Imagine#21:No Idea How I Care-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V.

You might be wondering how the hell a girl got herself in neverland.Well,I'm not into embracing my inner girl,I've always acted like a boy.When the shadow brought me here,the boys had doubts of my capabilities.But through the first week,I have already proved that I was much nastier than they thought.Not in that way you're thinking,I meant I had proved I can be much stronger than everyone...well,except for Pan and Felix.

I have to admit,though.Through the years,a century to be precise,I couldn't really consider that I haven't grown in this timeless island.I feel vulnerable at times,and it's my feelings being involved.Afterall,I am a teenager and hormones are bitches.I just had to ask my body,IS THIS PUNISHMENT FOR NOT GROWING UP???!!!

Presently,the whole island is distressed.Yeah,damn me.Neverland is in trouble and I'm still talking about hormones.Anyway,the whole cause of it is mutiny.And it's between bestfriends.

You see,another girl arrived in Neverland.I wouldn't really think she'll survive here alone if it weren't for the lost boys.Another reason why the boys to be quite...jumpy.Maybe that's because I could've slit their throat if they dare try it on me.

You may think it's not much of a big deal but,it's sort of worse than it sounds.I couldn't blame Wendy of course but I was a little jealous.I mean,all of this is happening just because of her.I had feelings for this boy who had feelings for her who had feelings for Felix and him having feelings for her back.So yeah,one-sided love is another trending stuff in Neverland.Well,just for me and Pan that is.

Yes,I admit.I do like him a lot.It's the reason I've been loyal to him and followed everything he asked.But still,he fell for a girl who despise him.And because of his liking,he feels he had been betrayed by his best friend because she chose Felix over him.Yup...I'll let you sink in to that for a bit..

My lungs were begging for air but my legs kept up to their speed.I had to get to the caves,I had to get to Pan.Well,we had a problem about the whole Truest-Believer-Mission.Friend had arguments and the whole thing was stuck in between.And I had to take care of it since the Henry's whole family is involved.Saddly,Felix had convinced them to side with him,Wendy by his side,to finish off Pan.And knowing boys when they're in love,well some of them,he was ready to give up.I know,very unusual for the saying 'Peter Pan never fails'.But what do we have if not belief.

"Pan!"I shout through the cave opening,"Pan are you alright?!Where are you?"

The last time I saw him,he was bruised up,wounded,and probably bleeding to death.If I haven't teleported him here,he could have been dead meat.If I didn't find him here i'll certainly screw my magic.


"I'm right here.."

It was rather low.But audible enough for me to follow.He laid against a rock with his hand on his bleeding side.I ran to him and tended him quickly.I didn't bother any permission so I started to clean him up.

"Why can't you heal yourself up?"I asked.

"Felix took my powers.Huh,betrayal from my best friend and girlfriend.Hurts like a bitch,"he replied.

"First of all,Wendy and you aren't official.For godsake,she couldn't even bear seeing you.Second,since when did the great Peter Pan started to curse?"

He just groaned.

"Can I at least take you to the water fall?"

"No,Y/n.It's too dangerous.Felix would be guarding the entrance."

I thought of another idea,"How about I go alone?He trusts me,I won't get caught."

"Since when did you care so much?"

Ouch.Alright,that's it.This bloody demon doesn't even know what he's saying.

"Since when did I care?"I snapped,"I can't believe it!"

He furrowed his eyes at my reaction.I stood and towered over him.He was shirtless but I had his lower part gauzed.

"Listen up,you bloody demon.Ever since I came here,I've been doing all the caring I haven't done to anyone in my entire life.I took care of all the meal preparations every single day,I took care of every lost boy who gets sick or injured including yourself,I took care of finding,feeding,and convincing your precious Wendy during her stay in this hell of a bloke of an island.I took care of your escape from Felix,I am taking care of your wounds presently.And most of all,I've followed every rule,order,and favour just because I care for you as I hope for your care in return.Now let me ask you,since when did you care about how I cared!?!"

Like I expected he only starred at me dumbfounded so I kept in to my speech.I'm very mad at the moment so I'd be leaving after this to cool off.

"Right,you don't,"I huffed,"Because you have your eyes on that stupid Wendy-"

"She's not stupid!"

"Shut up!"I yelled,"You can't even care enough to listen to me.You and I both know that you are completely aware of my feelings and my thoughts.But you ignored them because to you,I'm just like any of the lost boys.It never mattered to you how hard it is for me to put up all the effort I could to everything you ask from me.You never bothered to look at me the way you looked at Wendy.But I get it,okay?She's everything I'm not and she has everything you want from a girl.Intelligence,beauty,valiance.She need no effort to have you looking at her that way while I struggled to even earn a 'thank you' from your mouth.I wish I don't have feelings for you but I can't stop it.Even though how much I don't want to expect from you,I do."

Peter looked down avoiding eye contact.I didn't realise I was already crying.

"Then don't brag when you don't have anything good to say,"I continued wiping out my tears,"Stay put.I'll get water from the Enchanted waterfall and some food."

I left the cave with ease and I was on my way to the waterfall....

Part 2?????😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊✌🏼️✌🏼✌🏼

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