Of Wraithe and Lesbians

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Round 4.1 prompt from Multigenre Mashup Flash Fiction Smackdown, October 2023: Mash LBGTQIAP+ and Paranormal genres. Include the words: cackle, ominous, microwave.

Word count = 2464

The still clear night had an ominous vibe to it. We weren't here for the star gazing.

The rift pulsed and fluttered above with psychic energy. At any moment, the wraithe could pour through this rip between realms to wreak havoc in our world. Or not. With any luck, this would be a boring night.

The rift shimmered green to those psi-sensitive, invisible to others. Because of this paranormal aptitude, we were recruited into the Spirit Defense League, a secretive organization that defends the Earth from all things paranormal. Believe me, most people didn't want to know what freaky stuff we faced.

Opened rifts were usually traced to unauthorized paranormal activity on our side. But for this one, the cause was unknown. Our job was to contain any threat that came through while the experts figured out how to close it.

Of course, we had special weapons. A double-barreled sawed-off shotgun holstered behind my back held salted buckshot loads — the salt disrupted psychic energy. The katana-like sword at my side was imbedded with a psi-active material.

My partner of three months, Gabriella, who sat beside me on the uncomfortable rock wall, carried two similar, but shorter swords crisscrossed on her back. Wielded together, her technique was amazingly swift, graceful, and deadly. Sure glad she was on our side. She can be irritating, but we fight awesomely well together.

Turning, I studied Gabriella in the dim moonlight. She was a looker for sure, with thick dark hair tied back in a ponytail, long flirty lashes, full lips, and gentle tan face. Her tight black leggings and jacket displayed a lithe figure. I'd be lying if I said my lascivious mind didn't wander her direction sometimes. I worked out to maintain a fit physique and can turn most women's eyes, if I did say so myself, but thus far, she had ignored my subtle hints.

A big moon, nearly full, rose in the east, spreading orange hued light across a peaceful meadow. The few trees along a winding creek cast long, faint shadows. On a nearby overlooking knoll, light shined through a single window of a farmhouse. The attractive young woman who lived there alone didn't realize the potential danger, but knocking on her door to warn about spooky monsters might get us arrested.

Trying an existential line, I broke the lingering silence. "Gab, have you ever considered your part is in the grand scheme of the universe? Like, what you truly were meant to be?"

"Huh?" she answered, wrinkling her brow. "There is little point to think about it. My part is here, now."

"I suppose so. When this is done, what do you say we go out for a fancy breakfast buffet, just the two of--"

Gabriella interrupted me, holding up a hand. "Zach, let me stop you right there. First, I don't date fellow Defenders. Second, we have something in common — we both prefer women."

"Okay, cool." A moment of silence passed. "So, you're lesbian?"

"In flames."

That explained her resistance to my charm. "I didn't know."

"It's not like we walk around with a big red L on our foreheads."

"Would have been useful information. I've already had a few hot fantasies about you."

She grimaced. "I really, really, didn't need to hear that."

"Nonetheless, my offer still stands. Breakfast as friends then? I'll buy."

A small smile rose on her face. "I accept. Otherwise, I'd have instant oatmeal from the microwave."

"Okay, then." Several moments of silence passed before I added, "Maybe if we found a woman who swings both ways--"

"Let it go, Zach."

An eerie whooshing sound from above interrupted our bonding moment. Smoky fluttering apparitions poured out from the rift, like the ghostly dementors in the Harry Potter movies, making me wonder if author J. K. Rowling was psi-sensitive. The wraithe kept coming. And coming.

Standing, Gabriella dropped her jaw and stammered, "There's like... A whole lot of them."

Well crap. Not how I wanted this night to go. "Call for backup," I said, drawing my sword. "We'll have to keep them busy until help arrives."

After Gabriella spoke an urgent request into her cell phone, she turned to me. "Twenty minutes out. How do you want to play this?"

The wraithe descend, swirling down as if falling leaves. In their realm, they existed as ghostly black vapors, but here in ours, they condensed into all sorts of monsters. How we responded depended on what form they took. Upon reaching the ground, they turned into demonic beasts, as if equal amounts of man, gargoyle, and boar were blended and allowed to fester into an abominable mass. They were massive, standing a head taller than me, with red eyes blazing bloodlust. Chort.

"Bait and switch," I replied. "I'll go first."

Nodding, Gabriella drew her swords and ducked down behind the stacked rock wall.

