Chapter two

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They were running alongside the stream. They had to change their course once they were near the shores of the lake. The cries were coming from near the Greenleaf Twoleg place.

The scene in front of him was horrifying. A she-cat who was very plump was trying to fight off a dog. She seemed exhausted, though. " StarClan, this She-cat is expecting kits!" Iceclaw exclaimed as she leaped into action.

She sank her claws down the excited dog's back. The dog had a thick pelt. It easily brushed off the attack. Seeing all three cats made the dog more excited than it was when it was just this pregnant she-cat.

The dog howled with delight, looking between all three cats; it was trying to determine which cat to attack first. The She-cat next to Iceclaw looked eerily similarly like Melonpaw and Marigoldpaw.

She had part of the fur color of Marigoldpaw. She was brown. She had distinctly green eyes like Melonpaw. Her eye shapes were more like Marigoldpaw.

This sight was strange for Riverpaw as he regarded what was unfolding. Is this she-cat the She-cat that everyone was talking about? She had been mate to Hotpool, but wasn't a part of the clans.

No wonder all the cats ignored Hotpool nowadays. He mated with this...kittypet when no one was looking. Now back to the battle.

Iceclaw had raked her claws into the dog, managing to rip out chunks of it's fur. The dog howled with pain and anger. It's gaze blazing with fire at the two attacking She-cats.

The dog lunged toward, sinking it's teeth into the flesh of the expecting queen. The brown she-cat yowled, her black paws scratching the air where the dog once was.

The female painted with effort, exhaustion in her gaze as she fell back onto those distinguishable black paws. Riverpaw wanted to help. He knew he didn't know any real warrior moves, but he wished to help.

He darted forward. Maybe there's some way I can get this she-cat away from that brute of an animal. He sank his teeth into the She-cat softly. He began to drag her away from the battle. " You're too close to kitting. You shouldn't be trying to fight a dog such as this." Riverpaw meowed, voice muffled in her fur.

" Can you use your paws?" He questioned her. The She-cat silently nodded, leaning her bigger pelt against his. Riverpaw almost stumbled against her weight. Then a thought struck him. Can Iceclaw face this dog? Can she do that alone?!

" Get Help!" Iceclaw hissed as she clung to the back of the dog. Riverpaw nodded briefly, guiding the injured she-cat back to riverclan.

He followed the lake, and then the stream. His paws ached as they got back. It felt like forever has past since he and Iceclaw went out.

He guided the queen to the nursery where Sharktooth's and Snakegorse's kits were. " Who is that?" A noisy mew prodded. Two bigger kits sniffed the air. Loonkit and Bramblekit.

Bramblekit was a gray tabby tom. Loonkit was a black she-cat with a gray tipped tail. The two older kits were peeking from their own nests at the plump she-cat.

" My apologies," The brown she-cat began, dipping her head. " My name is Ginger." She introduced. Ginger? But she's a brown cat, not a ginger!

" It's nice to meet you, Ginger. My name is Riverpaw. These two fur balls are Bramblekit and Loonkit." Riverpaw introduces. " Wait, is this a clan?" Ginger suddenly questions, excitement sparking her green eyes.

Riverpaw nodded slowly. " Which?" The female wonders. " Riverclan." He responded, confusion lighting his gaze. Does she know Hotpool? " There's some cat here I need to talk with. Hotpool. Can you please take me to him?" Ginger wonders.

Riverpaw wasn't sure, but if he could get help and let her see Hotpool at the same time then maybe this could work out. He aided her out of the Nursery. He brought her across the camp. I have to find Lilystar!

A cat padded into the camp with a fish in his mouth. The cat's jaw dropped as the red tom known as Hotpool raced over to Ginger. " What are you doing here?" Hotpool wonders. So he does know her.

" What is she doing here?" A cat snarled. Lilystar had sprung from her den and was stalking towards them. " She was being attacked by a dog. Iceclaw's still trying to fight it off." Riverpaw informed her, shaking.

Worry for his mentor prickled at his pelt. Lilystar gasped. She indicated for Sharktooth and Shrewjaw to go find Iceclaw and help her. " Where is she?" Shrewjaw questioned Riverpaw.

