Imagine#11P1:The girl of my dreams-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm at the girls' dormitory,mourning in my bed for a reason I don't know.Everyday just gets worse than the last.It's pass my bedtime,all the girls are asleep except me.I just hate being stuck in this bloody boarding school.But where else should I go?One day,I'll find storybrooke,I'll find my family.

Peter's P.O.V

Love.It's something weird and is not of my knowledge.It's something that can make you give up all that you have for such people.It's completely ridiculous and pathetic.Maybe that's why I'm incapable of love.Maybe it'll be something that would weaken me.Or something that I don't deserve.Do I need it?Or worse,Do I want it?Honestly,I think I do.I need to.

"Felix,"I call out,"Kill the fire.Tell the boys it's bedtime."

Felix walks away and does my orders.I heard some complaining from my lost boys.

"And what might be the problem,boys?"I asked angrily.

"Nothing,Pan,"they replied in chorus.

You see,I'm more controlling than of a leader.And for that reason I call myself king of this island.I smirked at the thought.

After that,I went back to my treehouse and got lost in my chains of thoughts.I was clearly reminded that my powers are weakening.My plan about taking Henry's heart have failed,meaning there's only one way left to save my precious island.Soon,exhaustion took over me so I went to my bed and laid down.My eyelids got heavier and heavier until I drift off to sleep.

It was dark and heart.It's turning black.I whine as I felt awful stings all over me.Soon,my eyes started to itch,I wanted to get them off.I screamed in agony as I fell to my knees.Red smoke filled my surrounding.My eyes then watered and my throat felt raw.It was like my blood was being drained from me and I had no powers.I couldn't fly,I was so helpless.I curled myself into a ball,I was dying....

But then,everything stopped.I kept panting for air,my chest still tight.There was someone embracing me,it's a girl.That's when my heart calmed.It was regaining it's original colour.I felt comfortable,happy....loved.I embraced her back.I stroked her beautiful (y/h/c) hair.Soon enough,I was perfectly calm.I snuggled my head on her neck.Suddenly,I felt her lips on my ear saying...

"Peter.....I love you."

I was tangled by her words.I slowly broke the hug to see her face.And she was the most beautiful that I've ever seen.Her perfect lips was curled in a beautiful smile.I was in awe.And her eyes,I got lost in them.Then I realised,how could a girl like her love me,I teared up.She started to lean closer...and closer.She closed her eyes and so did I.I was expecting to get a taste of her lips when....

"Pan!"the voice says,"Pan,wake up!"

I shot up from the bed gasping for air.And continued panting.My whole body was full of sweat.Felix face came into view,followed by all the lost boys.I got furious at the sight.

"Why did you wake me up?"I asked.I was still enjoying my dream when these bloody shuck faces showed up.

"You were shouting,"Felix replied,"Calling out for someone."

He looked to the ground with his eyes furrowed.

"Calling for who?"I demand.

"I could ask you the same thing.Who's she?"

I clearly had no clue of what's happening and he's already testing my nerves.I got up from bed and held on his collar harshly.

"I asked first."

That's when Felix realised I didn't really know what I just did.So he sighed and started to speak.

"You were calling out for someone named...,"he paused for a while..."Y/n."

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up from someone shaking me harshly.I shot up and gasped for air.I realised I was sweating hard.Why?I wasn't dreaming or anything,I swear.

Then Gilian's face came into view along with some of the other girls.

"Nightmare?"she asked.

I shook my head,"No.I was completely asleep,I swear."

"Well,"she begun,"It doesn't sound like it."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You were screaming.And obviously you were having a nightmare about someone.Calling out to him and stuff,"she said.

"Him?Who?"I demand.

"I dunno.Someone named...,"she paused for a while like she was trying to remember,"Peter."

I don't know anybody named Peter.Unless you include the fairytale about Peter Pan.Certainly,it won't be about someone not real.

"Sorry if I woke you all up.I won't do it again,I promise,"I tell the girls.

"Don't worry.I had worse,"Gilian replied.


It's already lunchtime here at school and I'm still puzzled about this Peter that I was calling out to.I starting to think my friends are pulling me out a prank.Oh well,I'll find out,eventually.Just think,Y/n.Think.

Part 2...Part 2.....Part coming next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😝😝😝😝😝😛😛😛😛😛😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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