Imagine#13P1:Fly with me-Robbie Kay

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Y/N's P.O.V.

In school,all I was known to be is a commoner.I never really drew close to anyone.I was really hard to get.Anyway,I had a free period for today.And everyone knows where I'll be spending my free period.The library.

Another thing about me is that I love getting lost in my little own fantasy.I could always grab a book and get out of reality for a moment.

The sight of the shelves filled with numerous books was always pleasing to my eyes.To me,it was all I could wish for.It was like going out on adventures and getting in love with someone who doesn't even exist.For instance,Peter Pan.The adventurous flying boy who visited and showed Wendy the most beautiful place that I might have imagined.If I was her,I would have stayed there with him forever.But that's just it,I'm not her.Although I wished Peter Pan would have took me with him.

Ah,just in time.I spot my favourite book from the distance(Peter Pan,of course)and I quickly dragged a ladder with me.I sloppily came up,reminding myself that I have done this more than a hundred times.As I was about to grab the book,I realised my carelessness.I had missed a step and I'm falling.I let out a gasp and suddenly everything slowed down.It was like I was about to die,time slowed down to let me realise my wrong move and break my head for it.It was horrifying.

Right at the moment,I was expecting to hit something hard and painful.To my surprise,it never came.It took me time to take it all in.I was saved.

I found myself nuzzled on someone's chest.My saviour was carrying me bridal style.I turn to seek his face,and the most beautiful green eyes came to my sight.He was staring straight to my own eyes,I felt like I wanted to melt.I was lost in them.He gulped making his Adam's apple bob,damn that turned me on.And judging by his looks,he was very attractive,specially with that gorgeous brown hair of his.Wait,maybe I did die.He must be an angel....

I didn't want this to end but I realised we made a scene.People in the library were surrounding us.I coughed for attention and he snaps from his thoughts.He puts me down..

Suddenly,Ms.Sally(the librarian) came running to me.Being the most caring teacher to us students,she checked for any signs of of me hurt.

"I'm alright,Ms.Sally,"I croak.

She sighs in relief,"Good thing you have your boyfriend around,"she says gesturing to...fucking hell,Robbie Kay??!!

"No...he's not my-"I was cut off by the bad ass.

"What are you saying,sweetheart?You must have panicked so much in your fall you forgot I am your boyfriend,"Robbie makes a chuckling sound,"Don't worry,Ms.Sally.I have her well-looked after."

He,then,wraps around his arms around me.He looks to my eyes and gestured for me to play along.I awkwardly kissed his cheek for a reason I don't even know.And yes,it's a bad idea.Seriously,I wanted to throw up knowing that I made a scene with the most bad boy found in this school.And all the students seem shocked about the news.I wouldn't date this bastard.Sure,he has the looks but I'd rather date a frog when it comes to his attitude.He bullied me back in first grade.Lord,please wake me up from this nightmare.

Finally,Ms.Sally shooed the other students away and went back to their business.After the coast was clear,I stepped on Robbie's foot harshly.It made him groan in agony.

"What the hell did you do that for?!"

"First of all,it was your fault.Why did you have to say you were my boyfriend?!"I whisper shouted.

"I saved your life,a simple thank you would have sufficed.And you played along.You're the one who kissed me on the cheek..."

"Do shut up.You liked it,"I snapped.He gave me his famous smirk and I wanted to rip it out of his face.

I started to walk away as I hear a thump from behind and some shuffling.Robbie caught up to me.

"Here,"he says.He took a glimpse of the book and handed it to me,"You still read that?Haven't you read it like ten times back in elementary school?"

Wow.He still remembers that?,"And how come you still remember that?"

He didn't respond.Then it snaps me,he always seemed to be around me.

"And what were you doing there?I know you,Kay.You hate books.Why are you in the library in a free period?From what I know,you should be out with your friends doing nonsense at the hallway,"I tell him.

He tenses up,and drops of sweat was present on his temple.Shit,he looks hot.But it hits me...

"Wait a minute,you're stalking me,aren't you?"I say.

"What..?"he says nervously,"I..wouldn't even dream about it."

Nice try.But I know when you lie.

"Whatever,"I mumble,"I'm going to head out."

But I was pulled back,"Hold your horses,Y/l/n.You haven't thank me yet,"says Robbie.

I huff,"Thank you.Happy?"

"No,that's not quite enough."

"What are you up to,Kay?"

"Well,"he smirks evilly,"Since I saved your life,which we both think is quite precious,I would like something more."

"And what's that?"

"As you can see,we made a scene.I propose we should cut to an act.Pretend to be my...girlfriend perhaps?"

"In your dreams,"I spat.

"Ah ah ah,"he tisks.It made me turn my head to his direction,"Maybe you would like something back."

He showed me a golden locket.That was my mothers,it was all I have left of her.I lost it years ago,how did he get it?

"How did you get that?"I hiss.

"You sort of dropped it at the playground when we were 12."

"Give it back,"I demand.

"Can't do that,love.There's a catch to it...Pretend to be my girlfriend?"

I took time to calculate all the stuff..What am I saying?I'm horrible in math!?

"Deal,"I say,"But just for two weeks."

"I was thinking of three months,"said Robbie.

"Four weeks,"I suggest.

"Two months,"he sterns,"or else I'd prefer six months."

I sigh in defeat,"Fine,but there'd be rules."

He smiles in so much joy,I wanna crush it.He held out his hand for me to take,"How about let's talk about it in a more secret place,love?"

I wanted to throw up,but if I didn't do it,I wouldn't get my mother's locket.I took his hand,he intertwined his fingers in mine and we left the library.....

Part 2....part coming next week...Hi guys,I'm back!it was so much stress I thought I would die....😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️😐😐😐😐😑😑😑😑

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