Chapter Two

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When I awoke, a large mist had covered the island. I slowly packed away my camp, and began to continue to search around the palisade. Still no luck. I would not let this get me down, so I decided to search further into the island.

It was about midday when I stopped. There were no other clues. Disappointed, I took a break, sitting against a tree. Reaching into my backpack, I took out a ham sandwich, and began to eat. Taking out my notebook, I wrote "Day 1: Only one clue. The word 'Croatoan' was scratched onto-"

"What are you writing?"

Startled, I looked up from my writing to see a little girl, no more than five, staring at me. 

I thought that this place was supposed to abandoned, I thought, setting my stuff down.

"Um...I'm just writing a report down," I replied. "My name is Aria. Who are you and where are your parents?"

"My name is Virginia Dare," the little girl replied. "And my parents are gone."

"You're the granddaughter of John White!" I whispered in amazement. "But how?"

Virginia giggled. "That's a mystery you can't solve. Now, come on." She held out her hand. "Let's go play with my friends!"

Questions ringing through my head, I tried to take her hand, but it passed right through mine.

Of course, a ghost, I thought, frowning. I must have fallen asleep.

Virginia frowned, and took her hand back.

"I thought that you would be fun," Virginia said. "But you're just as boring as the last person that came here."

My heart skipped a beat.

"There was another person that came here?" I asked, bewildered.

Virginia looked at me, turned around, and ran. I watched her run a bit before she disappeared into the forest. I pinched myself, and it hurt. This wasn't a dream.

I began to walk forward before I noticed something. Etched into the dirt, where Virginia once stood, were the words "Croatoan" and "Abandoned Village."

There was that word again. "Croatoan." Now, I knew that it had to be the Indians. But what was with "Abandoned Village?" Roanoke was a lost colony, not an abandoned village. I looked up to see where Virginia fled. The dirt was upturned, leaving a trail. Finishing my sandwich, I packed up my things, and followed the trail.

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