Chapter 5: We're Off

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Chapter 5: We're Off

"Molly, is that you?" Questioned the person approaching her.

"Oh, my gosh! Mark Hi!" Molly yelled in excitement and embraced her friend in a hug, jumping up and down. His brown curls bounced with her. "What are you doing here? What happened to Penn" she asked him, looking into his green eyes. Mark went to the same high school as well, he got into Frostburg too but changed his mind at the last minute when he got an acceptance letter to Penn State.

I miss my biology partner. Her mind went reminiscing in awe.

"I transferred here, the scholarship offer gave me more money," Mark answered.

"Oh, that's good. It's good to see you."

"You too, I thought you would visit Cole for spring break."

"Nah." She scoffed, shaking her head.


"Uh-" she stuttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Marky Mark!" Melanie shouted, coming over to them, a guy in red shorts linked in her elbows. She hugged Mark tightly. He picked her up from the floor, twirling her around. "Where have you been?" Melanie asked.

Mark spoke, "I transferred here," he trailed off then looked at Kyle who was standing really close to Molly. Shoulders were touching.

"I didn't peg you for a two-timer, Molly. Do you know she has a boyfriend?" Mark scolded him. I don't need another brother; I already have three. Molly rolled her eyes.

"They broke up," Melanie informed as the music stopped. Maybe the DJ was changing the songs. Or he passed out. Melanie stood on her toes, eyeing the DJ dashboard.

"What do you mean they broke up?" Mark questioned.

"I mean they broke up, simple," Melanie replied and shrugged.

"You just broke up with your boyfriend?" asked Kyle.

"I don't want to talk about this. I already cried before we got here. Mark, it's good to see you. Call us. Come on, Mel." Molly grabbed Melanie's hand and exited the party.

"But I wanna stay," Melanie whined.

"No, we're off." While dragging Melanie through the crowd to find the car, she heard Kyle calling her name again. Molly stopped and turned around.

"I didn't get your number," he said breathlessly, halting in front of them.

"I didn't think you wanted it. Why don't you give me yours?" Molly suggested with a shrug and a smile. He gestured for her phone, handing it to him as he typed in his numbers. Giving it back, he saved it as Kyle, VA. Molly giggled, "I'll text you."

Before leaving, he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Are you gonna call him?" Melanie asked.

"He was cute and nice. I might. What about that red shorts guy you were with all night?" Molly asked.

"I didn't get his number. He gave me his Facebook name. I'll find him." Melanie grinned, both of them broke out in laughter as they get into the car.


Cole laid in bed, feeling guilty about what he did to Molly. I'm such an idiot. He rubbed his eyes with closed fists. Cheryl came back into his room, pleading to let her be his girlfriend. He shut her down. She's one of those girls who couldn't take a hint, kept coming back for more. Pissed off, she hit him with a pillow repeatedly and left in anger. Sitting up, he opened his laptop and log onto his Facebook for any interest on his news feed since he couldn't sleep. Shaking his head from the boring topics, he started checking his old friend's profiles. Stopping at one of his friends Mark's page, his pictures of him at a party on his campus, he snapped a picture of a couple slow dancing and making out. He pulled the laptop closer, seeing Molly tagged, but he didn't see her in the image.

Groaning out, there was no point in tagging him if he wasn't in the picture. He scrolled down further, there's another pic of the girl laying on the guy's shoulder embracing each other. Blonde hair and a cute nose. "That's not her," he said to himself. Pulling out his phone to call Mark, he hoped he will pick up. Four rings and he answered, "Mark, where are you?"

"Frat party. Do you know your girl and her friend are here?" Mark wondered.

"No, I didn't know. I just saw your page. You tagged me."

"Yeah, I took it after I saw her flirting with the guy. She told me you guys broke up, is that true?"

"Is she still there?"

"They both left. Mind telling me what happened?"

"I kinda cheated on her."


"I hid the girl in my closet." Mark started laughing uproariously at the other end.

"You.. f-f-fucking idiot!" He laughed over the receiver.

"I'm glad you find this funny," Cole told him sarcastically.

"It is, you dumbass." He finally stopped but tried to stifle a chuckle.

"I can still fix this."

"No, you can't, they're gone. You fucked up."



Shit, I gotta find her. He hung up. Standing up from the mattress, he headed to his dresser picking out shorts, shirts, shoes, and sunscreen in his backpack.

"Where you off to?" Asked Matt coming into the dorm after a shower. He dried his hair with his towel.

"To find Molly, you coming?"

"Hell yeah, bro, I'm here for you. Let me pack clothes and condoms," Matt stated.

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