xi. real life

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THE FOOT OF SOPHIE PUSHED DOWN HARD ONTO HER CAR BREAK. She reached out to vacant car seat next to her, taking a hold of her beige Ted Baker shoulder bag.

After getting a good grip of her Oreo Milkshake, the door of her car opened and she began walking through the sun-filled park.

     It wouldn't be a common thing that Sophie would have finished Uni earlier. This time, she had a field trip out to a marine rescue centre, and the coach had returned earlier than anticipated, so Sophie could leave earlier. It also accounted to the fact that Sophie was hungry, and craved a burrito from KFC.

Her milkshake sloshed at the bottom of the Krushem cup she had grasped, as her feet dragged her through the park of London.

Sophie was glad in a way, that she finished Uni earlier and had some spare time. Another idea she had considered was going back to her student apartment, which she shared with her best friends Ellie McAllister and Thea Lester. But the factor that conquered the idea, was that Sophie left her apartment keys inside, and Ellie and Thea wouldn't be back from their classes till later.

But Sophie was glad that this was her only other choice—she had never really appreciated London's beauty before, in detail. The buzzing lights on the pier, the noise of seagulls yapping at each other in the air, she had just noticed how each small detail made up each part of London.

As Sophie finally slurped the last of her milkshake, she tossed the cup into the nearest bin. Her feet strolled through the city park, eventually parking them by a bench.

Most of the time, Sophie would remain unnoticed whenever she was in a park or place of some sort. She just blended into the crowd. It was different this time.

Sophie heard a call. One specifically, calling out to her. She hasn't exactly known who, or where she was getting called from, but she was sure it was for her.

Then, she turned around. And what she saw in front of her, was what she hadn't expected to see at all.

"Sophie?" The voice of Harry Holland vibrated through her ears, sending a chill up her spine. Not the kind of cold chill, but rather, the chill of first-time-meeting-someone chill. And it was the first time Harry and Sophie were meeting.

"Harry." Sophie smiled, then wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Is this actually real?" Harry spoke, continuing the embrace as he inhaled her scent.

"I definitely think it is."



i'm seeing 'it' tomorrow iM HYPED

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