telling me how to catch fish. Sheesh. He needs a better hobby than trying to help those who know better than him what to do. He acts like we're all mouse-brains.

Riverpaw stretches as he wakes up, shaking the moss out of his gray fur.

His brother, Wildpaw, was up and bouncing around Riverpaw like it was already their warriors ceremony. But it was only the apprentice making of Loonkit and Bramblekit.

"Come on, Riverpaw, or we'll miss their apprentice ceremony!" Wildpaw meowed excitedly, bouncing up and down.

Riverpaw yawned, setting his paws down on the ground outside his warm nest.

Riverpaw and Wildpaw together padded to the clearing of their camp. Their leader, the cream she-cat with Amber eyes, was standing on a large and mossy rock.

Wide curious eyes reached the clan leader.

Two cats pelted out of the nursery, being tagged by Waterkit and Hopkit.

One of those toms, angled his brown ears forward, tail held high with prestige. His dark gray fur the cleanest Riverpaw has ever seen it. Pride gleamed in those soft dark blue eyes. A sort of command to them like his father's.

The other, a boastful look in his light green eyes, gazing over every cat like he had the authority to rule over them. The spoiled cat himself.

Brown and gray pelts blended in together as the two padded towards the mossy rock where their clan leader resides.

Loonkit, the dark gray tom with dark blue eyes, had his eyes open wide with wonder and happiness. A purr was rumbling in his throat.

"New opportunities await me!" He practically squealed as the two made their way to the front, Snakegorse following them with her brown tabby pelt that matched Bramblekit's.

Snakegorse purred. "Of course, my kit." She responded with love, licking his ears.

The tom purred in response, not at all embarrassed by the love his mother was giving him.

Next to him, Bramblekit scowled. "Loonkit isn't the only kit you have! Give me love and attention!" He snarled, baring his teeth at his mother.

Snakegorse ignored his threatening teeth that were sharp like thorns, and pressed herself against the tinier kit.

Bramblekit has always been smaller than his brother, therefore making his parents give him most of the attention. This sort of action made the kit like this. He wanted more attention than his brother.

Perhaps that's why Loonkit likes helping others, to fill in the hole in his heart where his parent's should be. This is what happened when cats play favorites.

"Good luck, my kits. I'm sure Lilystar will give you great mentors." The Queen—now warrior—purred.

Snakegorse lovingly licked Bramblekit's forehead, and started cleaning the remaining areas that Bramblekit forgot to clean.

Bramblekit closed his eyes, enjoying the attention.

Waterkit, a white tom with brown stripes and Amber eyes, snorted at the scene. Mischief glimmered in his dark Amber eyes. There was also extreme anger in his gaze.

"Humph. Too bad it's not our apprentice ceremony. We wouldn't ever be that affectionate towards someone who won't even matter after apprenticeship." Waterkit insulted shoving his brother, Hopkit, who had his gaze toward the squishy ground.

"Right, Hopkit? These guys are such losers! I can't wait until we're apprentices. We'll show them what true kin can do!" Waterkit hissed, his dark eyes on his brother.

Hopkit's green eyes glanced up at his kin with affection.

"Of course, Waterkit! We're better than some mouse-brained spoiled kit that's for sure! You're not the leader of this clan. You're practically a tyrant, Bramblekit. I hope you die one day!" Hopkit snarled.

Waterkit gave his brother an approving gaze.

Snakegorse looked shocked. "What is wrong with you two? Bramblekit is a precious gift from StarClan! He doesn't need to die! What has your mother been teaching you?" She wondered.

Immediately, Bramblekit launched himself at Waterkit, who squealed in surprise.

"Bramblekit! Your fur!" Loonkit exclaimed, trying to pry the two apart, but Hopkit joined in the fighting, practically tearing out some of Bramblekit's fur.

"What's going on here?!" A tom asked, shoving his way through the crowd to get to the fighting toms. "So this is what's keeping the apprentice ceremony from starting." Boomed a gray tabby with Amber eyes. It was Moonshine, the deputy of the clan.

Anger blazed in those light Amber eyes as Moonshine stared down at the three fighting toms.

At this point only Hopkit was fighting, ripping out even more chunks of Bramblekit's brown tabby fur.

Wildpaw and Riverpaw continued watching the fight as Moonshine meowed, "You three are in big trouble. I would have thought you would have stopped such mouse-brained fights when you became apprentices, but it appears not. Waterkit, Hopkit, you two will be cleaning the elders of their ticks and clearing their nests."

Hopkit stopped as his name was called. He then whined at the punishment.

"But we're kits!" Waterkit protested.

"For today you two are unofficial apprentices." Moonshine meowed, glancing up at Lilystar for approval. Lilystar nodded with her approval.

Moonshine glanced back at the kits. "You two will clean the elders and assist them with what they need. No arguments. You two must also apologize to Bramblekit for starting a fight."

