Imagine#4Where I belong-Peter Pan

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Authors P.O.V

It was a cold night in a lonely street in (your country),there was only silence except for the footsteps that came from a lonely girl walking by the sidewalk.Her name was Y/n.A runaway,an orphan,unloved,and friendless.On the brighter side,she's smart and beautiful,very attractive and worth anyone's time.Kind-hearted,well-mannered,and faithful.Though at this point,she was helpless and she has nowhere to go.

She kept walking even though her shoes were poorly tattered and her clothes weren't enough to keep her warm.But all of these things were far better than spending the rest of her life in an orphanage where she won't even have the chance to get adopted.That's what she thought.

Y/n always had a feeling that she never belonged here,she had a feeling that she was to live in a more magical place where she can be herself and have fun.And by fun,she means adventures.Just like how she and her parents would go to places like the forests when they were still alive.She got used to it and she has a thirst for the experience.

The time came when she halted to get some rests and find a place to sleep.She doesn't want to spend the night on the cold cement floor so she looked for a place to stay.She went in an alley way.Well,it was better than the road so she gathered layers of cardboard boxes and tried to make a comfortable bed and settled down for the night.

Y/N's P.O.V

I almost drifted down to sleep when a sudden smell of cigarettes stung my nose,I cringed.Soon enough,I heard footsteps and maniacal laughs.I know exactly what kind of people were approaching and they always lurk in the darkness of alley ways during the middle of nights.I quickly stood up and got myself ready to run but before I could do any of those,I was hoisted up by my collar.It was dark but the moon helped a bit to reveal a terrible old face in front of me.

"Scream and it'll be the last thing you do,"the man's voice sounds irritating,smoke came out of his mouth as he said the words.

I was panicking and my heart was thumping like I'll never see tomorrow.The man's hand gripped my neck and pulled me up sending my feet unplanted from the ground.I couldn't breath,I tried clawing off his hand but two more pairs held them tightly.This was it,I'm gonna see my parents again.I won't be lonely anymore.

Just before I was about to die,he unhands me and he was sent flying away and landing harmfully in the middle of the street.The other two men shared the same fate.I wanted to see who just did that but I laid on the ground sucking all the air I need until I black out.

Peter Pan's P.O.V

I was awake the whole night left alone in my chain of thoughts as I sat near the dying fire from last night.It was almost sunrise but my lost boys were still deep asleep.I'm about to shout a wake up call when I felt something.Or I should make that someone.Someone has arrived in my island.

I flew up high to have a great look of the whole island.I darted my head on the beach and smirked.

I headed to the shore without hesitation.I've been expecting a new lost boy.I saw an unconscious body and approached it but it came to be more of a surprise.It's a girl.

I hovered above her like a butterfly looking for nectar.If she was a flower,I'd say she was the most beautiful that I've seen.And I usually don't care about girls like her but the very moment I saw her,something clicked in my chest.I feel so different.Maybe because she too is different.

I strongly dislike times when girls are brought here,then they wish to go back to where they came from.I want to make sure that if you're brought to Neverland,you'll be willing to stay.I had to make sure she is truly lost.

I sat on a huge rock not far from the girl.I waited there patiently and prepared my pipes.She's going to wake up soon.

Suddenly,my shadow came like always.He stayed there waiting for me to speak.

"Tell me her name,"I demand.

"Y/n,"he replied.

I smirked.Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.I remembered her,I've known her for so long but I forgot about her.I've been waiting for her for so long.After that,I commanded shadow to leave just in time y/n had awaken.

I started to walk away heading to camp to give her a head start.After twenty steps,I started to play my pipes.

Y/N's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open and met the clear blue morning sky.I could tell that it was still early.I sat up and winced for the terrible head ache that felt like a bullet straight through my brain.I was recalling everything that happened last night and I was surprised to have found myself in a beach.

I finally stood up and looked around,this place seemed familiar though I don't think I've been here before.Soon enough,I heard music.It was beautiful,I felt obliged to follow it.I know it wasn't the smartest thing to do when you know you're lost but it seems like it's the very reason I have to follow it.

My feet hurts and my shoes were extremely ripping apart.But I kept going deep into the woods.It looks dangerous but I'm not scared.Actually,I feel like I'm going on an adventure.After half an hour or so,I heard voices from afar.Maybe I could get some help.I arrived to what seems to be a camp.I expected a lot of people since I heard a lot of voices not too long ago but the only person there was a boy my age with brown hair and seriously mesmerising green eyes.He draws his lips against the pipes in his hand,that must be where that music came from.

I must be alarmed but I was calm instead.I looked into the piper's eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I must say.That music was quite lovely,"I said.He stopped furrowing and quits playing the pipes.I smiled at him but he returned a bit surprised expression.

"You are lost,"he mumbled.

"Basically,I agree with you.But something seems familiar here as if I've been here for before but I don't remember when did I exactly came.I have a feeling as if I was-"he cuts me off.


