Imagine#3P1:Jealousy with no point-Peter Pan

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Y/N's P.O.V

Finally,the sun was about to set.Meaning no more mumbling from Pan about 'This camp has no room for free loaders'.It's been a few week since I first got here and I quickly became a slave on the day that followed.Pan really hated girls,specially useless and the weak ones when in comes to his games based on his opinion.And that's just it,his games are brutal.What worse is that he's so full of himself.

Every time we play,he always reminds me to never cheat cause I'll get punished.Look who's talking,cheater!If you hadn't got any magic,you might get the title as 'The Sore Loser' in this bloody island!

My job was to cook,clean and wash clothes.I help make medicines and take care of someone that gets injured.More like a mother,or a maid.

Anyway,we're all gathered at the beach.We'll be sleeping here for tonight.The lost boys have started the fire and are now ready to dance around it like idiots who celebrates every night for nothing.I just sat there and waited for the sky to get completely dark to see the stars and their mesmerising light when....


It was Pan holding something on his back.The first thing that came to my mind was that it was a knife to stab me like the first time I got here,when I was still their new punching bag.As I recalled,it sunk in my side and it really hurt.Pan healed it though but it left a scar.

"What is it,Pan?"I retorted.

"Oh nothing.Just want to sit with you,that's all,"he said.Liar!

"Seriously,just spill it."

He revealed the mystery objects.It was a sketchbook and a bundle of pencils and pens.I really missed holding these things,I draw whenever I'm upset.

"It's for you,"he hands them to me as he sat on the log,"I knew it helps you calm a little bit so I asked my shadow to get them for you."

I was grateful.But I don't get it.Why would he even thought of giving me these.

"You're a bit confusing,Pan.But thank you,"I said.

He darted his head to face me and furrowed his eyebrows,"Confusing?What do you mean?"

"Well,you tried to kill me a few weeks ago.Now,you're giving me things that you know I need."

"I-uh-,"he stuttered,"-just wanted to thank you for doing a good job."

Lame cover up.When did he start rewarding people for doing a good job?

"Okay,"that was all I could say.

"Anyway,stop calling me Pan.Call me Peter.Always."

First,a gift of appreciation.Now,'Call me Peter'?What are you up to?Whatever.I just want him to leave so I just nodded.He walked away to check up on the boys.Soon enough,he started to play his pipes.I really feel sad knowing that I could hear it,I am lost.Slowly,I begun to accept that.This time,it was different.I feel something about the music like it was for me.I bobbed my head to Peter's direction and met his eyes.He turned away and his face turned red.It was visible even though the fire was illuminating.For a reason,it made me smile and Peter looked at me with more confidence than before.We stared at each other for what seems a few minutes.I cut it off and looked up at the sky instead.

I have always admired the stars.But this time,I got less interested.My mom used to say that you can't look at something beautiful the same way you did like the first time when you found something much more beautiful.Have I?

I let out a deep sigh and grabbed my new sketchbook.I didn't miss home but I do miss my brother.So I tried my best to draw him.His name was Chandler,and he was a special boy.He was easily loved,unlike me.He was mom and dad's favourite child but I wasn't jealous.If anything,I was happy for him that he wouldn't share the same fate as mine.Stuck in a bloody island with a demon.More or less at least.I was feeling like I want to cry but I have to show that I'm strong enough to hold the tears.

I hear footsteps coming so I flip it close and stop.

"What are you hiding?"a familiar voice says.

"Hiding what,Peter?"

"I'm not stupid.Hand me the sketchbook or I'll put you in the cage,"he threatenes.

It worked,though.I don't want to get in that nasty cage ever again so....I slowly picked it up and hand it to Peter.He snatched it and took a look.

It was nothing to be mad about but he looks furious.

He looked at my eyes and I saw a hint of anger on his pretty green eyes.Whoops,I'm in trouble...

He grabbed me by the arm while his other hand still holds my drawing.He dragged me farther in the forest just far enough from the lost boys to find or hear us.His grip tightens and I winced.

"Peter,stop.Please,you're hurting me!"

He lets go and I rub my bruised wrist with my unharmed hand.

"Who's he?"he demands.

"Peter,you're over reacting.You don't-"he cuts me off from my reasonable explanation.

"Over reacting?!I tried to be nice to you thinking you might accept that you belong here now and this is what I get?You are so ungreatful!"he shouted.

"Well,it's your fault that you brought me here.Why did you bring me here anyway!?"

I was about to open my mouth again when he attacked my lips with rough kisses.He pushes me backwards pinning me against a tree and kept kissing me relentlessly.I try to push him away but snaked his hands around my waist and brought me closer until there was no space left.Honestly,it felt good.I weakened and let him do this to me.He tasted like vanilla.Suddenly,it became sweeter and sweeter.His tongue explored my mouth perfectly.My mind was totally against this but I couldn't do anything until I was out of breath.I pushed him away real hard and took in all the air that I need.

"What the hell was that?!"I shouted.

He came closer again,"Just wanted to prove that you're mine,"his voice was full of mischief.

Then,it hit me.I finally understood what was this about.I laughed.Peter seemed unpleased,he had a confused look.

"Y/n,this is no laughing matter.I'm being serious,"Peter says sternly.

I was still laughing,he looked pissed off.He started to walk away.


He turned around to face me again,"You're jealous,aren't you?"

Honestly,I didn't expect anything like that from Pan.I always thought he hated me and I thought that was the reason he was always watching me everyday.I barely know him but he admitted that he watched me since I was five.And here we are,about to confess something unbelievable.

He nodded.I giggled a bit,"Sorry to say that you're jealous with out a point."

Peter raised an eyebrow,"Why?"

"He's my brother,silly,"I said,"What happened to your 'Peter Pan knows everything' quote?"

Embarrassment hit him like a truck,he was blushing.It was cute if you ask me.

"Well,I told my explanation.Now,Can you explain why you kissed me?"I asked.

"It meant nothing,"he retorted shyly.

"Oh really?Then,why were you so furious?And what makes you think I'm yours?You're the boss here but you don't own my body completely,"I spat back.Honestly,his answer made my heart sank.

"It's because...I-uh-..ummm,"he got his tongue tied while he scratched the back of his neck,"I.......ummm..."

"Stop stuttering!Spit it out,damn it!!!!"I shouted.

"I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!"Woah,I didn't say 'tell the whole island',"There,I said it.And it is true 'cause the thought of it keeps bothering me.I cared about you since you were five,that's why I brought you here.I wanted you to be mine."

He looked frustrated and really nervous.I guess I could give him a shot.I have some feelings for him too,you know.
I walked up to him and kissed him with passion.He obviously wanted to keep going when I pulled away.

"You might have mentioned that a bit sooner before you ate up my face.By the way,I'm in love with you too,"I retorted.

"Then,kiss me."

I did what I was told and the whole thing turned out to be a make out session.We stopped when we heard someone clear their throat.Felix.

"Hey love birds,quit eating each other's faces and go ahead and sleep.We have a big day tomorrow,"he informs.

Sup guys....thanks for the reads.It's really appreciated.It helps me to keep on writing my ideas...If you're a fan of Chandler Riggs,please comment so I could follow you...We had a blackout here at my place so I had to draw to keep me busy...And yeah,That drawing of Chandler was originally made by me.Sorry if it doesn't look like him.I'm just twelve years old,what did you expect?No hate,luv u all.😀😀😀😄😄😄😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️

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