Imagine#2P1:Love Your Enemies-Robbie Kay

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School has been insanely and unbelievably irritating.I'm not just talking about subjects but also these people surrounding me.I used to have friends but I found out that they were saying things behind my back.They were nice in the beginning.Then,they flipped.

I ignored each and every one of them so they'll know that I don't care.Wait,I really do care.But I want to prove them that I don't need them.At least for a while.

I was on my way to get to my locker and go home.To get there,I had to walk the 'The Hallway of Best Friendship'.And I always feel bad whenever I go here.Everyone walks in pairs with their best friends with such sweet smiles plastered on their annoying faces.It's like they're doing it intentionally doing it to piss me off.If it is,it's working.

I had to admit,I used to be like them with my old best friend.With Robert Andrew Kay.A.K.A,Robbie.Who is now meters away walking towards my direction with his new pall in crime,Jacob.We were best friends since first grade,I was acting like a lesbian by those times and it was cut off when I had my first period.I became what I should have become a long time ago.A girl.I changed quickly to person I didn't think would be me,And that was being the most smartest,loyal,and hardworking female student in (your school).And a pretty one if you ask me.

Ever since then,Robbie started to avoid me.The last time we talked was about his love interest a few years ago.It was weird though,he asked what was my type.I told him I like boys that looks like Leonardo Dicaprio,who had a voice like an angel,and he should be as smart as Albert Einstein and was really cool and hot with a dash of sass which I believe is impossible to find.Then,the next day,Robbie never talked to me again,at least in a 'best friend' kind of way.He became the most popular kid in school,he snobs at me and treat me like he never knew me at all.If you consider being locked inside the classroom,putting disgusting stuff in my locker and hiding my books as bullying,then yes.He bullied me like the jerk I never thought he could be.He became my enemy and this went on and on until now and I'm taking a wild guess....Forever.

Robbie pollutes my happy thoughts everyday so I pretend that he was invisible.He was getting closer now.He wore shades to make him look cool and he flashed his famous killer smirk.He loves getting attention and being the most visible kid here so I tried to show no emotion as if I could see pass through him.I was just 5 meters away....4......3.....2......1......

I passed between Robbie and Jacob with a loud thud.I bumped them hard on their biceps that they groaned in pain.

"Hey,Y/l/n!"Robbie shouted.I tilted my body slightly enough to see them,"Watch where you're going,"he argued in his mad British accent.

I smirked,"Whoops,didn't see you there.You should've gave way,Kay.You too,Clavis,"with those words,I tried to walk away just to hear my name again.


I turned around and to my surprise,they were close like...just half a meter from me.I got a little nervous,I went too far,didn't I?

"Apologise,"Jacob commands.

"For what?Trying to pay back for just once compared to a million times you did that to me?"I mumbled.

Robbie took off his shades and glared at me that seems to pierce my eyes.I glared back with the same anger and hatred.

We just glared at each other.With an annoyed look he gestured for Jacob to just let it go just this once.Wow,I seem to read his mind.Cool.

If they won't kill me for it,I would have shouted that there's more to come.Unfortunately,they will so it's better to just shut up and enjoy the small victory.


Well,I got my things packed and rode the bus.I sat at the front seat and was patiently waiting for the bus to be loaded up.Minutes later,it was almost full and two separate seats left.And one of them is beside me.Then,Jacob and Robbie came.They looked at each other aware of the situation so they raced to the seat that was far behind.Jacob got there first making Robbie sigh in defeat with a blend of annoyance.I whined in my head.Why did Jacob have to get there first!?My face turned utterly bitter and I folded my arms on my chest.Robbie sat beside me with his face expression unpaintable.

I scooted further away towards the window making sure I still had my annoyed face on.Anyway,I live at Obancy street,Robbie lives at the same neighbourhood.Actually,he just lives just next door so the both of us gets off and in the bus from and to school everyday which means I never had a good day cause his presence ruins it.The whole bus was full of laughter and noises except between me and Robbie.He glances at me once in a while.I try to not look back but after a few minutes,his glances turned to a stare.I wasn't looking at him but I can see him at the corner of my eye.

