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"We've got everything set up.", one of the engineers said as he and a few coworkers placed the first empty model on the examination table. "If anything else, call us."

You flashed them a friendly smile.

"Thanks.", you said and took a seat on a stool to roll around the table and have a closer look. "I'm not good with physical things, what do I need to know once I switch it on?"

"Not much.", one of them pulled out a few cables to connect them to the back of the models head. "See the coloured plugs?"


"Just match the colour to the cables. As long as there is no programming, the android won't move unless you do it manually. The computers have an app for that. But once you remove the cables it won't work anymore."

"Unless I programmed it."

"Right.", she smiled. "You learn quick."

Chuckling, you shrugged.

"That's what they pay me for. Any safety tips?"

"Not really. Those are all empty shells, like plastic bags laying around.", she pulled a face as her eyes wandered over the rows of androids. "I'd be damn uncomfortable to be down here all by myself."

You huffed.

"There are security cameras.", you said. "Besides, I don't really believe in horror movies where machines turn against humans."

"I admire that. Ever since the first Chloe appeared my dad preached that one day we'll all be doomed."

"Sounds like a nice guy.", you joked.

"Besides the crazy hillbilly believes? Very sweet guy.", she laughed. "Me and the boys are finished. Feel free to call us to your needs. Kamski pays us to check up on you and your new army of friends every once in a while. For mandatory checkups. We'll probably see each other again."

Thanking her, you nodded and watched how she and the others walked out of the office and started to check on the rows of androids, one by one, just seeing if something was obviously wrong.

None of them had questioned why you were down here, all by yourself. The other programmers shared a floor and send the intel over to the cyber security department so they could have a look at everything after the work being down.

It was obvious that you weren't one of them since you not only had the authority to work on floor -49, you were also all by yourself.

But Kamski had probably informed them that asking questions would take a toll on their lavish weekly payment. So they did ask.

Money really did something with people.

Not that you were any different. Sure, you wanted to have a hand in the projects of the future, leave a legacy or whatever, but the pay had been one big argument to say yes.

It was such a good pay check that about six months of working for the company could buy you a nice little apartment in the better districts of Detroit. Living expenses included.

If this would continue to be such a nice place of work, you might consider staying.

"It really does feel nice not to be unemployed in Detroit.", you said to the empty vessel laying on the table. "But let's not talk about politics, no? You must be... more of a personality type a' girl."

A snort made your nose vibrate as you had to laugh about your own terrible joke.

"God, I need friends...", you mumbled and started organising the computer in a way that made you feel aesthetically pleased and safe to work.

Everything had its order, from the important bits and pieces to the icons you deemed trash and unnecessary.

As the screen looked good enough you looked up to check the clock.

"Almost lunch time...", you noted and looked over your shoulder to check on the female android on the table.

It hadn't moved, obviously, but the way it was laying made you feel some kind of way.

With your eyes narrowed, you slid closer, so close that a normal person would have felt offended and eyed the empty cut outs in which the eyes would be placed.

"What are you hiding, fella?", you asked as a joke.

"Drugs.", a voice suddenly replied.

"Shit!", you jumped from your chair, stumbled and crashed to the floor.

While doing so, you almost tore the entire computer down with you.

A laugh filled the silence.

"I thought you don't believe in horror movie stuff?", the female engineer from before asked.

With a grin on her sweet face and some boxes of pizza in her hands, she entered the office and placed everything on the table.

"God, you scared the shit out of me...", you gasped and managed to pull yourself up again. "What's that?"

"Lunch.", she replied. "I have duty down here and figured you might need something to bite too."

Surprised, you frowned.

"That's pretty nice of you.", you noted. "Thanks."

"No biggie. I made a deal with the boys. They don't want to come down here so I took all the shifts for a small bit of their pay checks."

"Uh, that sounds like a smart move."

"I know right?", she smiled and offered you one the soda cans. "The name's Hanna, by the way."

"(Y/N).", you introduced yourself. "I guess we're doomed to be friends now?"

"Totally. Just the two of us in a hall deep down the earth."

"And a bunch of androids."

"Hopefully they'll never turn again us."

You opened one of the pizza boxes.

"Nah.", you hummed and took a large bite. "I'll program them to turn against everyone else instead."

"Uuh.", she chuckled and took a slice herself. "Sounds like evil world domination plans."

"How did you figure that out?"

"Someone who looks like you and works down here has to be some evil mastermind."

Playfully offended, you frowned.

"Do I look that bad?", you asked with a smirk and patted the android on the table. "Now, this lovely lady is a lot more weird than I am, no? Hopefully..."

Hanna laughed.

"Yeah, but she didn't get to talk to Kamski all day.", she said. "That man has a thing for you, everyone can tell. Weird, because Kamski doesn't have a thing for... well, real people."

"Ugh, sounds like a curse."

"Might turn into one. Don't make him fall in love with you. Or your work."

You pulled a face. All of a sudden, your mood turned grim.

"No... I'm not in search of... anything. Not after...", you shook your head and put on a smile. "Never mind."

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