Imagine#24:So,This is Love-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Here am I again,witnessing the most brutal of killings.Reasoned by the most childish of judgement by a boy a year older than me.Perhaps what they say about us girls are true,we mature faster than of the male species.

But those poor souls are not to parish.At least they can finally get rest and finally be free from this unfortunate fate.Unlike me,an orphan girl who was put up in a wooden cage hung on an enormous tree just because of no cause.I suffer a one meal a day routine,no time to even move or stretch my bones freely,a bloody view of rotting bodies of lost boys who probably defied Peter Pan,and unwanted visitors at what seems to be my visiting hours.

"Well someone seems to be deep in thought,"a voice says.

"You seemed a couple of hours early for a visit,"I replied to the familiar figure,"I'm not ready to listen to your nonsense yet."

"I'll pretend to have not heard that.Try not to ruin my finest mood,love.Do yourself a favour,"Pan said.

"What are you talking about?Pissing you off is starting to become a hobby of mine.I have nothing else to do,you know."

"Then today is your lucky day,my dear y/n.I permit your freedom,"as the words came out,he cuts the vine attached to the cave causing it to fall harshly on the ground.I winced,"But you aren't allowed to go anywhere without my supervision."

I sighed,"That's good enough than spending eternity in a cage.But I will be breaking your rules,that is,if you don't answer my question."

"If you even try it,you'll end up like them,"he referred to the dead bodies.

"Do you really think I'm stupid?"I laughed,"You and I both know that if you ever have no need of me,I have already been lying over that pile of shinanigan.Which brings us to my question.What do you need from me?"

"As much as I want to know the answer to that,I have no clue,not even a single hint.Though my shadow recommended your presence here to eternity.He says you'll be a great use for me.I just haven't found out why since he refused to share the reason.But I trust him the most so I need no questioning.All I need is to find out which I'll begin today."

"All I can say is good luck to you.If there was anything special in me,I could've been bragging it to you.I told you before,I hold no importance."

"That is what you think.But I have a very different opinion,lost girl,"says he.

As the cage doors open,I placed myself over the edge and prepared to stand up after weeks of unwanted procrastinating.

I struggled in a feeling wherein my joints were cemented permanently causing me to fall of the forest floor...

I heard a chuckle,"You look like someone banged hard to the core."

"Please,just shut up for once."


As predicted,everything got worse after a couple of hours.Damn this target practice.

I stood nervously in front of the tree watching every lost boy shoot a dream shade-drenched tipped arrow to an apple on my head.My chest thump just got worse when I eyed the next lost boy.He was quite the weakling amongst them.As he pulled on the string,his hand shook.Peter was smirking evilly behind him.There was fear in his eyes and he closed them.

"Don't close your eyes!"I squealed.Eh,begged I mean.

He did what I asked and let go of the string sending the row to hit a centimetre over my bloody head.I sighed in relief.

"Good job,boys,"Pan compliments,"Now,for our next game.."

Next game?I've been used quite enough..

"C'mon,doll,"Peter gestured to me.

Oh no,he didn't....

"That's it!!!!"I yelled,"I have quite enough!"

Everyone's attention swallowed me.I took the opportunity even though I knew that after a brief moment,I'll be dead meat.I marched to Pan and held his collar roughly.

"You listen well,you nitwit,"I grit through my teeth,"I admit that a girl such as me is just like a doll to you,using me as a dummy,playing me like an object.But you missed a little detail,Peter Pan.Real boys don't play with dolls."

And I ran off marching to the woods...


It was a relief that Pan hadn't followed me after I walked out of there.I got to admit though,my words of wisdom was a face smack.

I was getting a little hungry so I fetched some food from the bearing trees and returned to the only walk into another deathly scene.

Another heart crushed into dust.Another lifeless body for the pile.Another misunderstood situation from childish judgement.But it was worse,it was one of the good boys.I was just about to talk to him after the fire had started but Pan had already robbed me of a future friend.


I charged at him,pushing him away.I sat at the dead boy's side....I didn't even got to know his name.

"Don't defend him,y/n.He had broken my rules."

"What the damn hell of a rule did he broke that caused him his life?!"I looked up to him but he avoid contact,"Answer me!"

"He was going to do something to you.I felt it."

"He was going to talk to me!I wanted to be his friend!"I snapped.

I sighed with deep sadness and stood up,"I only knew him for a couple of hours and he has already done more good things to me than you ever did in the pass few weeks,"I shoved him the fruit basket I held and walked away to find a shovel,"I didn't even got to know his name,"I murmured enough for him to hear.

Pan watched me as I gave the poor boy a proper burial.

"His name's George,"he announces as I had just placed a headstone.I wrote his name on the wood with a chalk I found nearby..

I stood after I laid down some flowers to the newly dug soil.I shot a glare at the brunette villain beside me.And for once,I saw a tint of guilt on him and that was enough to make my glare fade right away.

