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"How was your first night?", Hanna asked Connor as she joined you two at the office for lunch.

Tired, you hummed.

"Let's not talk about it.", you said.

"As you wish.", Connor agreed and turned to Hanna. "How was your night?"

Surprised, she grinned.

"You programmed a small talk ability?", she asked.

"Yup.", you did a gesture. "Actually, now that you're here do me the favour and talk to Connor for a bit. I need to check the stats while he's in action. Just the basics."

Gladly, she sat down at the table to start talking away. But as her mouth opened she froze a second later.

"Connor?", she asked, frowning.

He nodded.

"That's my name.", he smiled happily. "I'm Connor, the android send by CyberLife."

"Uh, he has a brand already?", she laughed. "Damn what did I miss? But still, why Connor? Was that the hotties name who gave him his face?"

Your fingers twitched. Slowly, you tightened your grip on the computer mouse to fight back a wave of uncontrolled, sore feelings.

"Please don't comment on it.", Connor suddenly said. "It's rude."

Hanna eyed him.

"Oh? I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't.", you noted in a cold voice. "I never told you."

"But you told him? Rude."

Huffing, you shook your head.

"It just... happened."

She turned back to Connor to pat his head like the one of a dog.

"Did you get to crack this gremlin's shell?", she asked in a weird, childish tone. "Good boy."

"Hanna!", you scolded her. "He's not a dog."

Connor looked at you, a bright shimmer in his eyes.

"I like dogs.", he said.

You huffed.

"Of course you do. He did too... Now, could you two get talking, please? I really need to check the stats."

"Fine...", she rolled her eyes. "So Connor, tell me, how's life treating you so far?"

For a moment his eyes fell onto you.

You noticed, glanced to the side and locked eyes with him.

For a short moment his LED flashed yellow only to return to blue.

Strange, you thought to yourself but brushed it off as him processing information about your appearance.

But before anything else could make you feel strange about obvious signs, approaching steps caught your attention.

A small, blonde woman approached.

She was dressed in a simple, tight black dress and matching heels.

There was a friendly shimmer inside her blue eyes.

She stopped on front of the door to the office, smiled and gently bowed her head.

"Chloe.", you said surprised. "I mean... you are the model mister Kamski always has by his side, no?"

She nodded, hands folded in front of her stomach.

"We are all named Chloe.", she said in a soft, friendly voice. "But yes, I am model number 2."

Hanna frowned.

"What happened to model number 1?", she asked, grinning.

"Elijah keeps her at home, safe and sound.", Chloe answered in an unmoved manner. "She's his favourite."

A little weirded out by that statement, you hummed and exchanged a glance with Hanna, who was just as irritated as you.

It sounded like this didn't sit right with Chloe. She seemed a little jealous.

"Alright...", you tried to change the topic. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Chloe nodded, didn't respond anything, but turned to look at Conner.

For a moment their eyes met and it seemed like they had a weird, sci-fi movie moment of connecting with each other because they were both machines made to serve humans.

It made you uncomfortable that she looked at him for this long. Somehow, you feared she'd notice that he had some software issues and would deem him a failure before you had the chance to save him from getting shut down.

Her LED flickered in a bright blue light.

His LED moved.

Then, finally, she smiled friendly and nodded her head.

"It's nice to meet you RK800.", she said. "I'm Chloe."

He nodded.

"Hello Chloe.", Connor said. "I'm Connor, the android send by CyberLife."

Her attention moved to you.

"I examined this model and submitted its information to Elijah.", she said. "He deems it acceptable and wishes to meet."

A cold shiver of fear crawled down your spine.

"Like... now?", you asked and remembered that huge coffee stain at the bottom of your lab coat. "I don't think I look presentable."

"I assure you, your appearance is perfectly fine.", Connor said as if he was trying to give you a compliment.

And surprisingly, Chloe agreed.

"Elijah doesn't care a lot for appearance.", she said and did a gesture towards the door. "Please follow me."

Immediately you jumped from your seat, pushed Hanna back on her ass so she wouldn't ruin a meeting with the CEO of the company and rushed towards the door.

But before leaving you threw a glance back over your shoulder.

"Are you coming?", you asked, looking at Connor.

His eyebrows rose.

"Am I allowed to join you?", he asked, still sitting like a puppy who didn't know what to do.

"You are required to join.", Chloe said. "Elijah wants to see you for himself."

"Oh!", he got up, but stopped behind you. "Did I do something wrong?"

His eyes met yours and, strangely, you were able to pick up a hint of emotions.

There was worry hidden inside the deep brown. It seemed like he was afraid that Kamski could find out about the previous night.

Connor knew exactly that he wasn't supposed to say such things, nor was he supposed to worry, not matter if you had made him or not.

He knew exactly that his software was flawed.

But that wasn't what he feared.

He feared that it would have consequences.

With your lips pressed into a thin line you gently shook your head and hoped he'd get the hint to not mention a single word about the night before or the things you two had said.

With a put on smile, he nodded and gestured for you to go first.

Chloe watched the silent interaction. Her LED flickered yellow, but she didn't react.

"Elijah wants you to share the information with him as well.", she said to you. "Please make sure you have everything with you for a proper demonstration."

You nodded. It felt like your heart was beating inside your throat.

"Of course.", you smiled but it was obvious how nervous you were.

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