With that, Moonshine stomped away from the fight, sighing intensely.

Waterkit and Hopkit both groaned. Hopkit was copying Waterkit's actions.

"Fine! This is a load of Fox-dung, though!" Waterkit growled.

"Come, on Hopkit. We have some elders to tend to. Unfortunately." Waterkit growled as he and his brother threw a tantrum, stomping over grumpily to the elder's den, disappearing inside.

"Bramblekit started the fight, though. The psychical fighting." Loonkit mumbles.

"I'm sure he'll get punished later." Wildpaw assures the dark gray tom.

"Anyways, let's get you two to the front." Sandgorse meowed, nudging Bramblekit and Loonkit forwards.

Riverpaw and Wildpaw found a spot together.

Riverpaw set his green gaze on his sister. Deeppaw was settled farther away, right next to Melonpaw.

Anger flashed in his eyes.

Why does Melonpaw get to have Deeppaw and not us? We're her brothers.

The anger settled in deeper and deeper into Riverpaw's heart until it hardened like stone.

He didn't need her.

In fact, he didn't need Wildpaw. He was sure of it. He had a pretty she-cat who could help him far more than Wildpaw ever could.

Not that he'd ever tell him that.

But, at least he was nice enough to hang with his brother when no one else would.

"Warriors of RiverClan. We are gathered here this cool dawn to make two new apprentices." Lilystar indicated towards Bramblekit and Loonkit.

Loonkit face was super excited, like he was about to try a new piece of prey he had always wanted to try.

Bramblekit looked grumpy, glancing angrily back at the places where tufts of fur were missing, and instead patches of pink were showing through. It was a sight to surely behold.

"Bramblekit," Lilystar meowed, gaining the brown tabby's attention.

His head swiveled towards Lilystar and away from his ruffled up, torn up pelt. His ears straightened and his tail was held high.

His eyes were firmly on Lilystar, both relishing the moment, and seemingly hating the moment with his harsh green gaze.

"From this moment on until you've received your warrior name you will be called Bramblepaw." Lilystar began, her amber gaze turning towards Gingerbreeze's ginger-brown pelt. Her green gaze was firm on Lilystar's as thy seemed to share some sort of bond through their shared gaze.

"Gingerbreeze," Lilystar meowed loudly, indicating towards the brown she-cat with her cream tail.

Gingerbreeze glanced at her, slight surprise in her gaze.

"You have been with the clan long enough to gain your own apprentice. You've been taught the ways of RiverClan. You deserve your first apprentice. So therefore I, Lilystar, leader of RiverClan present to you your first apprentice. May he learn your swift running and kindness. Now I know you're still kitting kits, but in such a time as this we need every warrior we can get. I'm sure Whitebelly will gladly help you look after your four young ones." Lilystar meowed as four little heads poked out from the nursery.

Slight yowls of excitement came from the nursery. "Yes! No more bedtime!" One, a tortoiseshell she-cat cheered.

Another one, a little she-cat that was fully black and had yellow eyes, peeked out from the nursery, shaking. "Momma! No! Don't leave me!" She wailed.

"One moment please." Gingerbreeze meowed, padding closer to the she-kit.

A growl resonated near Lilystar.

"The kittypet? Really? She still needs to take care of her kits! And she's super lame! Why couldn't I get a ferocious cat? You would have been a better mentor than that soft mouthed piece of fox-dung!" Bramblepaw yowled angrily.

What a spoiled brat! Complaining about a mentor who has a better heart than you. Bramblepaw sure does have a lot to learn.

Authors note: And with that the introduction to Loonkit and Bramblepaw is out of the way as is Waterkit and Hopkit.

Between the brothers who is your favorite of each brother? Mine is Loonkit and Hopkit because even though Hopkit told Bramblepaw to die it was because his brother would have bullied him if he hadn't.

Also there's not enough cats in this clan, and I really didn't want Lilystar to have to take a cat, so for now I'm going with the fact that Gingerbreeze's kits will be watched over by Whitebelly before her kits get apprenticed and then by someone else I'll show later. I still haven't decided if it's a nice cat outside the clan or if it's just gonna be the elders watching them.

Anyways, tell me your thoughts on these cats, and I guess you know who's gonna be the mentor to Loonkit. It's the only real choice.

Also question, at this point are Marigoldpaw and Melonpaw 5 moons into their apprenticeship or 6? Because depending on your answer we might have more than just an apprentice ceremony.

Also I need help with three of four kit names for Gingerbreeze's kits. They're the tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes , a brown tom with yellow eyes, and another black cat who is a tom this time with green eyes. The other black she-cat with yellow eyes I believe is Otterkit. So yeah.

Also this story might speed up a bit since some things aren't important and most of the plot is after you know who becomes warrior.

Anyways with that I hope you enjoy. This is my favorite chapter so far!

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