Chapter 2:Neverland

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I had no idea what just happened.But I know I'm still alive.I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't move.I could feel the sand where I laid on and I could hear small waves crashing ashore just below my feet.My muscles hurt so bad.Suddenly,I heard voices.I would have panicked hysterically if I could move but I guess I'm in big trouble.

"Peter!There's a girl at the shore!"

Soon,there were crunching noises around me and a lot of whispering and murmuring.After that,my body left the ground.I was being carried by strong arms.My face pressed against the person's chest that smelled like soil and grass.I could feel that his clothes were made of leaves.I can hear his heart beat.And with that,I fell unconscious once more.


I finally regained strength and I had woken up.I found myself inside a wooden cage not far from a bonfire being prepared.I looked around trying to look for my backpack but it was nowhere to be found.I held the wooden bars and shook it roughly.My stomach was grumbling quietly so I took a glance at my wristwatch.It completely stopped.

Then,a boy came and stood in front of my cage.He had brown hair and enchantedly pretty green eyes.I'm sure he's just three years older than me.He was rather attractive but if you were stuck in a cage in the middle of nowhere,you might as well ignore it.

"Who are you?And where the heck am I?"I asked the stranger.

"I'm Peter Pan,"he says,"You're in Neverland."

Peter Pan?Neverland?Isn't that from a fairy tale that I read about.

I put on a serious face,"You're lying."

He folded his arms and gave me a smirk.I was about to speak up when his feet left the ground and he was hovering outside my cage.I had my eyes opened wide with disbelief as he flew a little higher.

"I'm pretty sure I was honest,"he added.

Peter planted his feet back to the ground to question me again.

"How'd you get here?"

"I could ask you the same thing,"I retorted.

He glared at me.

"Cooooorrrrraaaaaa!!!"he called out to someone.

A girl who seems to be my age sprinted her way here.

"Yes,Peter?"she said between pants.

"Can you show Y/N here how things work in my island?And take her with you today,teach her what she'll be doing here for the rest of her life,"he commands.

"How did you know my name?"I interrogated.

"Cause I'm Peter Pan.And I know everything,"then he walked away with his eyebrows furrowed.

Yeah,right.And my name's Abraham Lincoln(which is not).Anyway,the girl called Cora got the keys and helped me out of the cage.

"Hey.I'm Cora,"she extended her hand to me.

"I'm Y/N."

"Sorry about that but he's the boss,"she sighed.

"Well,I just woke up five minutes ago and I already hate him,"I said.

"You'll get used to it.He's not really that bad when you get to know him,"Cora explained,"Anyway,come with me."

We walked towards the fire that was surrounded by young boys.An older boy came to our direction and pecked Cora on the cheek.And it was something that told me that they're a thing.

"Hello,I'm Felix."

"Y/N,"I shook his hand.

I turned my head back to Cora,"You must be hungry,I'll get you something to eat."

Cora got me some food and I gladly ate it.After that,I tagged along with her the whole day while she explained about everything like how we'll stop growing old,reasons why the shadow took the lost boys and all those stuff.I helped her do her chores,for what it seems,she was like a maid.We cooked,do the laundry,washed the dishes and cleaned up tents except for Peter's.We weren't allowed to go or touch anything in there.Even Felix,his best friend,wasn't allowed anymore when he moved to a bigger tent that he and Cora share.It was hard work.At least,I don't get to run all day away from two drunk people.It was better than back to my home.

When night fall,the fire was set.Everyone was there to eat dinner that Cora made.She made me rest so she cooked dinner all by herself.After eating,I felt a little tired so I asked Cora where I should sleep.But before she could reply.

"Felix,lock her up in the cage,"Peter commands.

Felix tried to help me,"But it's cold there,she'll get-"

"Do as I say!"Peter cuts him off.

Cages it is,then.Felix escorted me,Cora followed behind.Felix said goodnight and went back but Cora stayed for a little while.

"You're right,"I broke the silence between us,"Peter isn't that bad,he's just worse."

Cora sighed,"Just give it more time.He'll make a tent for you,eventually."

"Well,it was my fault.I asked for this."

"What?"she asked.

"Nothing.It's just about my parents.You should get some sleep,"I suggest.



I saw Cora get in her tent.I guess I'm not really tired now that I'm cold again.I sat down and faced the bonfire from a distance while the lost boys danced around it as Peter played his pipes melodiously.I felt my lips form to a small smile.And I thought to myself,this was better than home.

After what seems hours,everyone was almost asleep but I was still fully awake with my chattering teeth,I was freezing.I tried drifting down to sleep but it was no use.Then,Peter was heading towards me holding a blanket.He handed it to me and I take it,wrapping it around me.I was starting to feel better.

"Thanks,"I said quietly.

Peter sat against the cell door facing the dying fire from the distance.We were silent for a bit when....

"Did you hear my pipes?"that's a silly question.

"Well,I'm not deaf so...yeah.I did.Why shouldn't I?"

"If you can hear them,it means you're lost,"Peter explained.

"I do feel lost,"Once again,there was silence.Then...

"So...,"he begun,"Did you enjoy being a maid today?"

I could sense that he was trying to make me feel bad but it was the other way around,"To be honest,I did."

He turned his head to me with disbelief,"Then you'll be enjoying polishing all our shoes tomorrow,"he flashed an evil smirk.

"Mkay,"was all I could say and it made his smirk fade.

"Why aren't you complaining,Y/N?!"he said confusingly.I think he expects one from me and he fails to hear one.I giggled a little.

"Why not?"

"Because,I'm trying to make you feel worse,"said Peter in an angry tone.

"Well,you can't cause I've been through the worst,"he only raised an eyebrow so I continued,"My parents love being drunk so much that they didn't realise that they're already hurting me.I was always bullied and I never had friends.So I ran away,I wanted to go as far away as possible from everything that I knew.And don't,it's any of it.If anything,I'm happy to be here.I'm not saying I'm happy about you but I met Cora,Felix,and the lost boys.I think they'll be good friends."

He just nodded and he looks hurt about what I just said but I kept speaking,"I'm grateful for the shadow that took me and all of this is better that what I used to live with so you won't be hearing complains from me even if you tried making me move a mountain."

"I'm glad you like it here.Goodnight Y/N."

Peter walked away from me and went to his shack.I slept peacefully that night.

Does anyone who reads this likes Chandler Riggs or Thomas Brodie Sangster?😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😁😁😁

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