Chapter 16: We're Out Of Gas

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Chapter 16: We're Out Of Gas


"Where the hell are we?" Matt asked Cole for the twentieth time.

Cole gritted her teeth, looking up at the sign when he entered the highway. "Rhode Island," he answered.

"Ugh" Matt stated in disappointment, Cole continued on the road. Searched for anything memorable. Didn't Molly apply to a school here? Brown, wasn't it?

"Molly might be there. Matt, get your phone out." Cole heard snores. He glanced at Matt, his mouth was open, and his eyes were closed. Cole punched Matt on the shoulder. He jolted up.

Matt hit Cole back, "what the hell?" He rubbed his pained spot.

"Go on your phone, check if the girls are here."

"And how the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"How the hell else? Twitter, Instagram, duh." Matt groaned, Cole picked up his speed, tightening his knuckles on the steering wheel.

"I found them!" Matt declared, making Cole swerve on the road.

"Where?" Cole questioned.

"Someone just posted a picture with Mel at a party." Cole pulled over to the side of the road to get a good look at it, Melanie was standing next to a boy in red shorts, his arm was over her shoulder.

"Where's Molly?"

"I don't know, she's not in the pic."

"When was it taken?"

"Uh, an hour ago. Do you think they'll still be there?"

Cole started the ignition, typing in the directions for Brown.


"What do you mean we're out of gas?" asked Melanie in an indifferent tone.

"I mean, we're out of gas." Molly drawled.

"But we put gas in it earlier."

"Yeah, only ten bucks' worth. We need to save the rest of our cash when we go back to school."

"Damn! What the hell are we gonna do now?" Melanie threw her hands up.

"Call a tow truck?" Molly suggested.

"Too expensive." Melanie shot it down, "Oh, we can siphon the gas, I still have the empty gas container in the back." She pointed at the back of the seat.

"We have to walk to the gas station."


"It's late." Molly looked at the sky, it was dark. The clouds formed together. "What if it rains?"

"Damn it. Now what?" Molly shrugged at her question and got out of the car, Melanie followed, shutting the car door, and then kicked the tire twice.

"Hey!" Molly berated her, "my car!"

"Sorry, but you can see the frustration here. We're stranded."

The girls stood side by side in the car, Melanie crossed her arms on her chest. Molly laid on the car, pressing the back of her hand on her forehead. "You guys are still here?" a voice asked, interrupting their misery, Muffy approached them.

"Seems like it," Melanie answered, pouting.

"We're out of gas," Molly spoke.

"Aww, that sucks. Do you guys need a ride to the gas station tomorrow morning?" Muffy asked.

"Yes, that would be great, thank you!" Molly lit up, Melanie nodded and smiled.

"We have a spare room in the house, you can spend the night," Muffy suggested. Melanie and Molly smiled at each other.

"That would be amazing."

"Awesome. Follow me," Muffy directed. They grabbed their bags, leaving the car on the curb as the girls headed inside. A guy was moving around in his underwear. The music was off. Girls were out cold, passed out drunk on the couch with their red solo cups spilt over while others were cleaning up. "Wait here," she told them. They stood in the foyer patiently. Melanie kicked the floor to pass the time. Molly looked around, then she looked at her feet.

"I'll show you the room." They nodded, descending up the stairs. Opening the door, the room was medium-sized, walls painted lime green, queen mattress bed in pink and white blankets.

"Thanks so much, Muffy," Molly smiled.

"Yeah, this was really nice of you. Thanks again." Melanie chimed in.

"No problem. Good night guys," Muffy waved and closed the door behind her.

Molly took off her shoes and changed into a tank top and black shorts. Melanie changed into her blue shirt and plaid pj pants. Both of them got into the covers and fell asleep.

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