Imagine#27:You and Me-Robbie Kay

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This is gonna be quite short,guys.Sorry,I'm now at school.Ugh!I only get to have a two month vacation...something that I don't like about my country.

Lol....if I can't meet and touch Robbie Kay,I'll pretend I can.That's what pencils are for.😂😊👍🏼

Y/N's P.O.V

People believe that love could actually last forever.But they never knew that it also depends on those two people if they want it to last forever.Well,Robbie and I once wanted that too right in front of God at the church altar.....but years had passed and we were never what we once were and I had realised that it was now just me to wish to last forever.He doesn't even wear his ring anymore.

He seems to have grown tired of me.He says I was just another additional problem.I had found out that he was seeing another girl.He told me that he had found new love.Robbie had planned how to get rid of me and I was just waiting for his move.

Robbie's P.O.V.

I've been waiting for hours after coming from the court with divorce papers on my hands.I was sitting on my chair in the living room with excitement and somehow a little sadness.But I had made up my mind,this was the right thing.

It was quite obvious that y/n and I are no longer in love and I had met a girl that I grew fond of.Since I had no rights to hide secrets from her,I told her I was married.She didn't really seem shock of the idea but she told me that she would say yes if I divorced y/n.I wouldn't really think that she'd mind.I mean,we barely eat together,barely talk to each other,and I never had slept together for quite a long time.I couldn't even remember the last time I told her I loved her.

Suddenly,I heard the front door shut.Y/n had arrived and entered the living room.But before I could speak,I was surprised about how she looked.Her eyes were red and puffy and she was still sniffing.

"Why are you crying?Are you alright?"I asked.

"Uhhh...yeah.I'm fine,"she said casually,"Just payed a visit at the city,I guess."

I looked at her curiously but later on shrugged it off and stepped into my attempt..I showed her the divorce papers and she suddenly felt uneasy as she read it.But she was calm,I assure you.It was like she knew this was coming.

"Sign it,"I say.

Y/n looked at me for a while before sighing and started to speak..

"Fine,"she said.

I smiled in relief and handed her a pen.


I raised a brow,"But what?"

"I have a condition,"she replied,"I'll sign them as long as you do what I ask."

"What is it then?"I asked growing a little unimpatient.

She stepped closer to me,"Everything that you used to do to me after our wedding....I want you to do those thing again for one whole month and only then I sign these papers."

I wanted to protest but if you come to think of it,it doesn't really sound like a bad idea.It wouldn't really hurt to try and I wasn't really that much romantic after our wedding.

"Okay,I'll do it.It's a deal."


Y/N's P.O.V.

Two weeks had passed from our deal.We had cuddled more often,talked more like the way we used to,went to restaurants five times.Right now,we were lying in bed cuddling,Robbie was playing with my hair when...


I hummed in response.

"I don't want you to sign the divorce papers anymore.I already broke up with her now that I realise that I still do love you.I've just been ignoring it I guess."

I was in total shock,I never knew the deal could still turn the whole thing around but it seem it had.

I faced him and kissed him full on the lips like the way I used to,pouring out all my feelings.

When we broke out a little breathless,I spoke.

"Either way,whether I sign it or not,it will just be the same."

Robbie furrowed his eyebrows while cupping my face,"What do you mean by that?"

I stared at him for quite a while until a rebellious tear escaped and it led the others to wet my face...

"Hey,"he hushed with a gentle voice,"Tell me.Are you okay?"

"Well,"I sobbed,"You see,Robbie.I'm sort of going away...for a long time.And you may not see me again."

His face turned into a look of panic and asked away,"To where?Is it with another man?"

"No,not with another man.I would never do that to you."

"Then what?"he asked with a scared tone,"Why are you leaving me now that I chose to stay with you?"

I held on to his trembling hands as I looked into his teary eyes.

"Because,Robbie,"I choke,"...I'm dying....."


Robbie's P.O.V.

I was standing in the middle of a grassland alone.Relatives have left but I had to say goodbye alone.Even if I can't see her anymore,I tried.

"I'm so sorry,"I cried,"You deserve someone so much better than me."

It was two weeks ago when I had just found out that she was sick.I felt so disappointed of myself for not being there for her,so ashamed that I even planned on divorcing her a month earlier.On the exact day she found out that she only had one last month to live her life.

Ever since two weeks ago,We spent our last times together to the fullest and I will never forget about that.I knew that nobody can really replace her.But one day,I'll see her again.Me and her.This time,forever...for real.

Forgive me,my readers...better imagines next time!😖😖😢😁

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