Duck, Duck, Goose

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It was hard to tell which way to run since chaos had erupted. Mark charged the humans, but Tyler lunged to intercept him. Ethan snatched Jack and Amy up and sprang back as the doctor's men ran forward to protect their boss.

The doctor turned to run, but Ethan stomped his foot down to block him, growling. "Don't you dare!" Kathryn yelled angrily. "Take another step and you'll regret it."

Ethan growled, agreeing.

"Amy." Jack shook the poor woman, who was watching the fight going on with horror. Mark was clawing at Tyler like a rabid animal, snarling and pushing and grabbing. Tyler was doing his best to keep the feral giant back, but despite his advantage in heighth, Mark was slightly stronger. "Amy!" Jack tried again. "We need to get the formula to him."

"W-we can't," she mumbled, "I-I gave you the last of it." She shuddered and covered her mouth. "Oh, god, Mark..." she said miserably.

"I-I can-I can make it!" The doctor tried to bargain, waving his hands. "I can make more of ze formula!" Ethan put his three little human friends on his head and picked the doctor up by the back of his lab coat. He held him up at eye level and growled suspiciously.

"Conspiracy theories later, running now," Kathryn chided. Ethan grunted and gave his buddies one more glance before he turned and ran away to find the lab. Mark, meanwhile, snarled and pushed Tyler, making him stumble and almost land on top of the soldiers. The men yelled and started firing at Mark. Mark bellowed and shielded his face, and when they reloaded, he counterattacked. Tyler backed away with wide eyes at the scene of his friend's anger that unfolded before his eyes; the worst part was that Mark didn't even hesitate when he sweeped his arm and knocked the soldiers off their feet, hitting them against the wall and promptly knocking them all out. Tyler quickly turned and ran after the others.

Mark panted, standing in the center of the unconscious men. There was one soldier still conscious, but his leg was broken, and he couldn't move enough to catch the giant's attention, let alone escape. But Mark ignore him away. He ignored all of them and turned away, blocking out their metallic scents as he tilted his head back and inhaled deeply.

He craved something else. Not the numerous mercenaries of the doctor, nor the crazy scientist himself. He craved more wild blood: Someone who had an exotic taste. He looked down at his bruised hands and licked his fingers. His blood grew hot with an excited stir as he caught the sweet but wild taste. It was older than the soldiers' blood that he smelled behind him, and he had tasted it before. He sniffed the air to pin down the exact human. His stomach growled as he caught his scent, and he rumbled hungrily; the hunt was on.

The doctor yelped as Ethan plopped him down in front of the laboratory doors. Two men stood guard in front, and they look bewildered at Ethan's successful effort to cram into the human hallway and crawl prone.

"Signe?" Jack slid down Ethan's arm and pushed past the guards. "Signe!" Entering the room, he saw Signe seated on the other side of the room, surrounded by more armed men. "Signe, are you ok?" Obeying the doctor's command to stand down, the men parted and let Signe rush to her love and hug him.

"Seán! Are you ok?" She cried in his shoulder.

"I'm ok, are you?"

"I'm all right." Amy followed Kathryn in, looking down at the floor. "What about the others? Did it work?" Signe asked. Amy made a choking sob and turned away. Jack bit his lip and hugged her again.

"There was a problem." He explained everything the best he could while Ethan backed out of the hallway to talk to Tyler. He looked mortified when Tyler explained to him through rumbling and gestures what had happened; he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"So..." Signe blinked with glassy eyes. "He's- he's a...?"

"A feral giant? Yep."

"Well, what's the plan then?" Singe looked over her shoulder as the doctor tapped on Sam's tank. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, the 'doctor' is going to make the formula," Jack said pointedly. The doctor looked over at them with wide, nervous eyes. "Do ya get it now, doc?" Jack challenged, "Do ye see what chaos and destruction yer little science experiment has unleashed?" He strode to the doctor and grabbed his shoulders. The scientist tried to squirm out of his grip, but Jack held firm. "All yer doing is cowering behind others," Jack yelled, "Letting people die for yer own fucking mistakes. All yer doing is hiding behind that mask!"

"Seán," Signe tried, but Jack shook his head.

