Chapter 23: Thank You, Next

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#67 in chicklit! I'm hyperventilating right now, one of the highest rankings i have ever received. Love you all so much!! keep reading and voting if u want to <333333 

Chapter 23: Thank You, Next

"So, you applied to an engineering program this spring break?" Melanie asked Tommy while in line for corn dogs.

"Yeah, just five of us. We work with some of the top engineers. They are teaching us all this great stuff and we visit the museums too," he responded.

"That's so cool, but is the group with you, or did you come here alone?" She asked with wonder.

"No, I'm with the group, then we go back to the hotel. I strayed when I saw you guys to say a quick 'hello'." He smiled. That beautiful smile. Melanie became weak in the knees, still looking good. It wouldn't have worked between them, anyway. He was so into Molly that he didn't even look her way. Hopeless dreaming. One day, maybe. After things ended with Matt, they could have been good together. Then he transferred. He still pines for Molly. Oh well. Like Ariana Grande said: Thank you, next. "Mel, did you hear anything I just said?" he chuckled at her blank expression.

She shook her head, "Oh, sorry. Sort of spaced there," she giggled, "what were you saying?"

"I said that I found my group. I have to go."

"Aww," she pouted, "ok."

"You should text me sometimes."


They exchanged numbers, "It was good seeing you," waving goodbye as he went on his way.

"You too," she waved back. Watching him disappear into the crowd, she

She looked for Molly in the crowd. She found Melanie first near the cotton candy stand.

"We should get going," Molly said. Melanie followed behind.

"Where's Cole?"

"He left. How did the talk go?" Melanie asked while approaching the parking lot. As Molly rehashed their conversation as Melanie listened with her mouth shut.

"I actually wanted to hit him again." Both girls entered the car. Melanie sat in the driver seat.

"How do you feel?"

"I don't know what to feel." Molly laid on the seat, closing her eyes. Melanie reversed, driving away from the carnival.


The sign read 'New York straight ahead'. Melanie smiled and turned to Molly, and she smiled too. The first time in New York, Melanie came as a kid, at five years old. She remembered little, just that she came home with a stomachache and lots of souvenirs that she lost. Melanie drove through the streets of the Meatpacking District. It was dark, but the streets were still busy and alive. The clouds were closing in.

"We should check out Times Square first and grab some souvenirs." Molly answered.

"You are absolutely right. Let's go." Melanie squinted in the dark to get a clear look before turning a corner. She brightened the headlights.

"I don't think we should park anywhere. This is New York. There are thieves everywhere." Molly searched for somewhere to park their car.

"Mol, not everyone here is a thief." Melanie shook her head. TV shows and movies depict the underbelly of New York. Her mom told her she once witnessed a robbery at night.

"Maybe we should find a cheap room first to park the car," Melanie said.

"Yeah." $40 dollars a night read on the marquee. Ten floors and a black building, the lobby was quiet. After paying, they checked out the room: bright lights, white sheets, their beds were long in length but short in width. After dropping their bags, they asked the receptionist for a map of Times Square. She gave it to them with annoyance, Pushing the paper off the desk and it fell to the ground.

"Rude," Melanie mumbled as she picked it up.


There were tons of street signs, hats, dolls and bobble heads filling their hands. The girls met this super gorgeous guy that looked exactly like Michael B. Jordan. Melanie got his number and twitter handle. On their way to the hotel, they almost got lost until a nice woman directed them back.

"Tonight was so fun!" Melanie elated while getting into the covers.

Molly agreed, "yeah but-"

"But what?"

"I think we should go back home, we're not far from campus."

"Mol, I thought that you wanted to see more states, we only have like- how many days do we have until spring break is over?"

"Three days."

"Right, three days. Just one more campus and we go back to the headaches, stomach pains and stress due to exams." Melanie smiled widely. As much as Molly wanted to go back, one more couldn't hurt. And she was having fun.

"Fine. One more," Molly agreed.

"Yay!" Melanie turned off the lights, both of them in the covers for their slumber.

"One more," Molly muttered before she closed her eyes. 

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