Chort had particularly nasty black talon-like claws, and pointed yellow tusks that dripped caustic slime from a pig-like snout. As if that wasn't enough, a long spiked tail could also do damage. But, to our advantage, they were really stupid and driven to rage, thus easily provoked.

Moving past the rock wall end, I put two fingers to my mouth and blew, producing a shrill whistle. "Hey, buttheads," I yelled. "Yo mamma's ugly!"

"Really?" Gabriella scoffed from her hiding spot.

"Hey, it worked."

Snarling in rage, at least a dozen chort charged. The ground rumbled as they loped along the wall past Gabriella's hiding place. Then I was reminded of another thing I hated about these demons — they really stank, like rotting meat. Awaiting the onslaught, I firmed my stance. My sword glowed electric blue as I lifted it, becoming dazzling bright as the Chort drew near. It hummed with every movement.

I ducked beneath a claw swipe and thrust my blade into the gut of the first. The chort howled as the psi-enhanced metal disrupted its psychic energy, and jagged blue bolts spread across the monster's body. A foul green goop spilled from the wound before the chort collapsed, then dissolved into wispy black smoke and disappeared.

Immediately, the next attacked, leaping at me with claws extended. Jumping to the side, I just avoided a swipe. But the chort countered by turning and slashing around with its jagged spiked tail. My sword sang as I cleaved the tail off, leaving it wriggling in the grass. A follow-up cut eviscerated the monster with a deep slice across its back and under its ribs. With a sickening hiss, it collapsed and disappeared into smoke like the first.

The other chort, at least ten, stomped forward together, assailing en masse. Totally defensive, my heart pounded as I swung my sword repeatedly side-to-side while backing toward the rock wall, lest they get behind me.

"Now would be a good time, Gab!" I shouted

On cue, Gabriella leaped over the wall with a battle cry, attacking from the rear. In a fury of blazing blue blades, she slashed and jabbed, felling one, two, and three chort in short order.

As hoped, the chort's collective attention turned toward her as I backed away, and she became the bait while I switched. Circling part way, I attacked from the side, cutting down the monsters and drawing their attention away from Gabriella before she became overwhelmed. Back and forth we went, alternately attacking, withdrawing, and repositioning, with each switch bringing down two or three of the monsters until only one remained. Thrusting together, we impaled the chort from two sides. With a gurgling howl, it perished like all the rest.

Gasping for air, we bent forward together, and I placed a hand on Gab's shoulder to steady us both. Crimson leaked from her hairline, trickling past an ear.

"You okay?" I asked in a breathy voice, dabbing her blood with a bandanna.

"I hate those things!"

"Well, there's more coming," I said, tilting my head. "Where's our backup?"

"Probably stopped for donuts," she grumbled.

"Then they'd better bring us some."

With coordinated nods and deep breaths, we stood upright in the tall grass, side-by-side. Snorting and howling in fury, the next horde charged, rumbling the ground. Another dozen came as more wraithe filtered out of the rift. There seemed to be an endless supply.

Slashing swords dispatched the first two chort.

With a roar, another chort leaped toward me, arching through the air with deadly claws extended. I dropped and slid under, avoiding sweeping talons. Thrusting my sword upward, I sliced through its gut. The mortally wounded beast fell on me, its mass pushing the breath from my lungs. But just as quickly, it dissolved away into black smoke.

While still on my back, six monsters converged on us. Gabriella stabbed her swords into the soil, then reached into a waist pouch. She flung handfuls of salt wide, creating a white, dusty cloud. Howling in pain, the chort staggered, rubbing red eyes. Taking advantage of the distraction, she jumped forward and thrust blades into two chort guts, felling them.

As I returned to my feet, the remaining chort surrounded us, growling in contempt. My partner and I stood back-to-back, swords extended, awaiting the assault.

We didn't wait long.

One, then two, chort charged, and our blades quickly fell them.

Then, from all sides, the remaining attacked, red eyes blazing. Our blades hummed as they slashed in defensive frenzy. We spun slowly clockwise, trying to protect our more vulnerable sides.

A monster blitzed like a linebacker, crashing into us. Gabriella and I grunted as we tumbled through the grass. I came up to one knee to find the chort standing over my dazed partner, raising talon-like claws for the kill.

"No!" I shouted as I whipped around the shotgun. Flame and thunder burst forth as I gave it both barrels. The chort tipped backwards and vaporized into smoke.

