Prologue: Champion

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"AND THE FIRST EVER ALOLAN CHAMPION IS ASH KETCHUM!!" Screamed to announcer. Cheers and Screams filled Mahalo Stadium all of them for the first Alolan Champion.

Ash Ketchum.

Ash is standing still in shock. He couldn't believe it. He won a league. After a lot of trail and failure he finally won. After years of hard work he did it.

"We did it buddy." Said Ash to his number one partner Pikachu.


"Hey Ash good work." Said a blonde boy with a black hoodie and with black pants and red shoes. This boys name is Gladion Ash's rival.

"Thank you Gladion you did great to." Said Ash with his signature grin.

After that Ash went out of the stadium and into the waiting area. When he got there he saw his classmates there waiting for him.

"Congratulation Ash!!!" They all said.

"Thank you guys!!" Said Ash.

"So how does it feel being a Champion Ash." Said Kiawe.

"Ya Ash tell us." Said Mallow.

Just then Ash's stomach growled. Everyone fell down anime style.

"I guess that answers your guys questions." Said Ash laughing.

After the Award Ceremony

Ash was walking around the beach area waiting for Mallow and Delia to finish dinner.

During that walk he starts to remember all of his past travels.


"Huh oh it's nothing Pikachu it's just that I am remembering all of our adventures and friends."

"Pika chuu."

"Ya I still remember leaving Pallet Town to be a...... Pokémon Master."

Pokémon Master.

Today Misty and Brock called me to congratulate me and what they said is still in my head.

"So Ash I guess you'll now a Pokémon Master."

Yet I don't feel like a Pokémon Master. I feel I knew to achieve much more then just to win a league. 

"Hey Pikachu."


"Are you ready to go on another adventure this time to become a Pokémon Master." Said Ash


"Ok then it's settled. Next time I come to Alola I am not just going to be a Champion I am going to a Pokémon Master." Said Ash making a fist.

"Hey Ash." Said Rotom Dex. "Your mom told me to tell you that the food is ready."

"Well then what are we waiting here for LETS GO." Said Ash running twords the house house. "HEY WAIT FOR MEEEE." Said Rotom Dex.


Aura: Ok Welcome back my Wonderful followers I present you guys a new book that I do plan on finishing. Now you guys my be saying..

Followers: Bruh Aura you haven't uploaded in a long time what happen

Aura: Oh I was in prison....I mean School.

See you guys later bye.

Aura signing out 🍪

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