Chapter seventeen

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When they ran into RiverClan territory they were immediately stopped by Sharktooth and his patrol.

They were glaring at Riverpaw and Kelp.

"What are you doing with a rogue, Riverpaw? He could have killed you." Sharktooth meowed, lifting his tail before Riverpaw could explain.

"I don't want to hear it. You're putting the clan in danger. Now why have you brought him here?"

"If you would let me explain before interrupting me...I know you hate the rogues for some odd reason, but this is urgent." Riverpaw pleaded to the bulky tom.

Sharktooth glared at Kelp, tail twitching slightly as he watched the brown-and-Orange tom.

Kelp turned his glance elsewhere, clearly uncomfortable.

"What's so urgent? Why must you bring this flea-pelt here?!" Growled Marigoldpaw. "I was about to do my warriors assessment! And you interrupted it with your rogue talk and measly little quest. Whatever it is can wait until I'm done with my assessment." She growled.

This wasn't an actual patrol it was Sharktooth, Marigoldpaw, Melonpaw, and Shrewjaw.

Shrewjaw wasn't glaring at Riverpaw and Kelp, but he still wasn't happy.

"Now, now, Marigoldpaw. The two have been running all the way here. Might as well hear them out." Shrewjaw softly meowed, his sandy ears twitching towards the two.

"I suppose we should listen to the apprentice and the...mangy rogue. They have come a ways. Though, RiverClan doesn't appreciate rogues crossing over into our territory." Shrewjaw meowed with amusement on his face.

What he found amusing was beyond Riverpaw's comprehension.

"Very well. Riverpaw bring that rogue with us, and we will go to Lilystar about this." Sharktooth meowed sternly.


Riverpaw's claws curled a bit.

He didn't want to go to Lilystar about this. He just wanted to go straight to the medicine cat about this.

"No! You don't understand. One of Kelp's rogue friends is injured. We need help from Sapwhisker right away!" Riverpaw yowled.

"Marigoldpaw, go back to the camp. We will have your warriors assessment tomorrow." Sharktooth orders, turning his harsh green gaze on her.

The younger she-cat gulped before walking back to camp with annoyance, her ears and tail twitching.

"Mouse-brained tom." She grumbles underneath her breath.

"You too, Melonpaw." Shrewjaw meowed.

Marigoldpaw's sister didn't complain, nor waited long in order to run back.

Riverpaw was concerned she would slip because she was so eager to get back.

Riverpaw was also itching to get back to the camp. Urgency in his gaze.

"Fine, but these rogues better not try something." Sharktooth growled, prowling closer to Kelp.

"Oh please, like we would want to attack the ones helping us. At least one clan is willing to assist us when we need it." Kelp mewed sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Shrewjaw wonders.

They start off towards camp, paws kicking up some mud and grass as they were running.

"So is RiverClan going to help our hurt leader? She could get sick and die." Kelp questions.

Sharktooth turned his head.

"I don't know. I really think we shouldn't be sending our medicine cat out there, but...we can't just ignore a cat in need. You don't have a medicine cat of your own?" Sharktooth responded.

Kelp tilted his head in confusing.

"Medicine Cat?" He questioned, the words tumbling over his tongue like a piece of prey.

"Our medicine cat is a cat who takes care of the sick or the wounded." Sharktooth explained to Kelp.

"Oh, well clan cats it's true my rogue family doesn't have a medicine cat." Kelp tried as rain started pouring down the moment they were able to see the camp.

Riverpaw prayed the river wouldn't flood and they'd be able to bring Sapwhisker over to help Gecko.

It would be so tragic if she died just because we couldn't cross the river that brings us our clan name.

Just thinking about the river starting to fill drastically with rainwater, rising up and up. It gave Riverpaw shivers.

Many cats have died drowning in a river. It wasn't difficult for even a RiverClan cat to drown.

But at least they know from experience.

Other cats wouldn't.

They swiftly approached the camp entrance, shocking several warriors, apprentices, and even Plumeheart who was telling the apprentices a story about his life; the red tom was telling it all wrong.

His story was different than when Riverpaw heard it.

There was no time to ponder about why Plumeheart was telling it wrong this time. Lilystar approached them.

Her gaze was not friendly, but it wasn't too harsh.

She just gazed at Kelp like she knew he was a part of a group RiverClan for some reason didn't like, but she also dipped her head in respects.

