Chapter 7: Delaware Welcomes You

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Chapter 7: Delaware Welcomes You

"Molly, I really have to tell you something," Cole said nervously.

"Tell me. What's wrong?" she brushed his hair lightly as she looked at his face, concerned.

"I-I love you." Her eyes widened, tackling him to the ground, kissing him all around his face.

"I didn't think you would be that enthusiastic about it," he chuckled slightly while holding her waist.

"I love you!"

"I love you too." He grabbed her head and kissed her passionately.

A small smile etched on Molly's face at this memory. The first time he told her he was in love with her, it was at the local park. A Spring day during their junior year. Cole told her he had something important to tell her. He looked so cute when he was nervous. He held Molly's hands. It was sweaty. She didn't know what he was going to say until he confessed his feelings.

"Molly, you okay?" Melanie asked, breaking out of her daze. Molly looked at her from the passenger seat.

"Yeah, yeah," Molly chuckled. Melanie nodded and focused on driving; searching around for signs since they left Virginia and the motel two hours ago for another college. "Where are we?" Molly asked in a confused tone. It looked industrial and smokey like no sun has come here yet.

"Delaware," Melanie answered.

"How do you know?" Melanie pointed out the window. Molly turned, saw a sign coming up: 'Delaware Welcomes You'. "Oh," she simply said, pulling out her phone she searched on Google if they were close to the University of Delaware. "The university is like twenty minutes away from here. Let's see if there're any parties."

"You want to stop here? It seems... cold," Melanie said with a worried look on her face.

"It's just a little windy, it's gonna get sunny soon. Let's browse the campus when we get there, you know there's gonna be a frat party." Molly reassured her.

Melanie sighed "okay." Cruising through the campus parking lot, one of the frat houses tapping the kegs and a band setting up their instruments. "Oh, they have a band. I wonder what band it is." Melanie pointed out in an excited tone. She parked on the street instead of the school parking lot since they were not students here.

"One hour," Molly suggested while getting out of the car.

"Fine," Melanie said. At least we have our bathing suits under our clothes, Melanie clapped three times, happily.

"Ladies, you're here a little early. Party doesn't start until later." A cute guy told them with brown hair and eyes.

"Well, we just wanted to see you guys set up and stuff," Melanie said, giving him a flirtatious smile.

"I see there's a band here, who is it?" Molly asked.

"Taking Back Sunday," he responded nonchalantly.

"AHHHHHH! I LOVE THEM!" Melanie fangirled. Jumping up and down, flapping her hands. Molly held her shoulders so she wouldn't expose her boobs from her tank top.

"Forgive my friend, she loves them," Molly said, chuckling.

"I can tell, you can meet them if you want before they start." Melanie's eyes widened at this. She jogged quickly to the stage. Molly giggled, turning attention to the guy in front of her who was grinning. "So, what's your name, gorgeous?"

"What's yours?" Molly retorted back.



"Nice to meet you, Molly" he held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Brad," Molly meeting his hand she shook it, giving him a small smile. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You excited for tonight?" he asked, making small talk. She hummed an answer while nodding, looking around the area. The band was setting up microphones and cords.

"What time is it, anyway?" Molly asked him.

He answered, "4:50. They play at 5."

"So, ten minutes until they play." Stating the obvious, she mentally facepalmed.

"Yep. It's good you guys are here, actually. We need some help with the alcohol table." Molly pulled a confused expression as to why he's asking for her help. Reluctantly she agreed and followed him to the table full of alcohol,  two guys began bringing out drinks. Setting jello shots, lining up the bottles, the boys tapping more kegs on either side of the table. As they finished, more coeds make their way in and the music plays. Molly searched for Melanie if she was still at the stage, she wasn't anymore. Turning to her side, Melanie stood right by her side.

"Oh my God, Adam is so much hotter in person," Melanie said gleefully.

"Announce yourself next time, you scared me," Molly scolded, holding her chest to slow down her heart.

"Sorry, girl," she said, patting her shoulder, "I'm excited. The band's playing soon!" She squealed.

"But we're only staying for an hour, remember?"

"Please, Molly? Two songs. We're not even drinking." She pouted her bottom lip, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," Molly said rolling her eyes, Melanie hugged her tightly. "What happened to that hot guy you were talking to?"

"I don't know, I was helping him with the drinks, I think he went somewhere else."

"Well, don't let him slip away. He's really cute," Melanie nudged her ribs, Molly let out a laugh, thinking he was really cute and fit, but the two hardly talked when they were setting up the drink table. Maybe I'm overthinking-

"Smile!" a voice and a flash interrupting Molly's thoughts, the source being Brad grinning at them. "That was the perfect picture." Molly and Melanie smiled at each other and looked at him again. "Would you lovely ladies like to dance?" he asked.

Melanie touched Molly lightly to him, "she would love to dance." Molly shook her head, trying to go to her side. She pushed her again to him, collapsing to his body he caught her easily. Melanie waved at them and left.

Brad chuckled, "you don't have to, you know."

"It's fine, I would love to." She grabbed his hand as 'Make Damn Sure' came on. Luckily, he didn't grind on her butt as other guys would, she's not the best dancer but she can keep up with the beat. The song changed to a cover version of Damien Rice's 'The Blower's Daughter '. He wrapped his hands around her waist, she did the same to his neck.

"Are you enjoying the party so far?" he asked her.

"I am," she responded.

"I've never seen you around here before. Did you just transfer?"

"We go to Frostburg University, heard Delaware threw some ragers," she explained.

"This is true. I had a feeling you didn't go here, I would have remembered a pretty face." His statement made Molly blush, knowing he just met him and he's probably just saying this to get into her pants, but it's working a little.

"Thanks," she replied, hiding shy in the crook of his shoulder. He lifted her face, staring deep into her eyes, leaning in for a kiss. She expected his lips. Someone bumped into them. Their foreheads collided. "Ow!" They both shouted in pain.

"Sorry," the girls apologized. Molly rubbed her head, wincing. Brad did the same, smiling awkwardly.

"That didn't go so well," Molly let out a light laugh.

"No," he replied. They began playing one of their fast songs, What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost. Molly was feeling like this was a sign. I want to go home, she thought sullenly.

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