"Watch out, Zach!" Gabriella shouted back.

Instinctively, I rolled to the side just as a chort pounded my previous position. With a sword thrust, I finished it.

With that, we won the second wave. But more wraithe continued to flutter down from the rift, solidifying to still more chort. Soon, they would be upon us.

I extended a hand to help Gabriella stand.

"Thanks, partner," she said, squeezing my hand. Looking at the rift and drawing lips tight, she put my thoughts to words. "I don't know if we can handle much more."

But as I reloaded the shotgun, headlight beams flashed across the valley and car doors slammed. My heart lifted — the backup was here.

The relief was short-lived as a high-pitched scream pierced the night, coming from the house.

"The woman..." I muttered.

"Go!" Gabriella said, pointing. "We've got this here."

With a nod, I sprinted up the knoll and leaped up the front porch steps of the old farmhouse-style home in a single step.

An open front door revealed the woman's terror — a daemon. The soul-sucking monster was composed of tightly wound black threads that undulated in sinuous motion. It took a feminine shape, but with abnormally long fingers. Cold red glowing eyes regarded me.

The young woman of the house, wearing a loose white nightshirt, floated beside a winding stairway, held in place by a green shimmering force from the daemon's extended fingers. The woman shuddered as golden vapor streamed from her to the daemon. Her long blonde hair stood out while her paled wide-eyed face expressed horror.

"Let her go!" I ordered.

"And give up such a delicious soul?" the daemon replied with a cackle. "I think not."

Then I understood. The chort were merely a distraction — this woman was the target. She must be psi-sensitive to attract a daemon, and may also have inadvertently opened the rift.

I rushed, sword held high, but with a telekinetic blast from an open palm, the monster shoved me backward, and I crashed against the wall, cracking it. Sharp pain radiated from my ribs.

"Wait your turn," the daemon spat.

Partially dazed, I drew my shotgun and fired, somehow hitting my target. The daemon shrieked as the salted buckshot tore through its body, tearing the threads of her body. But they rewound themselves, repairing the damage.

Fortunately, the daemon dropped the young woman, who collapsed to the floor. Unfortunately, the monster's attention turned toward me. And I hardly had the strength to stand, much less defend myself.

"Very well, Defender," the daemon grated. "I will take your soul first."

A green shimmer engulfed me, reaching deep into my self-identity. Sickening vertigo overcame me as I mentally grasped at anything to avoid the pull toward a black abyss, lest I lose myself.

Then it stopped.

The daemon screeched as two blue-glowing swords pierced its body, the tips protruding from its chest. Two more slashes finished the monster, and it evaporated into dark smoke like the chort before it. The daemon's disappearance revealed Gabriella standing behind, tightly gripping her swords.

A wave of relief came over me as Gabriella lent a hand. "Thanks, partner," I said, grinning.

Soft sobs reminded me that someone else suffered more. My heart went out to the attractive blonde whimpering on the floor. With two hands, I helped her rise.

"I am Zach, and this is Gabriella," I said. "What is your name?"

"Selena," she stammered, wiping tears away.

I offered my open arms for solace, but instead, Selena fell into Gabriella's arms.

A twinge of disappointment lodged in my throat. A part of me, selfishly perhaps, had hoped that I would be the hero that got the girl.

Gabriella and Selena pulled back from the embrace, gripping each other's shoulders.

"What was that... thing?" Selena said. "And that hole in the sky?"

Gabriella's eyes widened. "You saw?"

"She's psi-sensitive," I explained.

"Everything is okay, now," Gabriella whispered while gazing into Selena's blue eyes and brushing back a lock of blonde hair. "You are safe."

"You two," Selena said, holding Gabriella's eyes and not looking my way, "are my heroes." The women closed again into a tight hug.


Then I noticed the rainbow Pride flag, embossed with interlocking female gender symbols, hanging near the door. That confirmed my suspicion.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions, Selena," I said once the women finally separated. "Let's go out for breakfast and we'll try to answer them. I'm buying."

After Selena went upstairs to change clothes, looking back once toward Gabriella with a warm smile, I smirked at my partner. "Good God, there are lesbians everywhere."

She laughed. "Part of our scheme for world domination."

"Tell you what, Gab. If you and Selena hit it off, I'll excuse myself and leave early from breakfast."

A sly smile rose on Gabriella's face. "Never thought of you as a wingman, Zach. Thanks, partner."

"No problem. But next time, I get the girl."

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