"Greetings, young cat." She meowed before Sharktooth gave her the report.

"This is Kelp from the rogue camp. His leader is badly injured and he and Riverpaw were wondering if RiverClan could spare them Sapwhisker." Sharktooth meowed bluntly.

He turned towards Kelp.

Kelp seemed to fluff out his pelt in intimidation. He lowered his head, and wouldn't meet Lilystar with his eyes as she regarded him with a knowing glance.

"If you would please. I promise we will send her back as soon as we can. We don't want to burden you like that." Kelp breathed out.

Riverpaw was barely able to hear Kelp, angling his ears.

Lilystar heard him just fine.

Her tail swished a bit as her eyes glazed over with thoughts.

Her Amber eyes flashed, and she found her answer.

"I have decided to allow Sapwhisker to help you." Lilystar meowed.

"Oh thank—"

"If you are willing to do something for us in return." Lilystar interrupted.

Kelp sat down and began to lick a paw.

"Will it be difficult for us? We are struggling to fed ourselves and now with that fast clan attacking us we've got a lot to manage." Kelp inquired.

Does Kelp have to inform every cat in our clan of this problem? Doesn't he find that a bit too informative or find that sharing such information could provoke an attack out of enemy cats? Riverpaw wondered.

Lilystar gazed at him in amusement.

"No, no. It won't be too much, but when the time comes we will ask for your assistance."

"May I ask which clan attacked you? I presume it was WindClan. You told us it was a fast clan, and WindClan is a pretty fast clan."

Lilystar sat down as well, curling her tail around her body gingerly.

Her stare never left Kelp for one heartbeat.

Kelp blinked in shock and surprise.

"How'd you guess?" He purred as if this was some sort of kit game.

He stopped licking his paw for a moment when he meowed that.

"I'm kidding. Well, thanks for the information, leader cat—"

Lilystar's glare was stern.

She's all about the knowledge. I was told she was picked on as a kit up until she got herself an apprentice and showed her stuff.

"My name is Lilystar, Kelp. I will send some cat to fetch Sapwhisker. She might be busy." Lilystar meowed.

It was as if half the cats in the clan never knew how to be young again.

"Thank you! I will tell our leader of your gracious help. I'm sure she would love to assist you. You seem like a great cat, unlike those WindClan cats." Kelp huffed, puffing out his chest.

A great burden has been lifted from the tom upon him doing so.

Yeah. WindClan cats can be pretty crazy. I've heard such fox-hearted stories about them. Well, one cat. It's such a mouse-brained idea this cat still lives with how reckless he is described to be.

Lilystar seemingly ignored the younger tom's remark as she called out to Snakegorse.

Snakegorse had been restocking the prey pile with a couple of warriors and apprentices.

Loonpaw was with them with his catch. His gray chest was puffed out, expressing the idea he wanted some praise.

Snakegorse dropped the mouse she caught and came bounding over towards Lilystar.

"Yes, Lilystar?" She questioned, puffing out in a struggle to catch her breath.

The clan was really running thin. It was a shock that the clan was stretching itself even further for a bunch of rogues they seemingly hated.

"I would like you to bring Sapwhisker. I've got a group of rogues who need her." Lilystar meowed.

Snakegorse's eager gaze turned sour, but she obeyed anyways.

"Yes, Lilystar. Of course. I'll bring her right away."

The brown tabby hared away into the medicine cat's den, bringing the surprised and old she-cat to the cream she-cat.

Snakegorse turned around and snuck away. She was really good at sneaking. She was also very fast for a RiverClan cat.

"Am I hearing things correctly? I should go to the rogue camp and help them? Are you mouse-brained, Lilystar?" The brown-cream she-cat wonders, eyes blazing with utter confusion.

"I told them if they do this they owe us a favor. Please, Sapwhisker. Riverpaw really seems to like them." Lilystar meowed, glaring at Riverpaw.

The gray tom gulped. He was probably in big trouble after this.

Author's Note: Ive been busying myself trying to remember all the characters eye colors and such.

Should I make another updated alliance to make this easier on myself?

Also thanks so much for coming so far.

I've been trying really hard to improve this and update it. I know that's why I'm probably losing readers, and I'll keep trying so long as you keep trying yourself.

Anyways give me some names for Marigoldpaw. I would have one, but I don't think I've got much.

Anyways, keep hypothesizing for now. I'll try to update this more, but you know....I update slow as heck. Lol

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