Chapter 26: I Still Need Time Part one

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Chapter 26: I Still Need Time Part one

'What the hell did I just do?! I am so stupid!' Molly's mind in a drunken haze, Cole was still on top of her.

"You know you feel the same," Cole told her breathlessly. Brushing his lips on hers again, she pushed him off with all her strength. She needed to get out of here.

'I'm never drinking again. And I need to vomit."

Six hours ago:

The group arrived at Matt's brother's apartment in Brooklyn, after the car window got fixed and had lunch. Molly and Melanie followed the boy behind. There was a traffic jam for forty minutes, and they arrived before the sun went down. His brother, Mickey, didn't live far from the motel and met them downstairs when Matt alerted him with the keypad. "Bro!" he said in an excited tone. He resembled a little like Matt, his hair dyed green. Matt had blue eyes, Mickey's were hazel. They Introduced themselves with hugs instead of handshakes as they went inside his medium-sized space: red couch, love seat in the living room. A small brown table in the kitchen and bean bag seat near the hallway, and a flat screen TV on the stand.

"Welcome to my home away from home," Mickey said, closing the front door. "You guys can crash here if you want. My roommate's at his girlfriend's so his room is free. Matty told me that you all are going to the party." Mickey punched Matt in the arm.

"Don't call me that," Matt muttered with a push, "but it's gonna be awesome," Cole nodded in agreement as they high-fived each other. Making eye contact for a split second, Molly looked away quickly. It was bad enough that Melanie was trying to ease it with jokes and Matt turning the radio on with love songs. Now it's awkward being in the same space with him. It should be friendly. Like Melanie said, it's still fresh. I need more time. Melanie patted and squeezed her shoulder a little and gave a small smile, Molly gave her one back.

"Where's the bathroom?" Melanie asked Mickey. He pointed down the hallway and she left. Molly decided to sit on the stool in front of the counter in the kitchen since she was the only one standing. Matt and Cole were on the couch and Mickey was in the kitchen raiding the fridge pulling out a six pack of beer.

"So what's your story with Cole?" Mickey asked Molly, giving her a beer he opened.

Grabbing the chilled drink, "what do you mean?" she asked before she took a sip.

"Matt told me about you and him. Are you guys back together?" He sat on the spare stool next to her.

"No," she shook her head.

"Really? He seems to be into you."

"Well that's his problem. He should have thought of that before he screwed up." Molly's mouth became tight.

"Sure," he sounded skeptical. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Molly frowned her eyebrows and took another sip of the beer.

"Are you still into him?"

"No. Not anymore." Molly stared into space, tracing her finger around the rim of the can.

"I see longing looks between you two," he raised his eyebrows up and down.

"Of annoyance," Molly scoffed.

"Or of longing."

"You don't know me, and you're making assumptions."

"I know what I see."

"And what is that?"

"Love." Molly felt her heart in her ribcage, looking away from him. He's wrong.

Molly's phone vibrated from her pocket, it was a reminder that spring break was ending tomorrow. "You're wrong." She tucked her head back in her pocket. Cole came to the kitchen, opening the fridge. Molly looked down, fidgeting her feet against the bars of the seat.

"He messed up that bad?" Mickey leaned in close as he asked.

"Really bad," Molly tilted her head to the side.

"When did you find out?"
"Five days ago, I was visiting him for a surprise. The girl was in his closet."

"Whoa, still fresh. And you're here? Partying?"

"It's spring break." Molly raised her can up, he met hers and tapped it lightly.

"Scumbag," Mickey said in a disgusted and playful tone.

Molly laughed, "major."

"Take it from me, it probably meant nothing."
"But for weeks?" Molly whispered.

"What was his excuse?"
"He was lonely."

"We can see he's stupid, but still loves you."

"Funny way to show me."

"Does he want you back?"

"I still need time."

"Timing is everything but can be a bitch."

"Mmmm." Molly became silent, moving her mouth to the side.

"When are we leaving for the party?" Melanie asked, coming back from the bathroom and looking around for someone to answer.

"In two hours," Matt answered. Molly looked at Cole, who was flipping channels on the TV. She blew air out of her mouth and just shrugged. To kill some time, Mickey suggested watching a movie. They all settled on The Avengers. Molly sat next to Mickey, Melanie was on the bean bag chair, saddled up.


They made a stop at the liquor store. Mickey told them they had to buy beer to be invited in so no one would think they were crashing. The party vibe was slow when they arrived, not much of a crowd since it's still early. Guys tapped the kegs and pulled out other liquor bottles to set up, girls dancing near them to get their attention. Molly bobbed her head to the music bumping against her feet. She felt like a wallflower, more like inside a bubble watching everyone standing against the wall next to Melanie. The upbeat tempo of 'Lips Are Movin' by Meghan Trainor began, Melanie moving her shoulders and hips mouthing the lyrics.

"Let's get a drink!" Melanie suggested

Heading to the bar where there was an array of drinks.
"We're not getting drunk right?" Molly asked but Melanie disappeared. Molly frowned, what the hell? A tall muscular cute guy with a shaved head took her place.

"Where'd she go?" Molly muttered. Molly looked around once more, more people arriving and getting more full. Matt was talking to a curvy brunette in a bikini top and mini skirt. Molly grabbed a bottle of Mike's Hard lemonade, taking a sip to check out the party some more. As she made a 180 spin, Cole danced with a girl sporting a dirty blonde short cut hairstyle, booty shorts and a busty tank top, grinding on his junk. He's holding her hips lightly with a cup in his hands, kissing her neck. For some reason, this made Molly's blood boil. Cole with another girl again but in action instead of finding her in his closet. He did that with that slut and now with another random woman is bringing new feelings: jealousy. Wanting to pull that chick by her hair and drag her off him, she withheld herself. I broke up with him, I don't care. I can have fun too. Molly downed the hard lemonade in seconds, slamming the bottle on the bar from her anger. "Whoo!" She whooped, taking another bottle and cracked it open. 

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