Robbie Kay x Reader - Cute Anger (Please Read!)

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(M/N) - Middle Name

Disclaimer: Important vote at the end of the story! Please read all the way through!

    You absolutely couldn't stand Robbie Kay. No matter what happened, he was constantly intoxicatingly happy; a polar opposite to your usual mood. He cracked jokes with everyone and was always kind. He did favors for his fans, and you could always watch as every fan he ever met walked away with the biggest grin they had ever worn plastered to their face. Even when there was something to be mad about, he could never bring himself to make rude comments, but you could always tell he was upset when his nose crinkled cutely in frustration.

    But what angered you more was when you found out that you were both cast for the lead roles in the newest tv show, Heroes Reborn. You were cast for the role of Emily Duval, and Robbie landed the role of Tommy Clark, making the two of you love interests.

    Oh, you couldn't stand the British actor, but boy, you loved him more than anything else in the world.

    As the show went on, Tommy and Emily grew more and more deeply in love with one another, forcing you and Robbie to get close as well. The problem was that you were actually falling in love with the dorky actor, which irritated you more than Robbie ever could.

    Of course, instead of behaving like the sensible adult you were, you decided to push Robbie away and act as rudely as possible in hopes that he would realize how much you truly loved him. It would be too much effort for you to confess your feelings to him, right?

    One day, the two of you sat around the Lounge; a large room with comfortable furniture, food, and drinks where crew members could relax and hang out in between takes. While you sat, Robbie scrolled through his Instagram feed while you focused on your own projects on your phone.

    "Oh my gosh!" Robbie chuckled out of nowhere as he stared at his bright phone screen.

    "What?" you asked monotonously as you looked over his shoulder, only to come face to face with a fanmade picture of Robbie proposing to a stranger on the red carpet.

    The sight of such a disgusting act filled you to the brim with anger as you looked at the horrible wanna-be photoshop job. You couldn't help the daggers you shot at the phone as your face undoubtedly turned a bright shade of red. If this had been a cartoon, smoke would have poured out of your ears as you contemplated your next steps while trying to keep your reaction hidden from the famous actor sitting next to you.

    Unfortunately, you knew that he had seen your reaction when he burst into belly-busting laughter.

    "O-oh my gosh, your face is priceless!" Robbie roared through his laughter, his hand flying down to clutch his stomach as he lost all self-control.

    "S-shut up!" you groaned in embarrassment as you blushed even harder than before, but it only encouraged him to laugh harder.

    Your eyes desperately scanned the room for anything you could use to shut him up. As you searched, your eyes landed on a pillow right next to you. You smirked impishly before reaching down to acquire your new weapon of choice.

    You couldn't resist your laughter as you rained a barrage of attacks on the unsuspecting actor. You beat him senseless with the pillows, hoping to stop the horrible sounds that he allowed to escape from his lips. Unfortunately, his laughter still rang as clear as day despite your best attempts to quell the wretched noise.

    You pouted as you gave up your attack, allowing your body to sink back into the couch, your arms crossing defiantly over your chest.

    "Awww, is somebody mad?" Robbie teased as he got in your face, despite your protests as you shoved him away.

    "No, you're just really annoying," you griped as you tried to hide your face in a pillow.

    "Aww, somebody is mad! What, do you have a problem with girls being all over me? Do you hate that they want me so bad?" he continued to taunt in your ear, only for your face to turn as red as a tomato as you gasped and covered your ears.

    "S-shut up!" you growled as scarily as you could, but to no avail, as it only made him chuckle.

    "You are just so cute when you're angry," Robbie chirped as he laid back onto the couch, his eyes roaming over you with a smirk.

    "I'm always angry!" you grumbled annoyedly as you rolled your eyes, trying to dismiss his compliment.

    "Oh, trust me, love, I know that. That was the point," he smirked as he winked flirtatiously at you. You cursed your body as it betrayed you by adding more color to your already red cheeks.

    Despite your body's betrayals, you knew better than to give up now. "Robert Andrew Kay, are you hitting on me?" you smirked slightly as you perked up, daring him to continue.

    "Eww, don't use my legal name, it makes me think I'm in trouble Ms. (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)," Robbie smirked back.

    "How do you even know my whole name, geek?" you asked curiously.

    "Oh, there's this wonderful thing out there called Google, it answers all of your most pressing questions," Robbie chuckled.

    "Are you admitting to stalking me, Kay?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

    "If I am, can we at least go on a date to reward my honesty?" Robbie tried his best to smirk as he asked, but you could hear the waver in his voice as he waited impatiently for your answer.

    "What about your preppy little fan?" you asked with more venom lacing your voice than you intended.

    "You won't have to see pictures like that if we go out, because the press won't be able to stop talking about the best match in Hollywood; us!" Robbie negotiated, his eyes frantically searching yours as he panicked that you would say no.

    "Hmm...I guess I can go out with you for one night," you slyly grinned as you watched Robbie's face light up as he let out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he had been holding.

    "Oh don't worry, after I impress you on the first date, you won't be able to wait for the second one!" he promised. He reached down to grab your hand, only to bring it up to his mouth and kiss the back of it softly, much like a prince would.

    Once he straightened himself out, Robbie winked at you one last time before strutting out of the room and in the direction of his personal trailer.

    "I already can't wait," you mumbled to yourself once you were sure that he was out of earshot.

    This new relationship could definitely have some perks.

Ahh, finally, another update!!!!! But now, there is some minor news I have to share!

I recently competed in a contest held by Fanfic and OUATfans with a Tempting Hades prompt, starring a love interest with Once Upon a Time's very own Peter Pan. It was written and published in its own book onto my profile. Would anyone like to see the story added to this book as well? However, due to the one thousand word limit, I couldn't write the idea to the extent that I imagined. Would anyone like to see the full story? 

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