I nodded,"What is this place?"

He approached me and flashed a breath taking smirk,"You're in Neverland,Y/n.You're finally home."

"Neverland?I'm not so-Wait!How did you know my name?"I start to feel panicked.

Mischief was present on his face,"That's because I'm Peter Pan,love.And Peter Pan knows everything."

I certainly did not believe that.At first,I was thinking if I let him solve a math problem but sarcasm would do,"Yeah,right.And I'm George Clooney,"I giggled.Who would believe someone who pretends to be a character from a fairytale story and tell me things like 'this is Neverland'?Actually,I think I met someone like him.I met a drunk man who lived across the orphanage.He hugged a man with a long beard and yelled 'Dumbledore,you're alive!'.

"Who's George Clooney?"the boy asked.So much for 'Peter Pan knows everything'.

"Exactly,dude.Exactly,"I point out while I bobbed my head up and down.

He gave me a confused look.My laugh was silenced when he proved himself.He floated up high from the ground while his arms are folded against his chest.He looked annoyed.Honestly,if I could curse,I would have done it.Unfortunately,I can't so...

"Booyyyysssss!!!!!"Peter yelled.I believed him now.

Hooded people came out of the bushes that surrounding the camp.I'm in big trouble.I assume they're the lost boys.

"Put her in the cage!"He commands and two boys responded and held my wrists with a tight grip.They dragged me in the wooden cage and locked me in.Me and my big mouth.


A lesson was surely learned.Never think someone is joking cause they told you they were a character from a fairytale.

I'm locked inside the cage for the whole day.One of the lost boys brought me breakfast and lunch.I'm suppose to be crying and helping to get out of the cage but the truth is,I feel like I don't have to.In fact,I was comfortable.Not that I'm in here but I feel like a part of me is free,literally out of here while the other half was stuck.I wasn't scared,I feel like I found my home.All my life,my body has been looking for this and it's satisfied right now.

I expected to sleep here so I was confused when the lock was opened.I push the cell door open and I saw Peter Pan.

"Sorry about the whole cage thing.I was just irritated when you thought I was lying,"he says rubbing the back of his neck.

I know that there was something about him being demonic but I didn't expect he'll be sorry for earlier.Getting out of that cage was a relief though.

"I should be sorry,too.I was really irritating,"I retorted.Still,I'm mad at him.And a little hate.Something tells me he's playing a game with me.

"We should join the boys.They're eating supper around the fire,"he held out a hand for me to take.

I have second doubts about it but I took it anyway.I trust him.I don't know why,I shouldn't but I feel like I already have ever since I could remember which makes no sense at all.Why?

He sat on a rock while I just ate dinner watching the lost boys dance around the fire.Pan played his pipes again and they're as amazing as before.Peter sat beside me after I finished my meal.

"Tell me,Peter.Have I...met you before?"I asked.

"No,you didn't.But I know everything about you."

We quit the conversation but he stayed there beside me.The boys were telling jokes after that.They were good jokes,I wish I could laugh at them.If I weren't just so glum about my life....

Peter and the boys were laughing like maniacs while I just sit there awkwardly.I was having thoughts when Peter spoke to me.

"When was the last time you laughed,y/n?"he interrogated.

I just shrugged my shoulders to gesture him that I don't remember.

"You really don't remember me,do you?"he looks annoyed.Honestly,would I if I knew?I'm an orphan,for Pete's sake!I've been in terrible things that's unforgettable.

"I came to you once,in your dream,"he says,"It's just been a week after your parents died from the car crash,I knew you were lonely so I tried my best to make you happy.That was the last time you laughed,you were so happy,Y/n.You didn't even want to wake up.I showed you everything and took you around Neverland.I promised you that you'll be with me and you're here now."

I started to recall my dream when I was 11.I was so young that time but I was in my fourteen-year old body.Everything he said was true.I knew it was just a dream so I took some risks and did the stupidest thing you can do to strangers you've just met.I kissed him before I woke up.

"And now,"he continued,"I'm going to make you laugh again.And make you as happy as possible for the rest of your life."

He intertwined our hands,they fit perfectly,"I know it's so sudden and you just met me today but I've known you your whole life."

With those words,he brushed his lips on mine,"Your my lost girl and you're finally home."

I have to admit,this one really is terrible.Sorry for the late update,I had school shopping and I watched Tommorrowland...and starting next week,the updates will be weekly cause I'll be sent to my boarding school in June 1.And they don't allow gadgets in there,even cellphones are banned in that school.But I'll be sent home every weekend so I'll try to update more often.Anyway,Thank you for all the reads,it really meant a lot.....Sorry for the mistakes,I didn't check the whole thing,I'm as lazy as I'm crazy😀😀😀😀😃😃😊😊😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️😉😉😉😉😋😋😋😋

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