"No, he needs to understand the gravity of our situation." He looked the doctor square in the eye. "If you don't make the formula and fix Mark now, we are going to die," he warned, "Everyone! We are all going to die! You need to take charge, and grow up!" As the doctor struggled to form words, Jack ripped off the surgeon mask and knocked off the doctor hat in his frustration to prove a point.

"Jack!" Kathryn exclaimed. But it was too late. He didn't answer her. He stared with shock at the true identity of the doctor, and then he was the speechless one.

"Y... Y-you?" But he couldn't utter any words. His mind had started to make connections, but before he could continue the doctor snatched back his mask and quickly put it back on.

"No, you ahr not suppose to see my beautiful face!" He cried. Jack staggered, and Signe rushed to support him.

"Y-you... all this time...? Wh-what?" His eyes were wide, and his chest bobbed with startled breaths.

"S-Seán, just calm down, take a deep breath," Signe shushed, "Just sit-sit down, and..." She guided him to a chair, where Jack sat and stared at the doctor.

"... Did you know?" He asked in no more than a whisper. Signe shook her head.

"No, I-I didn't." Her voice shook like Jack's did. The doctor cleared his throat and put his surgical hat where it belonged.

"Vell den. I'm going to die," he said. Then he shook his head. "Amy, vhere ahr ze ingredients for ze formula?" Amy stood still for a few seconds, like a ghost, but then she slowly turned and hurried off. Kathryn sighed and rubbed her eyes, drained. Signe held Jack's hand to her chest with her fingers laced between his, trying to comfort him as they struggled to wrap their minds around everything.

"Is any of this even real?" Jack muttered. Signe gave him a confused look.

"Of course it is." Jack shook his head.

"But-but if he's here-"

"Seán," Signe insisted, "I'm-I'm just as confused as you are, but... this is our life. There's nothing else, ok? This is real." Something about those words felt false. Jack grit his teeth and put his head in his hand.

"That's the thing. It doesn't feel like it." Signe put her head on his thigh.

"I know. With everything going on, it's all screwed up. But we can do this, we're going to save Mark, and we're going to fix this." Jack sighed.

"Here's to hoping." They all fell quiet as a roar echoed through the facility. Amy shivered and turned, looking at the doorway. Ethan and Tyler twitched nervously, letting out worried rumbles.

"He's looking for us," Jack murmured. Signe shivered and latched onto his arm.

"We'll fix him," she promised. The doctor grunted nervously, but Jack ignored his skepticism.

"He might find us before we have the formula." Amy cried softly in Kathryn's shoulder. Jack frowned and turned to the doorway.

"Seán?" Signe tugged on his sleeve. "Seán- don't," she begged. Jack stood, looked back at her, and hugged her.

"We need more time. I have to." She whimpered and kissed him. He kissed back and added, "If I don't lead him away, he'll find us all before the doctor can finish the formula. I have to."

"I know," she sighed anxiously, squeezing his hands. "But I don't like it." They shared a long look, and then she unwillingly let go of his hands. He nodded, and then turned and left the room. "Just come back," she whispered with teary eyes.

Jack walked out and saw Tyler and Ethan watching him approach with wary expressions. "I need yer help," he said, "We need to distract Mark long enough for the others to make the formula." Ethan shrank back with a nervous noise. "I know, I know buddy," the Irishman sighed, scratching the back of his head, "But we gotta keep him away from here." Tyler grunted, agreeing, and crouched to let Jack up onto his shoulder. As the giant sat up again, Jack looked over at Ethan. Ethan exhaled and nodded.

"Okay." He tensed as Mark bellowed somewhere in the distance. "We'll need to make sure he doesn't come here, or at least make him think we left." Tyler rumbled and pointed at his leg. Jack recalled his injury and exclaimed in understanding. "Oh, I got ya." He rolled his pantleg up and saw that the blood was still wet and fresh: Perfect for catching a feral giant's attention.

Tyler leaned up beside the wall, and Jack smeared some of the crimson red on the cold dusty stone. Then they started traversing through the corridor, leaving salty stains on the wall as they took the trail away from the lab and led it deep into the labyrinth.

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