Robbie Kay x Reader - Awkward Family Get Together

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Warning: Mild Swearing!!!!!!!

    Robbie was so excited! He was going with you to your grandparents' house in New York. He couldn't wait to meet all of your family, but you felt differently about it.

    You were not looking forward to dealing with your family. First of all, your cousin, Mark, was weird and annoying. One minute he was yelling at you for something stupid, like turning on a light during a game, and the next minute he was peaking down your shirt trying to get a look at what you had.

    Second of all, your aunt was mean. Sure, she had her moments when she was super sweet, but most of the time she was just nasty. She yelled and yelled, and was always complaining about random crap. She even complained about how much toilet paper you used!

    Third of all, you felt like crap. You ached everywhere and were sure that you were going to vomit. And those five short hours of no sleep didn't help. You were not in the mood to deal with your family, but you had to.

    Robbie saw that you were down, and kept asking you why. He knew that you loved your one cousin, Harmony, and he wondered why you would be upset about seeing her. You just told him that your family got crazy and loud and weird. It wasn't worth ruining his excitement yet.

    But when he got there, he could see why you felt so stressed and bothered about coming here. Not even five minutes into the trip, your aunt started yelling about your cousins leaving their crap in the hallway. You two were with your mom, as she proceeded to make funny gestures towards your aunt, although she couldn't see. You laughed, and Robbie was glad to know that no one had ruined your spirits quite yet.

    But he could see as your soul drained more and more throughout the night. Sure, when Harmony finally got there, she and her brothers made you laugh. You even got a backrub out of one of them. But Mark would not leave you alone.

    It didn't take long to destroy the little bit of peace that was between the two of you. You and Harmony started playing keep-away with his Santa hat, and he immediately went from zero to one hundred, though you didn't know why. He shoved her into a wall, and you onto a bed and proceeded to elbow you in the gut. Robbie watched, and you had to pull him back from doing anything extreme.

    Mark quickly left after retrieving his hat, and you and Harmony were left to calm Robbie down so that he didn't go after him. You explained how normal this was, and he was starting to regret not staying home with you.

    Later that night, after dinner, you were playing with Harmony and your brother, Ryan, upstairs. Well, Ryan entertained himself while you had girl talk with your cousin. Robbie sat behind you, chiming in now and then but mostly focusing on your hair that he played with to keep his cool.

    But then, Mark came in. He started messing with your brother, and you repeatedly asked him to leave him alone, even pushing him away and pulling Ryan away from him. Even Robbie stepped in to help. But nothing worked.

    Finally, you forcefully shoved him away, asking him to get out. But you were met with a response that nearly got Mark killed.

    "You bitch!" he screamed, charging at you. You prepared yourself to take the blow when Robbie jumped in front of you.

    Robbie shoved him on the floor. "She's a bitch! Say it to my face! Tell me she's a bitch again!" he growled until you and Harmony both pulled him back. Unfortunately, it allowed for Mark to escape and left you with a fuming Robbie, but it was for the best.

    By the end of the night, Robbie could see your resolve wearing down. He knew that you couldn't take much more of this, and he couldn't stand to see you do that to yourself. He felt so awful that he couldn't make you feel better, but he did the least he could do; keep Mark away from you and your brother.

    He watched you from across the room as you read a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book with your cousin, reliving the old memories you two had with those books. He always kept an eye out for Mark, sighing when he finally left with his mom. The only thing he hated was that you agreed to go to the movies with him and your aunt tomorrow.

    It was then Harmony's turn to leave, and you couldn't bear to let it happen. After she left would come the awkward time of trying not to wake anyone up while your family decided to work out sleeping arrangements. But they left, and you guys went upstairs to work it out.

    You convinced them to let you and Robbie share a bed, and after putting your little brother to sleep, your parents went to bed in their room. You finally allowed your resolve to break down the rest of the way, only wanting to feel the unconsciousness of sleep take you away from this day.

    Of course, Robbie noticed your change in mood. "I'm so sorry; I didn't realize it was that bad..." was all he said. You smiled weakly at him, and it hurt him to see how much effort you had to put into that.

    "It's normal... Happens every year..." you told him.

    "But it shouldn't," he defended. You shook your head at the thought.

    "But it does, so it's a moot point," you said as you rubbed your shoulder. "Man, my shoulder is killing me."

    "Well, when we get into bed, I'll rub it for you. Okay?" he asked. You smiled brightly at him.

    "Of course it is," you replied, crawling into bed so he could start your massage. He chuckled at your eagerness, saying nothing as he climbed into bed and rubbed your back and shoulders. You sighed immediately, eyes drooping as you nearly fell asleep.

    "I love you," he whispered.

    "I love you more," you challenged.

    "And I'll love you for infinity."
I hope you guys enjoy this one! Please let me know if you have any requests!

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