"Why do you do such things?"I asked rather softly.

"Why not?"was his reply.

"Pan,you make things a lot more complicated.Are you not aware of the existence of forgiveness and forgeting?"

"Life isn't life without risk,"said Pan.

"You need not risk.Not all the times,at least.It's made to be beautiful and just."

"I'm making it just."

"No,you're not,"I snap,"It is not just to kill someone who has only good intentions.I am not your property and like any human being I deserve freedom."

"You are free,"he replied rather stupidly.

"From a cage,I am.But what about my will?Couldn't just let me have a friend,could you?"

"Well,I'm giving you more than friends.I'm teaching you strength to survive alone."

At this point,we were already walking back to camp for dinner.Surprisingly,he's building up this conversation...well,more of a debate.

"I'll never be alone as long as there are people alive.Everything is not about independence,"I say.

"Why do you care so much about friendship?"Pan had an annoyed tone.

"Because I am human.And humans are best at loving even a morbid villain such as yourself.You have a black heart,but you cannot call it a heart if it cannot love.Do you not love your lost boys?They're your family,are they not?Specially Felix."

That shut him up to think for a while.He had stopped walking but I head on.But after several steps,I turned my heels to meet his forest green eyes again.He focused on me,ears ready to listen.

"I know that friendship is unnecessary.Like philosophy,like has no survival value,rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

I started walking again with Pan following slowly behind.


Days became better after my life lesson for Peter Pan.He had treated me differently than before but he still was that annoying.We became friends eventually,and he was becoming more of a leader than a boss to the boys.He smiled a lot more than usual,and I must admit that it was beautiful,enough to make up my day.He was more of an older brother.A bit overprotective from the boys that flirted with me,but it was fine.He was a better person.

We were off to the shore to kick some pirate ass but it was a lot more complicated than ever before.They had guys this time.Hook wasn't in a good mood and took off the edge and I saw it coming.

A bullet was racing it's way to Peter's chest and I did what a good friend would do,though cliche I had to.

I had my back faced to Hook for I had took the shot.It was an unbearable pain but Peter's shocked expression was more painful.He caught me with his arms,and he was tearing up.He had his mouth agaped,begging for me to stay.'Til this day,I couldn't believe how I made a monster to be good and to be my friend.But let's be honest.I've always wanted more than that ever since the beginning...

I smiled as a tear left my eye.Peter caressed my cheek and I used my last breath to speak,"Take care of yourself,dear friend."

And my world became black.


Peter's P.O.V.

I had charged to the enchanted waterfall with y/n in my arms.Her body had spit out the bullet with the help of the water but she was still unconscious because of the blood loss.

Felix was behind me feeling quite bum himself.She was like a sister to him.

The shadow came but I could only focus on the girl in my arms.It's been a few months and I haven't found out her soul purpose that the shadow was talking about.But I can name a few if I was ever asked.A great friend,that was she was.She lead me to the light and showed me a lot of wonders.But my affection for her was nothing like a friend.It was far more than that.And it made me mad.Why does it hurt in the chest to see her this way?I've changed a lot since she's been here.

"Shadow,why is she here?How could you send her to me?"

"You know the answer to that.The proof is your heart.This island and you need her here.Are you not aware?The hourglass had stopped.I was wrong about needing the truest believer.Y/n was easier to find."

After he left,I pulled out my heart from my chest with ease.Once again,it was a surprise.It wasn't pitch black.It was pure red.Disgusting as it seems,I put it back and returned to brushing y/n hair as I kissed her forehead,waiting for her to awaken.I was beginning to worry that she haven't open her eyes yet.Worry?When was the last time when I got worried?
What is this feeling?!

"If this is love,I do not want it."

"That's because it's real,"said Felix from behind,"Something like that shouldn't be let go of."

As if on cue,y/n gasped for air and I immediately search for her eyes.

"Are you alright?"

She looked at me and smiled,"Are you?"

"No,of course not.With you leaving me,I would have followed you.I was worried,you know that.And crazy ideas was popping in my head such as kissing you like how Snow White's prince would have done."

I was about to keep on going,and try to put in some jokes somehow but she had shut me up for the third time in her stay.

I tasted her berry flavoured lips collide on mine.There was no fireworks but it felt like all my sins were forgiven immediately and I had the chance to taste what was it like in heaven.

She pulled away,"Is that better?"y/n asked as she caressed my cheek.

"Nope,"I attached our lips once again,though it was a little bit forceful causing us to fall on the forest floor,her straddling me.

She smacked me as she laughed,"You cheeky little blighter."

"Geez,get a room,you two.I would have preferred all the drama before over this!"Felix whined as we laughed our heads off.

So,this is love...

#Foreveralonefelix....eyo,people!Hope you like it...please comment...Or message me,I need someone to chat with...I'll reply,don't worry..😊😊😊😛😱😱😎🤓

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