Chapter Ten

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Black Sun and I were silent as Virginia watched us.

"Sit down, Aria," Virginia commanded me. "You're going to need to to take this all in."

Dumbfounded, I just nodded, and I sat next to Black Sun.

"When my grandfather left for England to gather supplies, the Croatan tribe surrounded us and killed all of the men of our colony," Virginia began. "They took us and made us a part of their tribe. They gave me my step-brother, and my step-father. But they took away our colony. They took away our English pride. My mother might have seemed like she liked this new life, she told me that she hated it. I wanted to help her. So when I was told that I had a terrible sickness, I began to form a plan in my head. And it came true. I wiped out most of the Croatan tribe. I regained my English pride. But, I did not wipe out all of them. That's why I needed you to bring your people here, Aria."

Black Sun and I sat there in silence. Black Sun suddenly stood up, fists clenched, and he tried to punch Virginia. I gasped at his sudden violence, and Virginia squeaked and hid her face. Of course, the punch went right through her, and the force of his punch sent Black Sun flying forward.

"You should know that I am a ghost, Black Sun," Virginia said, slowly shaking her head in disappointment.

"You almost wiped out my tribe!" Black Sun yelled, angrily standing up. "All because they took away your pride?!?"

"Our pride is very important to us!" Virginia yelled, offended.

"So is our homeland!" Black Sun yelled back. 

I watched silently as the two of them argued back and forth for a while before I finally became annoyed with both of them, and stepped in between them.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled, folding my arms. 

Virginia and Black Sun became silent as they looked at me.

"Virginia, you do realize that trying to get me to bring us pale skins here to this island will never happen because you are already at peace, right?" I asked, realizing the flaw in her plan. "I would never have let them come here anyway."

Virginia didn't say anything, and just narrowed her eyes. Black Sun gave me a little smile, and I smiled back.

"That's just what he said."

"What?" Black Sun and I asked, confused.

"You...are a disgrace to us pale skins," Virginia snarled at me.

Her eyes moved into the back of her head, making them all white. She began to growl, and float up into the air. A harsh wind began to form behind her, almost knocking Black Sun and I off our feet.

"Virginia?" I asked, a little scared.

"Look out!" Black Sun cried out.

He grabbed me, and we both fell to the ground just as a large tree branch flew over us.

"I will dispose of you all myself," Virginia growled one last time before disappearing. 

The wind died down, and Black Sun and I were still for a while before he stood up.

"Are you okay, White Star?" Black Sun asked me, helping me stand.

"Yeah," I said, brushing myself off. I looked to where Virginia disappeared.

"I am."  

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