" Just follow the lake. If you hear barking you're going in the right direction. Follow the stream too. The stream leads to the lake, so you should find her. Please help her." Riverpaw begged, his pelt fluffed out in tension.

" We will do our best." Shrewjaw addresses Riverpaw as the two raced out of the camp. Riverpaw kneaded at the ground in frustration. He was extremely worried. He hoped that they arrived in time.

We should have gotten help before helping. Riverpaw turned his gaze at Ginger. Her brown pelt was being groomed by Hotpool. " I've thought it over, Hotpool. I want to join this clan." Ginger meowed as her eyes glazed over from her partner's tongue over her back.

Hotpool seemed to be purring with happiness. " What's going on?" Melonpaw questioned as she padded into camp with herbs in her jaws. A head poked out of the elder's den around the same time.

" Yeah?" Marigoldpaw added. She was in the elder's den- probably getting rid of their nasty ticks. I don't want to have that job. Riverpaw thought as his nose wrinkled.

Hotpool purred as he wound his way around his kits. " This is your mother, Ginger. You probably don't remember her, but she is your mother." Hotpool purred as he rubbed his muzzle against the She-cat.

" You're expecting kits." Marigoldpaw notes as she gazed at the black pawed she-cat's stomach. Ginger shyly glanced at her belly. " About that...yeah. I am expecting kits." Ginger responded, black paws lifting into the air.

" Congratulations." Melonpaw purred. " The only problem is that the father wants nothing to do with me or these kits, and well since I gave away Melonpaw and Marigoldpaw I was hoping this clan could take me in. Please?" Ginger begs as she gazes at Lilystar, Who was regarding her now that the female had her full attention.

Lilystar's gaze scorched over her. She seemed to be glaring with distrust as did most of the cats in the camp. I don't see the big deal. The only ones who weren't glaring at the She-cat were Hotpool, and her children.

" Oh please Lilystar consider it! We can always use more cats. We're short on paws." Melonpaw exposed as she pleaded with her leader. Lilystar looked thoughtful. " I don't like taking in kittypets." She hissed.

Marigoldpaw and Melonpaw seemed hurt at that remark. " This she-cat birthed us. We are half kittypet!" Melonpaw yowled at their leader. Lilystar turned around. She grimaced at the tone in their voice.

" I know. It's just...I'm not sure if it's a good idea. This kittypet is soft, and she has never known the cruel way of the clans. It would be foolish of me to let her in this clan." Lilystar addresses.

" It would be foolish of you to ignore a cat in need. This she-cat, while being a kittypet is also going to have kits soon. It would be better if we kept her here until the kits are born." Whitebelly, mother to the youngest kits in the clan, meowed. Her kits were called Waterkit and Hopkit.

Lilystar tipped her head thoughtfully. " You do make a good point. If we let her stay out there she might die. She has brought us some good apprentices. They've worked hard. I guess I can let her in. I hope that you won't immediately think that just because you're going to be accepted into this clan that you will immediately be liked." Lilystar meowed.

Ginger nodded. " And if you accept I will give you a warrior name. Although, you will have to train as an apprentice before you can be accepted. I will no doubt give you a Warrior name." Lilystar told her.

It was dark by the time the last cat arrived back in the camp. The two cats had talked a bit more before a decision was made. " Let all cats old enough to swim join me here to hear my words." Lilystar yowled.

Every cat joined, excluding the kits because it was past time for their nap. Marigoldpaw and Melonpaw were puffed with pride. Their mom was going to have a Warrior name, go to the nursery, then as soon as she could train as an apprentice.

" RiverClan," Lilystar addressed, " Recently a kittypet has come by who is an old mate of Hotpool. She has asked to join us. Of which I accept her into this clan." Gasps and caterwauls echoes around the camp. Please don't let them reject her! She can't survive out there on her own!

Authors note: Sorry this chapter two was a little fast paced. I promise it will be slower next chapter. Anyways, looks like RiverClan is already getting a new member. How do you think the cats of RiverClan react to this kittypet being accepted in the clan? Can they trust her? What sort of past does Hotpool have with Ginger? What Warrior name will she get? Continue reading to find out.

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