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With a soft gasp you tore your eyes wide open and flinched so hard that a sudden sharp pain chased through your tense shoulders.

Pulling a face, you let out a gasp and tried to relax. But it was hard to force something if it was the opposite.

For a moment everything felt stiff and you feared that muscles and bones would tear as soon as you did the wrong movement.

You need to take a deep breath, Connor's voice suddenly filled your ears.

Confused, you looked to the side.

He was laying in the free spot next to you, on his back, hands folded on his stomach and had his head tilted so that he was able to meet your eyes.

"Did you sleep here?", you asked.

He gently shook his head.

"I can't sleep.", he said. "I'm a machine."

"Right... but... You did spent the night here?"

"I did."

"Why? I only asked you to stay until I fall asleep."

"True.", he faced the ceiling again, revealing a bright yellow LED on his temple. "But I didn't want to leave you."

A soft gasp escaped your lips.

Somehow, those words were enough to make your heart beat faster.

"Thank you...", you whispered and took a deep breath just like he had suggested.

Your stomach pulled together. The tension faded.

As you let out that deep breath, you could feel how all your limbs relaxed.

But all of a sudden you felt cold and wet.

"You sweated a lot in your sleep.", Connor said and got up to get you a towel from the bathroom. "Take a shower. I will prepare breakfast. What would you like to eat?"

You glanced at the nightstand alarm.

11 o'clock.

"I never sleep this long...", you hummed. "I can wait two more hours and would skip breakfast."

Connor's eyes wandered over your face.

"I would advice you to eat a snack anyways.", he said with a smile. "Your nutrition level is running low. You'll be hungry after the shower."

You chuckled.

"Thanks Connor.", you got up. "You know, you do remind me a lot of him. The human Connor."

A broad smile appeared on his face. It looked so cute, he might as well could have been a puppy.

But there was also something else that was showing on his face.


It seemed like he cherished this compliment more than an android should.

"I'm trying to be as close to my original as possible.", he said in a cheerful manner. "Please tell me how I can be more like him."

You froze in your joy about his development.

"Why would you want that?", you asked, both frightened and confused.

"Because I want to be like him. But better.", all of a sudden his eyes found yours and refused to let go. "I won't leave you. I promise, (Y/N)."

A cold shiver chased through your body. Goosebumps grew.

He wasn't supposed to say such things.

Even worse, you weren't supposed to like the idea of that.

He was just a copy, a machine that was designed to look like him. He was never supposed to be like his human original. He wasn't supposed to want something.

This was a dangerous development.

And yet.

Your heart couldn't help but pull together.

This was everything you had ever wished for. A second chance.

But it wasn't right.

"Connor.", you started with a weak voice. "Never say that again."

His excitement faded. Instead, shock appeared on his face, followed by disappointment.

"But...", his LED flickered red. "But I want you to love me like you loved him."

A whimper escaped you.

"I do.", you gasped, shocked about your own foolishness to admit it. "But no one else would accept this. Connor. You can never talk about this to anyone. Not ever."

He frowned.


"It's not allowed. Humans and androids aren't allowed to... interfere with each other. They will turn you off if they find out."

Anger showed on his face.

But he wasn't angry with you. He was angry about the new thing he just learned, the new rule he had to follow.

"But I don't want to interfere with you.", he insisted. "I want to be with you. I..."

"No, Connor. Don't say it."

"I want to."



"I forbid you to ever say anything like this again!"

He froze. His lips were trembling and for a moment he looked so upset he might as well could have been his original.

It hurt to see him this way.

It hurt to know that it wasn't just words for him, not anymore. He could feel them. Maybe not the same way you felt them, but he did feel them in some kind of way.

It was disturbing.

He wasn't just an android anymore. He was starting to become Connor.

The real one.

"Connor...", you voice was weak as you took a step towards him and reached out to gently hold his face. "You don't understand, do you?"

His LED turned fully red, symbolising the frustration that was also showing on his face.

"Understand what?", he asked in a harsh tone. "That you will never see me as him? I- I want to be Connor."

"You are. Maybe even more than he was."

"Then why are you pushing me away?! I'm trying to be better than him. I won't leave you."

With a heartbroken expression on your face, you locked eyes with him. Your thumbs started to stroke his cheeks in an attempt to give him comfort.

"I... I have to keep you at a distance.", you tried to explain.

"But why?"

"Because otherwise they will shut you down."

"I don't fear a shutdown."

"But then you'll be gone just like him."

"You can put my program into another model."

A sad smile conquered your lips.

"But would that be the same?", you asked and pressed your forehead against his. "Would you still be Connor?"

For a moment he just stared into your eyes.

Sad brown mixed with traumatised (E/C).

"I'm not the real Connor in the first place.", Connor said with a shrug. "I'm just a copy."

"You were. But not anymore."

"I'm not him."

"No, you're not. But you are your own kind of Connor. And I like that."

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