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You knew that androids were efficient, however, even you were surprised how fast they worked.

It took about the entirety of the afternoon and a bit of the evening to get the house fixed, at least to the point where it was looking inhabitable.

The dust was gone and the walls clean.

The service android had informed that he and a few others would return over the days to change the tiles of the flooring and put a new coat of paint on everything that needed it.

The sun was already setting as you stepped outside to get a lung full of that fresh, green air that was all around and have a nice dinner on your new terrace.

It really was a cozy place.

Sighing, you let your eyes fall shut and enjoyed the last rays of sun.

Life was good in that moment.

"Finally...", you hummed and chugged down a large bite of the instand food you had brought from your old apartment.

You would need to go grocery shipping in the next few days. Kamski hadn't set a date to start your duties yet, you still needed to find out what the actual idea was behind his request and a bit of getting to know the company before being buried by work wouldn't hurt either.

Everything was going great so far.

However, as you opened your eyes again, your attention was caught by the fence again.

The androids had cleaned it as well.

The blue spots that had been stuck to the splintering wood were gone, at least mostly.

Curiosity awoke inside of you.

"Fuck it.", you shrugged and walked over to the fence, food still in hand, to take a better look at it.

There were only small blue dots to be seen, barely bigger than the head of a needle. But they were visible. At first glance it could have been a stupid mistake, a trick that the evening sun played on the eyes.

But as you bend down to examine everything, you noticed a pattern.

The thirium was splattered all over the place. It couldn't have been from a normal injury like accidentally cutting one's fingers while doing garden chores. It must have been a more serious way of getting hurt.

Like an attack.

Or a gun shot.

Yet again, there wasn't enough blue to make it look like the android had been seriously damaged. But maybe the traces were way older than they looked.

Most of it could have faded long ago.

Every normal person would have left it at that and returned.

But you got only more excited.

This felt like one of those many murder mysteries that your dad always watched with you when you were a kid.
Your eyes kept wandering over the fence, from the bottom, following the flow of the splatters, up to the spikes of the top.

Surprised, you raised your eyebrows.

There was a handprint on one of the triangles. Or at least the faded hint of it.

The palm was barely visible anymore, just a few wrinkles and a roundish outline. But the fingers were still visible enough to notice that they lacked fingerprints.

So it had been an injured android and not just a human who had gotten in contact with the blue blood.

"Huh...", you muttered to yourself and shoved another spoon full of food into your mouth. "Alright... Let's see..."

Chewing, you walked along the fence, all the way down where it had a hole in it, large enough to let a small kid pass. Or an adult if they really wanted to.

The edges were bend and broken, indicating that someone larger had forced their way through.

You squatted down to look at the other side as you noticed a deep, brownish ring around the edge.

It was blood, old but still easy to identify.

As the child of a doctor, you have had your fair share of any kind of blood situation. Cuts, wounds, splatters, puddles.

Your mother had even taught you how it looked dried and rotten.

"Huh?", you frowned, wondering why it was there in the first place.

Putting down the plate of food, you pushed your head to the other side.

The hole really wasn't big. You barley managed to squeeze a shoulder through and already feared to be stuck.

But as your eyes scanned the soil and trees around, nothing suspicious caught your attention.

It seemed like nature had already swallowed whatever had happened.

Only the house could tell, but even there the story started to fade.

"It was an accident.", a voice suddenly cut through the idyllic silence.

Struck by surprise, you jumped and hit your head so hard that a pulsating pain started to throb against the back of the skull.

"Mister Kamski!", you gasped and crawled back into the garden. "I don't want to be rude, but what are you doing here? It's quite late."

With a weirdly cold smile and his hands folded behind his back, Kamski nodded in agreement.

"It is late.", he confirmed and eyed your food for a moment. "There are a few shops down the road from the company's property. You should be able to get everything you need there tomorrow."

He smiled, but it still felt weird.

For a moment, you looked him up and down.

He really didn't look creepy at all, just like a normal guy who worked in tech. A typical nerd.

He did seem to be more hygienic though, with a well groomed beard and a decent choice in clothes.

"Sir?", you picked up your food from the ground before the insects could conquer it. "May I know why you're here?"

His eyebrows rose and he looked like he just remembered.

"Ah, yes, right.", he offered you a new model of a tablet, together with a chip. "I wanted to give you the contract and your work equipment."

You took it, confused.

"I already have my contract. And I signed it as well."

"That was the normal contract. This is the one that applies to your... actual work."

"Is it different from the normal one?"

"Yes and no. It just specifies your duties. And it also serves as a none disclosure agreement. One that specifies you're not allowed to talk about your upcoming project at all. Officially, you're just a programmer like any other.", Kamski turned on his heel to leave.

"Sir.", you held him back.


"Well... I don't want to be noisy, but... what kind of accident were you referring to?"

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