I didn't know what came over me,I tilted my head to face him unintentionally.He darts his eyes away to avoid my gaze.

Five minutes passed and the driver pulled over the nearest bus stop.Robbie got out first.I was about to step off the bus when the bloody driver already closed the freaking door.The door's edge caught up with my flat shoes causing me to stumble out to the cement.I expected cold and hard ground but felt two strong arms instead.I pulled away just to see Robbie's face.

"Are you alright?"he asked in a surprisingly kind way.But you ain't gonna fool this smart ass,you're trying to decide me.

"Get away,"I spat,"I was doing fine!"

"Well,a simple 'thank you' would suffice,"he says with disbelief for my ungrateful reaction.

I glared at him with a sigh and quietly mumbled,"Thanks."

He smiled in return,I never saw that smile since a few years ago so it came out to be more of surprising to me.I started to walk away still with hatred painted all over my face.Robbie caught up to me.

" was school?"he asked.That was weird.

I wanted to tell him that it had became miserable ever since he changed.For all those years,he treated me like I was never a part of his life then he asks me how was school today?!

He was definitely waiting for an answer,"Don't get your hopes up,shuck-face.It doesn't mean that if you had help me once you can walk and talk with me again.So get lost."

"That was rude,"Robbie said.

"Well,it wasn't as rude as what you treated me for the past few years.And it's your fault that Gin always beat me up in a way to tell me that 'I'm dating Robbie now so shut up and be my punching bag'."

"So you're jealous?"he asked with the most annoying face expression.Shank!

I stop on my track and looked at him.I bursted out laughing like a crazy idiot at the side walk.I laughed so hard that my stomach was aching.He looked very confused,furious,and surprised about this.I finished off with a loud sigh and quickly wiped off the tear of joy from my good loud laugh.

"Jealous?Why in the world would I be jealous about some stupid idiot who dates a bastard like you?"I interrogated,his expressions shows that he was hurt but it's no time for chivalry,"Plus,you're my enemy,remember?You made my life complicated so there will never be a reason for me to get jealous of you.You know what your problem is?It's because your so full of yourself.Your a jerk who left his former best friend for no reason and becomes a snoby bully lurking in the halls of the-"


I was cut off by a familiar voice.Mom.Oh I'm so in big trouble if she heard anything I just said.I turned and saw my mom with her furrowed eyebrows and her hands resting on her hips.I know that poss,it's called 'You're-so-in-big-trouble-young-lady' poss.And it says I have to go inside the house,right now.

I glanced at Robbie who I think really got hurt with my words.Did I really went too far?I guess I did cuz he's walking away real fast looking down.I should be happy but all I feel is guilt.....and really nervous because of the mad lady shouting at me.

"Get inside the house now!"Mom commanded.

I did what I was told and came up the stairs.I was halfway to my room when mom called out again.

"Y/N,we need to talk,"said mom sternly.

I sighed and went back downstairs to meet her I the living room.

"What wrong mom?"I asked.

"What's wrong?"she says mockingly,"Oh there's a lot of wrong.Why were you letting out foul words slip out of that dirty mouth of yours?"

Dirty?I heard a lot worse than this mouth,"I don't know,"I replied,guilt was wrapping me up like a candy.

"I didn't raise you like that.You have no idea what you just have done."

Done?I just told him what he was.

"Mom,please don't ground me.I'll do anything,"I pleaded.

"I'm not going to ground you.Just something worse,"she said.What could be worse than being grounded?,"I'm going to call the Kay's over tonight.We're going to have dinner together."


Hello readers....this note is really important if your interested with all of...this.I could take requests or something....Just give all the details and I'll work on it....😀😀😀😀😀😀😍😍😍😍😉😉😉😊😊😊😁😁😁😁

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